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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.GENERAL INDEX 197Aidsin establishment of Anglican Church inCanada, 11 200, 246 ;makes provision forsix clergymen and six schoolmasters in NovaScotia, 14 512 ; grant given to for supportof Canadian clergy, 11 <strong>23</strong>7 ;its educationalwork in New Brunswick, 14 54, 547 ; itsteachers licensed by Bishop of London, 551 ;withdraws aid from New Brunswick, 551 ;establishes schools in Upper Canada, 5 347 ;pays stipend of missionary in BritishColumbia, 21 147.Society of Canadian Artists. Founded (1867),12 635.Society of Colonization. Founded (1848), 11 102.Soissons, Charles de Bourbon, Comte de (1566-1612). Lieutenant-general in New France, 148, 2 318.Sokoto. Steamship of Elder Dempster Line,10 616.Sola, Abram de (1825-82). Rabbi of ShearithIsrael synagogue, Montreal, 11 387.Soldiers of the Holy Family of Jesus, Maryand Joseph. Formed at Montreal byMaisonneuve, 2 414.Soloan, David Matthew. Principal of NormalCollege, Truro, 14 533.Somerville, James. President of CollegeNew ofBrunswick, Fredericton, 14 557.Sonora. Schooner on which Quadra sailed tonorth-west coast, 21 21.Sophia, sloop. Makes trip from Kingston toNiagara in eighteen hours (1795), 10 491.Sophie, sloop-of-war. Conveys Governor Parrto Shelburne, 13 <strong>23</strong>8.Sorel. Seigniory of granted to Pierre de Sorel,2 555, 15 39 Americans ;encamp at, 3 97 ;loyalists spend winter at, 17 26 first ; Anglican church in Canada opened for worshipat (1785), 11 213-14 ; college founded (1867),16 432.Sothern, Edward Askew (1826-81). Appearsas Lord Dundreary in Montreal, 12 657.Souart, Gabriel (c. 1610-91), Sulpician. Assists in founding seminary at Montreal(1657), 2 415 ;first teacher of school forboys at Montreal, 16 337 ; grants land forschool sites, 338.Soulanges Canal. Construction of, 10 512 ;supersedes Beauharnois Canal, 512.Soullier, Louis, Oblate-general. Wel<strong>com</strong>edat St Boniface, 11 181.Soumande, Louis (1652-1706). One of firststudents in theology in Jesuit College,Quebec, 16 363 ; awarded prize in rhetoric,372 ;his educational benefactions, 16 332-3 his ;object in founding bursaries, 381 ; prefect of Little Seminary, 387.South African League. Invites Canadian support for Uitlanders petition, 6 138.South African War. Quarrel leading to hostilities, 6 137-8 ; proposed Canadian contingent, 139 ; Boer ultimatum issued, 140 ;government authorizes sending contingent,140 ; cleavage of opinion in Canada, 140-3 ;details of troops dispatched, 7 437-8 ;Canadian casualties, 439 ; organization, mobilization, and equipment of Canadian contingents, 439-40 ; defects in organization,441, 442 ; cost and rates of pay, 440-1 ; howthe officers were selected, 441 ; services offirst contingent, 14 397 ; capture of Paardeberg,397-8. See also Defence.South Shore Line. Trading between St Johnand Yarmouth, 10 561.Southern Alberta Land Company. Its irrigationenterprises, 20 3<strong>23</strong>, 592.Southerner. Michigan Central Railway steamboat, 10 545.Southesk, James Carnegie, ninth Earl of (1827-1905). His visit to the North-West (1859),11 141.Southworth, Thomas (b. 1855). His forestreserves policy, 18 595.Sovereign. (1) Ottawa River steamboat, 10554. (2) Steamer of Windsor-Lake SuperiorLine, 10 546.Sovereign Bank. Established (1901), woundup (1908), 10 648.Sovereign Council. Established (1647), 2 327 ;<strong>com</strong>position and duties of (1647), 328,(1648) 330; favours reciprocity with NewEngland, 332, 334; reorganized (1663),338, 459, 538 ;its <strong>com</strong>position (1663), 338-9 ;manifold activities of, 339-40 ;its discretionary powers, 340 ; discriminates in traderegulations in favour of Quebec, 461-2 ;fixes prices, 462 ; prohibits seizure for debtof grain and flour at Quebec, 462 ; protectsnative industry, 463 ; founds shipbuildingindustry, 463 ; paternalism of and its effects,462, 463-4 ; tithe fixed by at one-thirteenth(1663), 564; changed to one-twenty-eixth,564 calls ; meeting cf citizens to elect mayorand aldermen, 15 288; its dispatches onimmigration (1664), 2 341 ; enlargementand ofits sessions, 346 ; <strong>com</strong>position andpowers of ( 1875), 347-8 ; intendant appointedpresident (1675), 348 ; name changed toSuperior Council (1675), 348; disputebetween governor and intendant, 350 ;lawsof France operative subject to registrationby, 501 ; variety of subjects dealt with inordinances of, 15 288-9 and n., 300.Sower, Christopher (c. 1756-99). King s printerof New Brunswick, reports a breach of privilege, 13 168.Spanish Succession, War of the (1700-13), 1190, 201 ; effect of Marlborough s victoriesSouriquois. See Micmacs.Souris River. Lignite mines opened on, 20303 ; price of coal fixed at, 303 ; length of,543.on empire in America, 13 62 ; concluded bySouth African Constabulary. Raised in Canada Treaty of Utrecht, 15 49.for service in South African War, 7 438 and Spar Island, Lake Superior. First mining tractn., 440.to be applied for in upper lake region, 18 618 n.South African Customs Union. Establishes Sparks, Alexander (d. 1819). First ministerBritish preference (1903), Canada admitted of St Andrew s Presbyterian Church, Quebec,to preference (1904), 9 213.11 265.

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