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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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2OOCANADA AND ITS PROVINCESStrathcona and Mount Royal, Donald AlexanderSmith, first Baron Opens public school at Montreal (1781), 11(1820-1914). Describes 214; appointedsituation at Red to Kingston, 214, 221;River, 6 37 ;on sensitive establishes first English school in Upperness of settlers to presence of strangers, 33 ;Canada (1786), 214.his negotiations with Riel and the settlers, Stuart, Robert. Nor wester who joined Pacific37, 38, 11 154-5, 19 81, 82, 83; secures Fur Company, 21 59, 60.reprieve for Boulton, 86 ;intercedes for Studholme, Gilfred, major (d. 1792). At reliefThomas Scott, 6 39, 11 157, 19 88 ; aids of Fort Cumberland, 13 135Riel s escape, 6 44 administers ; repels; colony till marauders on the St John, 136-7 ;conarrival of Governor Archibald, 19 97 ;structs Fort Howe, 137-8; wel<strong>com</strong>es loyalistsmember of council of Rupert s Land, 196 ;on their arrival at St John, 145 ;wood forand the amnesty question, 106 ; member house building issued by, 145 of provisional council of the ;member ofNorth-West, first council of New Brunswick, 154.198 ;and Pacific Scandal vote of censure, Stupart, Robert Frederic (b. 1857). On summer6 59 ;director of St Paul, Minneapolis, and isothermal line in North-West, 20 586-7.Manitoba Railway Company, 19 111 ; Sturgis, William. His description of sea-otter,Dominion representative in Manitoba schools 21 247.conference, 6 126 ; high <strong>com</strong>missioner, 370 ; Subercase, Daniel d Auger de, governor ofequips regiment for service in South African Acadia (1706-10). Successfully defends PortWar, 7 437, 440, 441 ; founds Strathcona Royal, 13 63 ; reports on the colony, 63 ;Trust, 459, 14 556.reports successful raids on Boston shipping,Strathcona. Population (1901, 1911), 20 327. 64 ; surrenders Port Royal, 65.Strathcona s Horse. Employed in South Success. Ship sent on expeditions to discoverAfrican War, 7 438 ; time occupied in North-West Passage, 1 196.raising, 440.Suckling, George. Charges judge of admiraltyStrathey, H. S. First general manager of of Nova Scotia with taking excessive fees,Canadian Bank of Commerce, 10 637.13 104-5 ; declines to waive his privilege,Stratton, James Robert (b. 1858). Provincial 105.secretary in Ontario cabinet, 17 180, 200 n. ; Sudbury. See Mining.accused of attempt at corruption, 183. Suffa, O.M.I. Erects church at Regina, 11 189.Street, John Ambrose, attorney-general of New Sullivan, Barry (1824-91). Anecdote of hisBrunswick. Passes a permissive municipal appearance as Richard III in Theatre Royal,act (1851), 14424.Montreal, 12 656.Streeter, Frank Sherwin. Member of United Sullivan, Ebenezer. On treatment of AmericanStates section of International Joint Com prisoners after surrender at the Cedars, 3mission, 6 368.99.Strickland, Samuel (1 809-67 ). Settles in ptonabee,17 79 ;Sullivan, James (1744-1808). United Statesmoves to Douro, 79 ;his con agent in St Croix River Commission, 8 759 ;nection with the Canada Company, 79, 92 ; suggests alternative points among theauthor of Twenty-Seven Years in Canada islands as fixing mouth of river, 767 ;hiaWest, 12 543-4, 17 79.error on the highlands and its conseStrikes and Lock-outs. See Labour.quences, 780, 781, 782 and n.Stringer, Arthur J. (b. 1876). Novelist and Sullivan, John (1740-95), American general.writer of verse, 12 563.Retreats with Arnold to Crown Point, 3 97.Stringer, Isaac 0. (b. 1862). Anglican bishop Sullivan, Robert Baldwin (1802-53). Memberof the Yukon, 11 <strong>23</strong>1.of executive council of Upper Canada, 3 355 ;Strong, Caleb (1745-1819), governor of Massa his withdrawal from ministry suggested bychusetts. Acknowledges prescriptive right Baldwin, 519; national fiscal policy adumof inalienable allegiance, 3 193.brated by (1847), 17 249 n.Stuart, Charles Allan (b. 1864). Chancellor of Sulpicians. Explorations and missionary jourUniversity of Alberta, 20 500.neys of, 1 85-100 at ; founding of Montreal,Stuart, David. Nor wester who joined Pacific 2 411, 414 ; seminary founded at Montreal,Fur Company, 21 59.415; assume possession of Island of MontStuart, Granville. On route taken by La real (1663), 415 ; educational work of, 16Verendrye brothers, 1 131-2.337-9, 384, 413-14, 421 ; canal project ofStuart, Sir James, Bart, (1780-1853). And the from Lake St Pierre to Lachine, 10 504 ;impeachment of chief justices, 3 278-9 ;on title to estates null and void, 11 22significance of demand ; decreasefor responsibility of in number (1759-93), 22 ;receive accessionsexecutive council, 281-2 ;his breach with from France, 34-5, 16 406 ;their offer to codePapineau, 286-7 ;retires from public life, seigniories in return for annual payment287 ; agent in promotion of union measure of rouses strong opposition, 11 94 ;confirmed1822, 298 ; member of Colborne s special in title to seigneurial domains, 94, 16 421.council, 4 392.Suite, Benjamin (b. 1841). French-CanadianStuart, John (d. 1846). Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Simon historian, 12 460 ;on quarrels of merchantFraser on his journey to the Pacific, 4 658, <strong>com</strong>panies, 2 390.21 55-6 ;establishes headquarters at Fort Sunbury. ErectionM of county of, 13 113, 130.c Leod, 57 ; journeys to Astoria, 58.Superior. Lake Erie steamboat, 10 501.Stuart, John (1740-1811), Anglican clergyman. Superior Council. See Sovereign Council.

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