Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Tawney, James. Member of United Statessection of International Joint Commission,6 368.Taylor, George W. (d. 1912). Member ofBritish Columbia Fisheries Commission(1905J, 22 456.GENERAL INDEX 203Taylor, John Fennings (1820-82). Publishes aseries of Canadian biographies, 12 508.Champlain, 1 50.Taylor, John Wickes (1819-93). Appointed to Tetro, J. B. Director of elementary school atinquire into operation of treaty of reciprocity, Quebec (1700), 16 331 ; teacher at Boucherville,348.5 256.Taylor, J. W., United States consul. Warned Teutonic. White Star-Dominion liner, 10 610 ;of Fenian movement on border of Manitoba, first merchant ship to be equipped for cruiser19 101.service in time of war, 610.Taylor, Thomas (b. 1865). Minister of Public Texas. Dominion Line vessel, 10 608.Works of British Columbia, 21 <strong>23</strong>3.Thain, Wm. One of fathers of ConfederationTaylor, William. Presbyterian minister atOsnabruck (1811), 11 266.Taylor, W. H. Anglican missionary in Assiniboia,11 228.Taylor, Zachary (1784-1850). Favours reciprocity, 5 <strong>23</strong>8.Tea. Importation from United States prohibited, 5 198 ; extensively smuggled, 198 ;difference in grades consumed in GreatBritain and in Canada and the United States,198.Teabout, Henry. Builds the Frontenac atErnestown, 10 496.Tecumseh (1768-1813), Shawnee chief. Character of, 3 213-14 ;<strong>com</strong>mands Indians onfrontier, 220 ;ambushes an American force,221 ; at attack on Detroit, 222-3 ;andBrock, 224, 4 715 ;in <strong>com</strong>mand of theIndians, 3 <strong>23</strong>8 ;killed at battle of MoravianTown, 245, 4 716; 714.Tehuantepec, Mexico. Naval base establishedby Cortes at (15<strong>23</strong>), 21 14.Telegraph. (1) Ship which conveyed RichardTalbot settlers from Quebec to Montreal,17 74. (2) American steamer fired on byBritish sentries at Brockville, 4 393.Telephones. Bell Telephone Company : restrictions placed upon its powers to encroachon streets, 15 314 ; placed under DominionRailway Commission, 314 ; its interests inManitoba acquired by province, 19 132.Municipal development in Ontario, 18 476.Telephone systems and statistics in PrairieProvinces, 20 324-5 ;administration of,338-9 ; acquired by Manitoba, 19 132, 133.Telmon, Pierre Adrien (b. 1807). First Oblateto minister in Bytown, 11 55.Temple, Sir Thomas (1614-74). Partner withLa Tour in a grant in Acadia, 13 51 ; purchases La Tour s rights and maintains posts,51-2 ; surrenders his posts after Treaty ofBreda, 52.Temple, Captain. Proceedings against, in connection with election riots at Montreal, 3 316.Tenedos. Sails from Halifax in <strong>com</strong>pany withthe Shannon, 13 258.Tenth Canadian Field Hospital, A.M.C. Employed in South African War, 7 438.Terrae Sanctae Crucis (Brazil). Discovered byPedro Alvarez Cabral, 1 <strong>23</strong>.Terror. Ship of Franklin s last expedition,5 295-6.Teslin River. Tributary of the Yukon, 22 592.Tessier, Auguste (b. 1853), minister of Agriculture of Quebec, 15 213 n. ; provincialtreasurer, 213 n.Tessier, Le. Aids in founding convent of StLaurent, near Montreal (1732), 16 358.Tessoiiat, Algonquin chief. His warning toin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Thales. Ship built at Yarmouth, 10 581.Thames City. Conveys detachment of RoyalEngineers from England to British Columbia,21 147.Thames River. Tract purchased from Chippewason, 4711; Indian settlement formed on,5 334.Thavenet, Abbe Jean Baptiste (1763-1844).Favours Abbe St Germain for coadjutorshipof Quebec, 11 98.Theatre. Private theatricals of garrisonofficers, 12 651^-3;Charles Dickens s appearance in Montreal (1842), 652; FrancesMonck s account of 25th Regiment s performance at Quebec (1864), 652 ; Moorson stheatricals at Halifax (1830), 652 ;first professional <strong>com</strong>pany and its repertoire (1786),653-4 ; United States the theatrical base ofCanada, 654 ; opening of Theatre Royal,Montreal (1825), 655; old Theatre Royaldemolished (1844) and new theatre opened(1862), 656; later history, 657; theatricalseason of early days, 657 ; early history ofToronto, 657-8 ; opening of Theatre Royal,Toronto (1833), 657; in Halifax, 658;Winnipeg Theatre Royal established by1st Ontario Rifles (1870), 658 ;rise of theatrein Winnipeg, 658-9 ; incidents in CaptainHorton Rhys s tour through Canada (1861),659-60 ; Canadian dramatists and players,660-1 ;Canadian a branch of Americantheatre, 661.Theberge, Adrien (1808-63), cure. Aids infounding Masson College, 16 432.Thelon River. Copper-bearing rocks of, 22 659.Themines, Marchal de. King s lieutenant ofNew France, 2 390.Theriot, Pierre. One of pioneer colonists ofMinas, 13 52.Therrien, Alphonse de Ligouri (b. 1848). FrenchCanadian president of Baptist convention ofOntario and Quebec, 11 373.Thetford, Eastern Townships. Asbestos industry at, 9 186.Thetis. Ship built at Yarmouth, 10 581.Thibaudeau, Father, O.M.I. Erects church ofSt Charles, Winnipeg, 11 189.Thibault, Jean Baptiste (1810-79). Joins RedRiver mission, 11 128 ; his missionaryjourney in 1842, 130, 20 477 ;labours amongthe Chipewyans, 11 134 ;at mission of St

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