Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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11 127, 19 53 and n. his ; explorations, inconjunction with Dease, to North-Westcoast, 4 688-9 ;results of expedition, 689-90.Commissioner in arranging Indian treaties (1871), 7 594-5.Sinclair, Archibald Gordon (6. 1875). Presbyterian minister in the Yukon, 11 294.Sinclair, James. Leader of free traders in RedSimpson, Wemyss M.River Colony, 19 54 ;asked to give bond notto import goods from United States, 55 ;hisgoods refused by Hudson s Bay Companyships, 55 ; represents Sayer at his trial, 56 ;receives parting gift from Governor Simpson,58.Presbyterian missionary to theSinclair, J. A.Yukon, 11 294.Sinclair, R. Bligh, colonel.His plan of militiareorganization in Nova Scotia, 7 414 ;foreshadows Kitchener s proposals for Australia,417-18.Singleton, George. Signs loyalist petition(1787), 17 39.Sioux, Indian tribe. War with Crees andOjibways, 1 75 ;Radisson and Groseillierswinter with, 75-6 ; 78, 103 ; murder JeanBaptiste La Verendrye, 122 ; settlement inManitoba, 7 611 ;condition and characteristics, 611.Sipprell, J. Wilford. Principal of ColumbianCollege, New Westminster, 11 337.Sir James Kempt. Steamboat on Upper StLawrence, 10 499.Sir John Sherbrooke. Liverpool privateer ssuccess as a prizetaker, 13 253.Sir Robert Hall. War vessel on Lake Ontario,10 494.Sir Robert Peel. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10499 ;fired by Bill Johnson, 4 393.Sirius. Sails from Cork to New York (April1838), 5 365 ; transference of mails of becalmed Tyrian to the, and its historic sequel,10 596-7, 13 286-7.Sitka. Massacre of Russians at, 21 41, 53.Six Nations, the Iroquois Confederacy,<strong>com</strong>prising Mohawks, Onondagas, Senecae,GENERAL INDEX195Simons, Menno. Founder of Mennonite sect, Oneidas, Cayugas, and Tuscaroras. Their11 391.system of government, 4 701-2 ; laws ofSimpson, Alexander. Hia account of the inci descent of, 702dent between Thomas incited ; against British, 3Simpson and Larocque, 58 ;causes of Sir William Johnson s influence19 52 and n.over, 4 700-1 ; losses in Revolutionary WarSimpson, Sir George (1792-18GO), governor of paid byHudson s Bay Company. On British government, 707 ; educainjuriousness tional work of New England Company onof Red River Settlement to Company s behalf of, 5 348. See Iroquois.interests, 19 44 ; supports Buffalo Wool Sixtieth Regiment. See Royal Americans.Company, 45 ;on flourishing state of colony, Sixty-fifth Rifles. Employed in suppression of47 ;his transcontinental journey, 5 316-20 ; North-West Rebellion, 7 431, 432.at sources of the Columbia and the Saskat Sixty-second Regiment. At capture of Castine,chewan, 317 ; describes meeting with 13 259Chippewas at Fort ; sent to Canada during Trent crisis,William, 318 ; promises 14 409, 410 and n.rum to Indians not as a luxury but as a Sixty-sixth Fusiliers. Employed in suppressionmedicine, 319 ;connives at illicit trading, of North-West Rebellion, 7 431.19 54-5 ;forces Father Belcourt to leave Sixty-third Halifax Rifles, 7 415 and n.Red River, 11 135 ;his adroit ; emmanagement ployed in suppression of North-West Reafter collapse of Sayer trial, 19 58 ; witnessbefore House of Commons Committee (1857),21 125 ; describes the West as unfavourablefor cultivation, 19 140 ; death of, 8 930.Simpson, Thomas ( 1 808-40). Ill-treats a Metis,bellion, 431.Sixty-third Regiment. Dispatched to Canadaduring Trent crisis, 14 409 and n.Skagway, Lynn Canal. Made a sub-port ofentry, 8 933.Skakel, Alexander (c. 1775-1846). Master ofRoyal Grammar School of Montreal, 16463-4.Skelton, Oscar Douglas (b. 1878). Member ofBritish Columbia university site <strong>com</strong>mission,22 439.Skinner, Robert J. Member of council ofBritish Columbia, 21 176.Skinner, Thomas James (d. 1889), justice ofpeace and member of first legislative assemblyof Vancouver Island, 21 106, 112 ; agent ofPuget Sound Agricultural Company, 124.Skinners Company. Petition against renewalof Hudson s Bay Company charter, 1 188.Slave River. Hearne s ascent of, 4 672-3 ;itscourse and length, 22 641-2 ; navigableextent and steamer service, 10 568.Slave Indians. Alexander Mackenzie s parleywith, 4 675.Sleeper, Louis. Operates copper deposits ofActonvale, 16 585.Sleigh, Lieutenant-Colonel, 77th Regiment.Author of Pine Forests and HacmatackClearings, 12 515-16.Slidell, John (1793-1871). Seized on board theTrent, 14 409.Slude River (Hudson Bay). Fort erected on,1 192.Smallpox, Outbreaks of. Among Indians atFort William Henry, 1 260 ;during siege ofQuebec (1775), 3 86 ;in Halifax, 13 215;among aborigines of British Columbia, 11147 ; at St Albert, 160 ;in Saskatchewanand Alberta, 19 195.Smart, James Allan (b. 1858). Deputy superintendent-general of Indian Affairs, 7 621.Smart, William (c. 1779-1876). Presbyterianminister at Brockville, 11 266.Smartt, Thomas William. Favours colonialcontributions to Navy atence of 1907, 6 192.Imperial ConferSmet, de, Jesuit. His mission to the Kutenaiand Okinagan Indians, 11 131 ; endeavoursto arrange peace between Blackfeet andFlatheads, 134.

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