Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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198 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESSparks, Jared (1789-1866). His discovery ofRed Line map, 8 819-20.Sparling, Joseph Walter (1843-1912). First principal of Wesley College, Winnipeg, 11 337,20 444.Sparrowhawk, H.M.S. Ship on which GovernorSeymour died, 21 170 n.Spartan (afterwards Belleville), Canadian Navigation Company s steamer, 10 539.Spauiding, W. R. Stipendiary magistrate atQueenborough, B.C., 21 148 n.Speedwell. Lake vessel, 10 486.Speedy. Wrecked on Lake Ontario, 10491-2.Spence, John Russell. Seized at Charlottetownby American privateers, 13 353.Spence, a London merchant. His reason forapplying for grant on Island of St John,13 343.A grantee of township of Haldi-Spencer, Abel.mand, 17 44.Spencer, Hazelton. A grantee of township ofHaldimand, 17 44.Spencer, Sheriff. Seizes pemmican belongingto Nor westers, 19 29.Sphinx. Sloop-of-war which escorted transports conveying expedition for founding ofHalifax, 13 81.Spilsbury, Captain. Pioneer settler of Otonabeetownship, 17 78.Spink and Maveety. Publishers of PrinceAlbert Times, 19 164.Spokane House. Built by North-West Company, 4 668, 8 850.Spokane River. Explored by David Thompson, 4 668.Spragge, William. Deputy superintendentgeneralof Indian Affairs, 7 621.Spragge. Teacher brought to Canada to introduce Bell s method, 18 282.Sprague, Peleg (1793-1880). Influences Mainelegislature in favour of Ashburton Treaty,8 820.Spratt, Michael J. (b. 1854). Roman Catholicarchbishop of Kingston, 11 58.Springhill Mining Company. Dispute with(1879) leads to formation of ProvincialWorkmen s Association of Nova Scotia, 9311-12.Sproule, George (c. 1741-1817). First surveyorgeneralof New Brunswick, 13 153, 167.Spry, William, captain. Promotes settlementon the St John, 13 129.Stadacona. Jacques Cartier wel<strong>com</strong>ed at, 1 36 ;Indians of endeavour to prevent Cartierfrom visiting Hochelaga, 36.Staff, Philip. Builds cabin for Henry Hudson,1 152 ; set adrift with Hudson, 154.Stafford, Joseph. On transplanting of Canadianoysters to the Pacific, 22 482.Stagni, Pellegrino Francesco (b. 1859), archbishop of Aquila. Apostolic delegate toCanada, 11 111.Staines, Robert J. (d. 1853). Arrives in Victoria (1849), 22 401 ; terms of his engagement, 401 ; justice of peace, 21 86 ;firstProtestant clergyman on Vancouver Island,119; personal characteristics, 120 ; espousescause of settlers against Hudson s BayCompany, 27 402 ; petitions for retentionof Governor Blanshard, 21 121 ; drowned offCape Flattery, 120 and n., 22 402.Stair. First coal-mine in Prairie Provincesopened at, 20 303.Stairs, H. B. Captain in Royal CanadianRegiment, 14 397 ;awarded D.S.O., 398.Stairs, John F. Representative of Halifax inDominion House, 14 397.Stairs, William Grant (1863-92). Stanley slieutenant in the Emin Paaha relief expedition, 14 397.Stamp, Edward. Pioneer canner of the Pacificcoast, 22 468.Standard Bank. Begun (1873) as St LawrenceBank ; reorganized (1876) as, 10 638.Stanley, Edward. See Derby, Earl of.Stanley. Ice-breaker plying between PrinceEdward Island and mainland, 10 563.Stanmore, Baron. See Gordon, Sir ArthurHamilton.Stannard. Captain of the Eaglet, in first furtradingexpedition to Hudson Bay, 1 162,163, 164, 20 366.Stanser, Robert (d. 1829). Anglican bishop ofNova Scotia (1816-24), 11 207.Stanstead. Seminary founded at (1829), 16460 ; Wesleyan College founded at, 11337.Stanton. Builds first steamer at Monoton(1827), 10 583.Stanwix, John (c. 1690-1766). Brigadier atPittsburg, 1 272.Staples, Owen P. (b. 1867). Artist, 12 624.Stapleton, governor of British West Indies.Suggests treaty of neutrality between Frenchand British colonies in America, 2 355.State Line. Purchased by Allan Line (1891),10 607.Stayner, Thomas A., deputy postmaster-generalof Canada. His newspaper postage irregularities, 4 747-9 ;his emoluments from newspaper postage and from <strong>com</strong>missions, 751-2 ;his defence, 754 ; magnitude and sources ofhis in<strong>com</strong>e, 754 ;examined by <strong>com</strong>mitteeof assembly, 754 ; urges increase in numberof post offices, 755 ;member of Sydenham spostal <strong>com</strong>mission, 756 ;<strong>com</strong>mission s position on his absolutism, 5 368 his ; powerscurtailed, 371 ; placed on a stated salary,372 ;his in<strong>com</strong>e in 1840 <strong>com</strong>pared withHowe s in Nova Scotia, 378 ;favours taxon wild land, 17 247.Stedman, Philip. A survivor of Devil s Hole,3 67 ; purchases townshipof Dumfries,1769.Steele, Edward. Member of first assemblyNew ofBrunswick, returns to United States,13 173.Steeyes, William Henry (d. 1873). New Brunswick delegate to Confederation Conferences,14411.Steller, German scientist. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Beringto North-West Pacific, 21 40 ;describesPacific coast salmon, 22 462 ; gives firstscientific description of the seal, 476.Stephen, Sir George, afterwards first Baron

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