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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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at Quebec (1760), 1 309.Swedes. Immigration of, 7 565 ;homesteadentries in Prairie Provinces made by (1910),20 316 ;and educational facilities, 459.Sweeny, Campbell (b. 1849). Member of BritishColumbia fisheries <strong>com</strong>mission (1905), 22 456.Sweeny, John (1821-1901). Roman Catholicbishop of St John, New Brunswick (1860-1901), 11 78 ; patron of a settlement association, 14 404.Sweeny, Patrick. Priest at Perth, 11 49.Sweeny, Robert (d. 1840). Author of Odds andEnds, 12 567.Swiftsure. Canadian steamboat launched in1811, 10 495.Swiss. Number of immigrants (1901-12), 7564 ;settlements in Saskatchewan andAlberta, 19 168, 180.Sydenham, Charles Edward Poulett Thomson,first Baron (1799-1841), governor of Canada(1839-41). Chooses governorship of Canadain preference to chancellorship of the exchequer, 4 407 ;lands at Quebec, 5 13 ;problems awaiting solution, 4 408-10 ;onCanadian politics and parties, 5 14-15, 24-5 ;his struggle with Family Compact on union,4 412-13; arid the French Canadians, 5 17,19, 20, 27, 30, 33, 87-8; assumes politicalleadership, 4 413-14, 5 18 ;desires a centralCanadian party, 18 ; Bagot s adverse criticism of, 20 ;drafts resolutions on responsible government, 20 ;his threefold task, 4410 ;rebukes Strachan over a money transaction, 5 21-2 ;his sketch of Upper Canadapolitics, <strong>23</strong> his ; policy in supplanting lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 4 448 ;onGENERAL INDEX 201Surprise. (1) Frigate its timely arrival at governor s personal responsibility, 5 24-6 : ;Quebec (1776), 3 96. (2) First steamer to on deadlock in Nova Scotia, 25-6 ;and theascend Fraser River, 10 569.clergy reserves, 4 414-15 ; 5 60-2 ; reformsSutherland, Alexander. Missionary secretary land registration system of Lower Canada,of Methodist Church, 11 326, 327.4 415 his ; postal <strong>com</strong>mission, 756, 5 367-72 ;Sutherland, Daniel. Deputy postmastergeneralfor Canada, 4 735, 736, 739.posed banking reforms, 167-8, 261-4; inviteshis survey of finance (1840), 166; his proSutherland, Duchess of. Crofters evicted by aid for public works from home governsettle in Canada, 15 156.ment, 167 ; points out inconvenience ofSutherland, James (d. 1828). Presbyterian elderministering at Red having every change in colonial trade relaRiver, 11 285 removes tions made in;Britain, 191 ;in favour ofto Eastern Canada, 285.permitting imports of tea from UnitedSutherland, John (1807-99). Collector of cus States, 198-9 ; on preference on colonialtoms under Riel s provisional government, timber, 200 ;criticises Rolph s land settle19 85 n.ment scheme, 207 ; gives Sulpicians possesSutherland, Thomas Jefferson. His attack sion of their estates, 11 94 ; urges problemsupon Amherstburg, 7 388.of local government, 15 292, 18 300 ; passesSutherland, Walter, lieutenant. Surveys town District Councils Act of 1841, 429 ;on qualiships along St Lawrence, 17 <strong>23</strong>.fications required in hisSutherland, William. Member successor, 5 109 n. ;of first Territorial sketch of, 4 407 his ; points of resemblanceassembly, 19 224; member of advisory council, with Sir John A. Macdonald, 5 3-4 ;char19 227, <strong>23</strong>1.acter and training of, 15-17 ;his success asSutherland. Signal for final attack on Quebecgiven from parliamentary strategist, 17-21; raises stanship, 1 296.dard of efficiency in administration, 21 ;Sutil. Spanish ship, circumnavigates Van his success in diplomacy, 22 ;Grenville scouver Island, 21 48-9.estimate of, 27-8.Swaine, Spelman (c. 1769-1848). Navigates Sydney, Thomas Townshend, first Viscountaround head of Vancouver Island, 21 48. (1733-1800), secretary for Home and theSwan. (1) Vessel of Drake s expedition lost Colonies (1784-89). Hints at change inin the Atlantic, 21 16. (2) Lake vessel, 10 administration of Quebec (1785), 3 121,486.1<strong>23</strong>-4; and Smith s appointment as chiefSwanton, Commodore. Destroys French ships justice, 124.Sydney, Cape Breton. Named in honour offirst Viscount Sydney, 13 <strong>23</strong>1 ; displacesLouisbourg as capital, <strong>23</strong>1 ;number ofinhabited houses and official buildings in(1795), <strong>23</strong>2; post office opened at (1803),5 375 ;made a free port, 10 560 ; plansfor shipbuilding development at, 587 ;Denys reference to coal-mines at, 14 672 ;coal-measures of, 9 30 ; mining developmentat, 14 394-6.Syne, Alfred. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171.Syrians. Immigration of, into Canada, 7 565-6.Szeptycki, Andrew, archbishop of Lemberg,Austria. Visits Ruthenians in CanadianWest, 11 194-5.Tabeau, Pierre Antoine (1782-1835). Commissioned by Bishop Plessis to report onNorth-West, 11 120 ; Bishop Panet s delegateto London and Rome, 94.Tache, Alexandre Antonin (18<strong>23</strong>-94), bishop ofSt Boniface (1853-71), archbishop (1871-94).Arrives at St Boniface (1845), 11 133, 20421 ; early years of, 11 134 ;founds missionat He a la Crosse, 134; first missionary onLake Athabaska, 135 ; implores that hemay not be recalled, 136 ; Provencher acoadjutor and successor, 136-8 ;his palaceand its servants, 139 ; pastoral journeys of,139-40 ; educational work of, 140 ;memberof council of Assiniboia, 140 ;his cathedraland residence burned, 142 ; lays foundationof new cathedral, 147 ; apprehensive forFrench Catholic interests after incorporation of North-West, 19 66 ; urges claims

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