Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Mount Stephen (b. 1829). President of StPaul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba RailwayCompany, 19 111 denounces; independentrailway construction in Manitoba as aviolation of contract with Canadian Pacific,10 440.Stephen, Sir James (1789-1859), legal adviserat Colonial Office. On changing by ordersin-councilof rating of coins fixed by coloniallegislature, 4617; discusses charter of King sCollege with Strachan, 18 354 witness;before Canada Committee, 3 306.Stephens, Harrison. Introduces Jersey cattlein Canada, 7 658.Stephenson, Robert (1803-59), civil engineer.Suggests appointment of railway <strong>com</strong>missionto lay out territories, 10 407 his; glowinganticipations of the Grand Trunk, 408.Steuben, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm AugustHeinrich Ferdinand von (1730-94). Ownerof the Steuben map, 8 821.Stevens, B. B. Anglican clergyman at Queenston,11 2<strong>23</strong>.Stevens, Dorothy. Artist and etcher, 12 627,631.Stevenson, Alexander. Submits plan for canalbetween Lake Louis and Lake St Francis,10 512.Stevenson, David (1815-86), civil engineer. Oneffect of Canadian winter on <strong>com</strong>merce andon habits of the people, 10 365.Stevenson, D. W. Methodist missionary toChina, 11 325.Stevenson, John. Speaker of Ontario legislative assembly, 17 111.Stevenson, Robert. Captain of the M Donald,1765.Stewart, Alexander. A pioneer settler of township of Douro, 17 80.Stewart, Charles James (1775-1837), Anglicanbishop of Quebec (1825-37). Apostle ofthe Eastern Townships, 11 2 Id- 16 ; visitingmissionary for Upper and Lower Canada,216, 222 ;his labours as bishop, 216 ;andWesleyan missionary work, 5 349.Stewart, George. Conductor of Stewart sQuarterly, 12 522.Stewart, John. Unreliability of, 13 349 ;hisattacks on Lieutenant-Governor Patterson,351.Stewart, John. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Stewart, Robert. Appointed to executivecouncil of Upper Canada, 17 81.Stewart, Robert. First speaker of assembly ofSt John s Island, 13 349 ; organizes Scottishimmigrant settlement at Malpeque, 358.Stewart, Mrs Robert. On privations of pioneersettlers of Douro, 17 81-2.Stewart, Samuel (b. 1852). Commissioner inarranging Indian treaty (1906), 7 598.Stewart, William James (b. 1863). Member ofCanadian section of International WaterwaysCommission, 6 366, 8 838.Stewart River. A tributary of the Yukon, 22593 ; gold discoveries on, 606.Stikine River. Dispute regarding boundary on,8 931.GENERAL INDEX 199Stisted, Sir Henry William (1817-75). Lieutenant-governor of Ontario (1867-68), 17104, 105, 190 n.Stobo, Robert (b. 1727). Hostage at FortNecessity for return of French prisoners,1 <strong>23</strong>7 ;breaks his parole and gives information to Wolfe, 291.Stone, Colonel. Burns St David s and is dismissed the service, 3 256.Stoney Creek. Battle of, 3 241-2.Stoneys, Indian tribe. Parties to a cession ofterritory, 7 597.Storm, W. G. Painter of decorative subjects,12 625.Stormoir.it. Lakes freighter, 10 556.Story, Thomas. Signs presentment of grandjury of Quebec (1764), 15 128; 129.Strachan, John (1778-1867), Anglican bishop ofToronto (1839-67). Graduates at AberdeenUniversity (1796), 18 346 ; early experienceas a teacher, 346 ; designed for Presbyterianministry, 346 ; accepts tutorship in familyof Richard Cartwright of Kingston (1799),3 335 n., 18 346-7 ; opens school at Kingston,347 ;ordained into Anglican Church andsets up school at Cornwall (1804), 347 ; denounces Selkirk s colonizing project at RedRiver, 19 20 ; rector of York and headmaster of district school (1813), 18 349;member of executive (1817), 353 ;describesthe West as a dreary wilderness, 19 140 ;and District Schools Act of 1819, 18 281 ;member of legislative council (1820), 353 ;introduces Bell-Lancaster method of teaching, 282 ; opposes union of provinces (1822),3 297 ;first superintendent of Education forUpper Canada (18<strong>23</strong>), 18 282, 353; hisattack on the Methodists, 357 ; representsclergy in purchase of Huron Tract, 3 334 ;outlines plans for university, 18 353-5 ;obtains charter of King s College, 354 ;assembly and his personal expenditures inbehalf of its charter, 285 ;his improvidentadministration, 363 ;rebuked by Sydenham,5 21 ;delivers first presidential address ofKing s, 18 363 ;his <strong>com</strong>plaint againstPresbyterians and Methodists, 364 ;attacksBaldwin s federated university scheme, 367 ;wrecks university bill of 1847, 5 61, 18370-1 ; opposes Baldwin s university bill of1849, 372 ;favours collegiate in preferenceto professorial teaching, 373 ;foundsTrinity College (1852), 374 ; contrasted withRyerson, 357-8, 375-6 ; supports concessionsto separate schools, 314 ; five phases ofeducational development associated with,346 ;characteristics of, 5 62 ; gets behindlocal opinion, 63 ;Colborne on harmfuleffects, of his zeal, 3 340-1 ; his methods andsuccess as a teacher, 18 347-8, 353 ;hisvigorous humanity, 348-9 ; champion of alost cause, 357.Straits Settlements. Canadian preferencegranted to (1898), 9 213.Strange, T. Bland, colonel. Organizes firetpermanent Canadian artillery force, 7 426 ;engaged in suppression of North-West Rebellion, 432.

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