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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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196 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESSmoulders, Monsignor. Inquires into Laval Smith, William. Suspected of disloyaltyUniversity dispute, 11 105.through his attitude towards sale of tea atSmith, Adain (17<strong>23</strong>-90). On the Navigation Halifax, 13 1<strong>23</strong>.Act, 3 192 ; on taxing of the colonies by Smith, William. Characteristics of hii paintparliament, 13 133.ings, 12 615.Smith, Albert. United States <strong>com</strong>missioner Smith, William. Pioneer settler and trader ofunder Ashburton Treaty, 8 818.Restigouohe, 13 130.Smith, Sir Albert James (1824-83). Minister Smith, William Osborne. Commissioner toof Marine and Fisheries (1873-78), 6 64.administer oaths in Rupert s Land, 19 197.Smith, Andrew. Director of Toronto veterinary Smithe, William, premier of British Columbiaschool, 18 568.(1883-87). Member of first legislative asSmith, Charles Douglas, lieutenant-governor sembly of British Columbia, 21 180 ;ministerof Prince Edward Island (1812-24). His of Finance, 197 ;leads opposition, 208 ;struggle with the assembly, 13 361-2, 368. defeats Beaven ministry, 209 ; premier, 209 ;Smith, David (1732-95). Member of first per denounced for his give-away policy, 214.manent presbytery in Canada, 11 259. Smoky River. Alexander Mackenzie wintersSmith, Elias. A grantee of the township of at, 4 652-3.Hope, 17 44.Smuggling. Connived at by officials, 1 174,Smith, Goldwin (18<strong>23</strong>-1910). On Joseph 202 ; at Halifax during Seven Years War,Howe s acceptance of office in federal 13 99 ; St Pierre and Miquelon a base for,ministry, 6 28 ;on Sandfield Macdonald s 4 5<strong>23</strong> ;between West Indies and Unitedmistaken tactics after election of 1871, 17 States, 537 ;of rum from United States,122 ; supports Canada First movement, 6 540 ;of East Indian goods, 575 ; between70 ;on Canadian independence, 70 ; urges Canada and the United States, 552, 5 197 ;university federation, 18 392 ;chairman of Sydenham on popular attitude towards,Council of Public Instruction, 17 150 ;con 199.ducts the Bystander and the Week, 12 522, 17 Smyth, Alexander (1765-1830), American <strong>com</strong>150 n. ;an advocate of reciprocity, 6 109 ;on mander at Buffalo. His insubordinate conSouth African War, 6 140 ;on foreign labour duct, 3 228 ;succeeds Van Rensselaer, <strong>23</strong>5 ;boss, 9 333 ;his influence on Canadian dismissed, <strong>23</strong>6.opinion and Canadian literature, 12 533. Smyth, Garmichael. Proposes construction ofSmith, G. W. Shorthorns imported by (1826), transcontinental railway, 10 419-20.7 658.Smyth, Sir Edward Selby. Major-general <strong>com</strong>Smith, Sir Henry (1812-68). Member of manding militia (1875-80) in Canada, 7 425.Ontario legislature, 17 HI; active in pro Smyth, George Stracey (c. 1767-18<strong>23</strong>), lieutenantgovernorof New Brunswick (1817-<strong>23</strong>).motion of private bills, 111-12; his attackon Sandfield Macdonald, 112 ;death of, 114. President and <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chief (1812-13,Smith, John. Assists in survey and settlement 1814-16), 13 184 ;his proclamation on outin Peterborough, 17 78, 85, 86.break of War of 1812, 185-6 ;and the cutSmith, Joseph, junior (1805-44). Founder of ting of timber, 193-4 ;his stormy period ofMormonwra, 7 536, 11 399.office, 193 ; interested in education, 14 552 ;Smith, Marcus. Makes survey at Esquimalt, death of, 13 195.21 185.Smyth, Sir James Carmichael (1779-1838). HisSmith, Ralph (6. 1858). Member of British plan of defence, 7 386 ; opposes By s proColumbia fisheries <strong>com</strong>mission (1901), 22 posed increase in size of locks of Rideau455 ;member of Oriental immigration <strong>com</strong> Canal, 10 519.mission (1901), 21 206 ;his scheme of inter Smythe, James. Principal of Wesleyan Theonational craft unions, 9 337.logical College, 11 336.Smith, Robert. Member of first legislative Snake River. David Thompson claims formalassembly of British Columbia, 21 180 ;his possession at, 4 668.proposed head-tax upon Chinamen declared Snakes, Indian tribe. La Verendrye in theirin<strong>com</strong>petent, 254-5.country, 1 128, 129, 130.Smith, Robert T. Member of first legislative Snider, Elias Weber Bingeman (&. 1842).council of British Columbia, 21 166.Member of Niagara Falls Power Commission,Smith, Samuel (1756-1826). Administrator of 18 477.Upper Canada (1817-18, 1820), 3 330.Snodgrass, William (d. 1906). His services toSmith, Terence. Priest at Richmond, 11 54. Queen s University, 18 390.Smith, Sir Thomas. One of the Gentlemen Snow, John A. Begins survey for road betweenAdventurers, 1 151 ;155.Lake of the Woods and Red River, 19 69 ;Smith, William (1728-93), chief justice of Lower rouses suspicions of the M6tis, 69 ;dissatisCanada (1786-93). Raises alarm among faction with wages paid by, 68.French Canadians by decision on Quebec Snowball, Jabez Bunting (d. 1907). Lieutenantgovernorof New Brunswick (1902-7), 14 427.Act, 3 124 ;first to propose federation ofBritish North American colonies, 130-1 ; Snyder, H. M. Organizes expedition againsthis proposed definition of boundaries of Indians at Yale, 21 152.Canada, 8 911 ;member of first executive Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.council, 3 141 : death of, 146 ;his History Aids in establishment of Anglican Church inof Canada, 12 497. Canada, 11 200, 246.

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