Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESAgricultural Industries ; Dairying ;Elevators ;Flax and Hemp ; Fruit-growing ;Immigration ;Wheat and Grain.Aguilar, Martin d . His voyage of 1602, 21 17.Ahrens, Carl (b. 18G6). Landscape painter,12 622.Aigremont, Clerambault d . His report on NewFranco, 2 493-4.Aiguillon, Marie Madeleine de Vignerot,Duchesse d (d. 1675). Founds hospital atQuebec (1639), 2 410.Aikins, James Cox (18<strong>23</strong>-1904). Presses forwithdrawal of policy of disallowance, 19121.Affleboust de Coulonge, Louis d (d. 1660),governor of New France (1648-51). Opposesproposed <strong>com</strong>position of council (1647),2 329; mission to New England (1650),332.Ainslie, Thomas. On arrival of Carleton atQuebec, 3 83.Airey, Julius. His visit to Port Talbot, 17 64.Airey, Richard, afterwards Lord Airey (1803-81). Visits Port Talbot, 17 64.Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of (1748). Cape BretonIsland restored to France under, 1 217 ; <strong>23</strong>2,2 372, 13 81.Akpatok Island, Ungava Bay. Sighted byHudson, 1 151.Alabama Claims, 6 46-7 ;award of GenevaConvention, 51-2.Alain, Jean Baptiste Louis (1753-1833). Frenchpriest serving in Maritime Provinces, 11 42.Alarm. Vessel built by the Salters, 10 585.Alaska. Explored by Vitus Bering, 8 7<strong>23</strong>, 727 ;acquired by Russia, 7<strong>23</strong> ;United States, 7<strong>23</strong>, 729, 930.purchased byAlaska Boundary Dispute. The Ukase of 1821,8 917-19; negotiations of Great Britain andUnited States with Russia, 919-20 ; Monroedoctrine promulgated, 920-2 ; Bagot s instructions and proposals, 922-4 ;modification of Bagot s instructions, 924-5 ;StratfordCanning takes up negotiations, 925-7 ;Russo-British Treaty of 1825, 927-8, 21 67-8 ;the Dryad case, 8 928-9 ; neutralization ofterritory during Crimean War, 929 ;RussianAmerica acquired by United States, 7<strong>23</strong>, 729,930 ;unfounded accounts of events leadingup to sale, 930 and n. British ; request forjoint survey (1872), 930; Stikine Riverboundary, 931 ; Dall-Dawson correspondence, 931-2 ;British protests against contemplated infringements, 932-3 ; boundarysurvey conventions (1892 and 1895), 933 ;friction at Chilkoot and White Passes (1896),933-5 ; appointment of Joint High Commission, 935 ;Convention of 1903, 936-8 ;<strong>com</strong>position of Alaska Boundary tribunal,6 145-6, 8 939, 955, 956 ; points at issue,938-9 ;decision re Portland Canal, 939-41 ;cases and counter-cases, 941-50 ;the decision, 6 146-7, 8 950 ; dissatisfaction inCanada over decision, 6 147-8 ;review ofcase, 8 951-8.Alaska Commercial Company. Leases PribyloffIslands, 8 7<strong>23</strong> ;and a sealing monopoly,9 159.Alaunia. Cunarder, 10 600.Alava, Don Jose Manuel.at Nootka, 21 51, 52.Spanish <strong>com</strong>manderAlbanel, Charles (1616-96), Jesuit. At HudsonBay, 1 172, 8 882.Albani, Madame (Marie Louise Cecilia EmmaLajeunesse), 6. 1850. Native of Chambly,near Montreal, 12 649.Albany. Its trade with Montreal suppressed,2 502 ; prices at, <strong>com</strong>pared with Montreal,502-3 ;conference with Iroquois at, 1 <strong>23</strong>8 ;British rendezvous (1755), 242.Albany. (1) Sails with Knight s expedition(1719), 1 195. (2) Sent to suppress piracyin Bay of Fundy, 13 136.Albatross. Steamer owned by Lieutenant-Colonel Sleigh, 12 516.Albemarle, Christopher, second Duke of (1653-88). One of the Gentlemen Adventurers, 1162 ; original member of Hudson s BayCompany, 166.Albert. First steamer on Georgetown-Pictouroute, 10 563.Albert College, Belleville, 11 337, 18 401.Albert Manufacturing Company, Hillsborough,N.B. Its success under protection, 14 694.Albert Railway. Its hopeless financial position,10 448-9.Alberta. C.P.R. steamer of upper lakes fleet,10 556.Alberta. See Prairie Provinces ; Saskatchewan.Alberta and Great Waterways Railway Company. Relations of Rutherford governmentwith, 19 276-7.Alberta College, Edmonton, 11 337, 20 497, 498,499, 503-4.Alberta Ladies College, Red Deer, 20 499.Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company, 20591.Alberta, University Of. Its incorporation andprogress, 20 499-502 ; statistics, 1908 to 1913,503 ;its affiliations and extension work,503-5 ; problem raised by rapid expansion,506.Albion. Sailing vessel owned by the brothersAllan, 10 603.Albion Mines Coal Company, of Pictou. Ownersof first steam vessel to enter a Prince EdwardIsland port, 10 562-3.Albright, Jacob (1759-1808). Founder ofEvangelical Association, 11 399.Alcedo. Vessel built of spruce at Moncton, 10585.Alcide. French ship captured by Boscawen,13 90.Alciope. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 498.Alcorn, George Oscar (6. 1850). Introduces acorrupt practices prevention bill, 6 162.Aldborough, Township of. Granted to ThomasTalbot, 17 61; settled byScottishHighlanders,63 ;lands conveyed to Colonel Airey, 64.Alden. Sent by Phips to raid Nova Scotia, 1356.Alderney. Conveys settlers to Halifax (1750),13 83.Alderville, Northumberland County. Industrial school established at (1848), 5 349-350.

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