Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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2O2CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESof French party at Ottawa, 70 ;on the Talbot, Thomas (1771-1853). His ancestry andkilling of Scott, 89 ;his influence dreaded military service, 17 57-9 ; aide to Simcoe,by Kiel, 89 ;arrives at St Boniface, 89 ;58-9promises a ;his love for the Canadian wilds,<strong>com</strong>plete amnesty, 6 40-1, 11 157, 59-60 his ; patriotic aims, 60-219 89-90 ;his amnesty repudiated, 90 ; grantedtract of;Upper Canada and founds settlesecures liberation of prisoners, 90 ; warns ment, 60-1 ;some of his distinguishedRiel against helping Fenians, il 159 ; guests, 61 ; conditions of his grant, 62 ;nominated for council of Rupert s Land, 19 re<strong>com</strong>mends Richard Talbot to settle in197 ; member of first Board of Education of township of London, 74 ;forms and settlesManitoba, 20 427 ;frets at delay in settling Talbot Road, 62, 63 ; extent of his holdings,amnesty, 19 98 ;aids French-Canadian im 62-3migration from United ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies Maitland on his visit toStates, 11 161 ; sup Peterborough, 87 ; his political creed, 63-4 ;ports claims of the Metis, 6 100 ; intervenes denounces Rebellion of 1837, 64 ;his deon behalf of imprisoned Metis, 11 172 ;andcharges of disloyalty against French clining years and death, 64-5.popu Taliourd, Froome. Member of <strong>com</strong>mission onlation, 19 127 ;convokes provincial council, Indian Affairs (1850), 5 340.11 172-3 ; publishes Kiel s secret Bill of Talon, Jean (1625-91 ),intendant of New FranceRights, 19 128 ;and separate schools con (1665-68, 1670-72). Arrives in Canada, 2troversy, 11 176, 19 127 ;death of, 11 181. 345, 15 35 ;his instructions, 2 469 ; plansTach6, Sir Etienne Pascal (1795-1865), prime great French dominion in New World, 1 82,minister of Canada (1851-57). On a French 102 ;endeavours to thwart Hudson s Bayalliance with Draper administration, 5 50 ; Company, 172 discountenances establish;at Boston railway celebration of 1851, 10 ment of States-General, 2 347 ; condemns375 ; original director of Grand Trunk monopolistic administration, 470 ;fostersRailway, 401 ;member of <strong>com</strong>mission on shipbuilding, 471, 475, 10 478, 479, 480;defence, 7 396 ; passes School Act of 1855, promotes trade and manufactures, 2 471,18 314 ;forms coalition government, 6 17 ; 474-5, 15 38, 40 ; engages in search foradvised to disavow the double majority, minerals, 40 ;favours reciprocal trade with5 149.New England, 11 475 ;fosters immigration,TacbA Joseph Charles (1821-94). French- 15 36 ; careful in choice of settlers, 37 ;Canadian journalist and author, 12 477, granted seigniory of des Islets, 39 ; imports484.girls to wive with settlers, 40-1 ;his influenceTachfc, Joseph de la Broguerie (b. 1858). on Colbert s trade policy, 2 476 ;foundsSecretary of Dairymen s Association of military seigniories, 538-41, 15 39 ; proposesQuebec Province, 16 526.acquisition of winter port, 39-40 ; suggestsTadousac. Steamer on Saguenay-Quebeo route to winter port on Bay of Fundy, 40,route, 10 551.48 ;on economic advancement of colony, 46 ;Tadoussac. Pont-Grave s wel<strong>com</strong>e at, 1 45, prevents colonists from returning to France,47 ;Father John d Olbeau winters at (1615),2 388 ;first school in Canada opened at(1616), 389 ;burned by David Kirke (1628),400; definition of boundaries of (1658), 8915 ;first centre of fur trade and chiefarticles bartered, 2 447 ;its trade with StMalo, 448 ;trade monopoly farmed out,482 ;chief of the King s Posts, 4 524.Taft, William Howard (b. 1857). Negotiateswith Canada on Payne-Aldrich Tariff, 6176, 9 222-3 ;his message to Canadianpeople oa reciprocity, 224 ; passes Taft-Fielding agreement, 225-6 his; speeches onreciprocity and their effect in Canada, 6183, 185.Tagona. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Taignoagny, Indian youth. Ac<strong>com</strong>paniesJacques Cartier to France, 1 33, 35 ; plotting of, 36, 37 ; held as hostage, 38.Taillon, Sir Louis Olivier (b. 1840). Premierof Quebec (1887, 1892-96), 15 193, 207;reduces public debt, 208.Talbot, Jean Jacques (1678-1756). Teacher inSulpician schools at Montreal, 16 338, 384.Talbot, Peter (b. 1854), senator. Teaches inpublic school at Macleod, 20 484.Talbot, Richard. Obtains grant in UpperCanada, 17 73 ;settles immigrants fromsouth of Ireland in township of London,73-5.51-2 ;founds marine institute, 16 374 ;returns to France, 15 45 ;created Comted Oraainville, 2 569 his ; enlightened policyand services, 1 8, 9, 83, 2 469, 10 479, 15 46-7.Tardivel, Jules Paul (1851-1905). Author ofPour la Patrie, 12 476-7 ;conducts LaVdriM, 477.Tartar. (1) Ship sent on expedition againstMachias, 13 216. (2) C.P.R. steamship, 10617.Tarte, Joseph Israel (1849-1907). His chargesagainst the Abbott government, 6 120 ;minister of Public Works, 131 ;and Canada sparticipation in South African War, 141, 142 ;supports protectionist campaign of 1902, 9202.Tartuffe. Its representation in Quebec forbidden by Saint-Vallier, 16 372.Taschereau, Elzear Alexandre (1820-98), RomanCatholic archbishop of Quebec (1871-98).Relieves sufferers in typhus epidemic of 1847,11 96 ;his administration, 101-2 ; presidesover provincial councils, 102 ;and Catholicliberalism, 104 ; opposes establishment ofbranch university, i05 ;cardinal (1886), 106.Taschereau, Louis Alexandre (b. 1867). Ministerof Public Woi-ks of Quebec, 15 213 n.Tatlow, R. G. Minister of Finance and Agriculture of British Columbia, 21 <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>2;resigns on railway policy, <strong>23</strong>3.

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