Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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204 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESFrancois Xavier, 137 ;<strong>com</strong>missioner to Bed negotiates on reciprocity, 9 169 ; arbitratorRiver colonists, 6 37, 11 154, 19 81.in Bering Sea dispute, 6 121, 8 726 ;disThiboult, Thomas (1681-1724), of the Quebec sents from decision making regulations outSeminary. Imbibes Jansenist teaching, 2 side territorial waters, 746 ;death of, 6 124.432.Thompson, W. Petitions for retention ofThin Red Line. First two-deep, formed at Governor Blanshard, 21 121.battle of the Plains, 1 298.Thompson, William. Black-and-white artist, 12Thirty-fifth Regiment. Sent to Island of St 631.John, 13 324.Thompson River. Hudson s Bay CompanyThirty-second Regiment. Band of, present at post in British Columbia, 21 127 n.launch of the Royal William, 10 592. Thomson, Charles Edward Poulett. See Sydenham,Baron.Thom, Adam (1802-90). Appointed to investigate Lower Canada municipal institutions, Thomson, David Edmund (6. 1851). First4 396 ;recorder at Red River, 19 53, 20 moderator of united Baptist Church, 11 369.371 ;his invidious position, 19 53-4 ;his Thomson, Edward William (&. 1849). His lifeseverity in repressing smuggling, 54 ;his and literary work, 12 562.conduct at Sayer s trial, 57 ;returns to Thomson, Hugh C. Secretary of Board ofEngland, 57.Agriculture of Upper Canada, 18 567.Thomas, John. Merchant of Bristol, granted Thomson Line. Vessels and routes, 10 614-15.trading patent (1501), 1 24.Thorborn, A. G. Member of TerritorialThomas, John (d. 1776), American general. assembly, 19 224.Retires from Quebec, 3 97.Thorn, Jonathan. Commander of the Tonquin,Thomas, American privateer. Captures the 21 59.Liverpool Packet, 13 253.Thornton, Sir Edward (1817-1906), BritishThomas F. Bayard, American fishing boat. ambassador at Washington. CommissionerThreatened with seizure, 8 698.in arranging Treaty of Washington, 6 47,Thomas J. Drummond. Lakes freighter, 10 8 694 ; proposes appointment of Alaska557.Boundary Commission, 930 ; signs San JuanThomas MKay. Steamboat running between boundary protocol, 876 ; joint negotiator ofQuebec and Bytown, 10 499.Brown-Fish draft treaty, 6 67, 9 131 ; umpireThomas Perkins. American trader at Fort in Ontario boundary dispute, 6 93, 8 896.Vancouver, 21 66 its ; cargo of spirits bought Thornton. Canadian sealer seized by Americanby M c Loughlin, 66.cruiser, 8 7<strong>23</strong>, 731.Thomelet, Jacob. Member of Schools Associa Thorold, Welland Canal. Volunteer camp oftion at Montreal (1686), 16 338.exercise formed at, 7 412.Thompson, David (1770-1857). Sketch of, 4 Thorpe, Robert, judge of Court of King s664, 669 ;at source of the Assiniboine, 605 ; Bench, Upper Canada. Foments discontentvisits Mandan Indians, 665 ;discovers in council, 3 184 ;his election to assembly ofsource of Mississippi, 665 ;at sources of Upper Canada, and recall, 185, 4 462 ;takesSaskatchewan and Athabaska Rivers, 665 ; proceedings against Lieutenant - Governorexplores the Columbia from source to sea, Gore, 3 331.666-9, 21 58 ; summary of his work, 4 669 ; Thousand Islands Steamboat Company. Abtries to forestall Pacific Fur Company, 21 sorbed by Richelieu and Ontario Navigation59 ;on basis of division of islands in St Company, 10 554.Lawrence and Great Lakes, 8 828-9.Three Rivers. Cross erected by JacqueaThompson, David (1796-1868). Author of Cartier on island near, 2 379 first ; chapelWar of 1812, 12 502.built and mass celebrated (July 26, 1615),Thompson, E. A. First president of Agri 388 ;Indians at give warning of projectedcultural Society of Upper Canada, 7 664.raid on Quebec, 391 truce ; proclaimedThompson, E. E. His successful production of between French and Indian tribes at, 396 ;Alberta Red wheat, 20 589.Jean Nicolet drowned at, 1 61 ; syndicThompson, Q. C. Author of libellous letter d habitationa elected (1647), and suppressedin the Novascotian, 13 283.(1661), 15 288; Radisson at, 1 72, 79;Thompson, J. Anglican clergyman at Port Huron and Ottawa trade embassy at, 69 ;Hope and Cavan, 11 222.Iroquois raids on, 15 31 ;discriminationThompson, John, sail-maker on the Boston. against merchants of, 2 482 ; visited byHeld as a slave by Maquinna, 21 53 ;method Saint-Vallier, 4<strong>23</strong> ;Ursuline convent foundedadopted in securing his release, 53-4.(1698), 428 ; keeping of furs in houses proThompson, J. B. One of fathers of Confedera hibited, 501 ;iron forges of, 511, 16 576-7 ;tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.destructive fire at, 2 440 ; elementary schoolsThompson, J. S. Supports restriction of of, during French regime, 16 346-7 ; AngliChinese labour, 21 256.cans take possession of R6collet church at,Thompson, Sir John Sparrow David (1844- 11 21394), premier of Nova ;Sullivan attempts to hold, 3 97 ;Scotia (1882), prime college founded at (1860), 16 432 ; municipalminister of Canada (1892-94). Raised to government of, 15 319.the bench, 14 390 ;vindicates Riel s execu Thunder Cape. Silver production at, 9 121-2.tion, 6 105 ; defends Jesuit Estates Act, Thunderer. War vessel on Lake Champlain,107 ; prime minister of Canada, 120 ; 10 487.

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