Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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194 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESusing Island of St John as a base, 133<strong>23</strong>.Shoolbred, John. Pioneer settler and trader ofRestigouohe, 13 130 ;his seigniory ofShoolbred, Gaspe County, last to be granted,16 508.Shooting Star. Quebec-built sailing vessel, designed by William Power, 10 679.Shore, Henrietta M. Artist, 12 627.Short, Robert. Anglican clergyman at Sandwich (1824), 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Shortt, Adam (b. 1859). Successfully administers Industrial Disputes InvestigationAct, 9 206 ;his biography of Sydenham, 12511.Shubenacadie Canal. Account of project toconnect Minas Basin with Halifax Harbour,10 531-2 ;falls into disuse, 13 270.Shuswap and Okanagan Railway. Dominionsubsidy claimed for, 10 446 ;finance ofscheme leased to Canadian Pacific Railway,22 364, 365.Shuswap Lake. Navigation system andsteamer service, 10 570-1.Sicilian. Allan liner, 10 607.SiCOtte, Louis Victor (1812-89). And the clergyreserves, 5 73 ; originator of Fishery Act of1858, 16 560 ; delegate to England in connection with projected wagon road to BritishColumbia, 7 633.Siemens, Sir William (18<strong>23</strong>-83). Makes firstexperiments in direct process of making ironin rotating furnaces at Londonderry, NovaScotia, 14 687.Sifton, Arthur L. (b. 1858). Member of executive of North-West Territories, 19 250 ;prime minister of Alberta, 278.Sifton, Sir Clifford (b. 1861). Aids <strong>com</strong>promiseon Manitoba schools question, 19 129-30 ;minister of Interior (1896-1905), 6 131 ;organizes immigration movement into North-West, 19 174-6, 20 308-9 ; encouragesTerritorial claim for provincial status, 19 257 ;British agent before Alaska BoundaryTribunal, 8 938 ;opposes educational clausesof Territorial autonomy bill and resigns, 6154, 19 267-8 ;chairman of Commission ofConservation, 6 363 ; opposes reciprocity,179.Signay, Joseph (1778-1850). Roman Catholicbishop of Quebec (1833-50), 11 95; lastbishop to receive government annuity, 97.SigOgne, JeanMandet (d. 1844). French refugeepriest serving in Maritime Provinces, 11 32,42 ;describes condition of Indians, 5 359.Sigonah, a Chippewa. His feats of oratory, 5337.Silcox, J. B.Congregational minister at Winnipeg, 11 383.Sillery, Noel Brulart de (1577-1640). Foundssettlement for Christian Indians, 2 410.Sillery. Site of settlement for ChristianIndians (1637), 2 410; school founded at,16 335-6 ;Jesuit seigniory of, 2 557.Silhtoe, Acton Windeyer (1841-94). Anglicanbishop of New Westminster (1879-94), 11 <strong>23</strong>3.Silver. Canada s place in mining, 249. NovaScotia: 14 698; royalty on, 475. NewBrunswick :royalty on, and prospectinglicence, 493. Ontario : Rabbit and SilverMountain areas, 18 619; Cobalt, 620; development at Silver Islet, Thunder Cape, 9121-2, 18 619, 622-3 ; account of developmentat Cobalt, 620, 628-31 ;production andvalues to 1913, 17 220, 18 629-30; relationof dividends paid to value of output, 629.British Columbia : statistics of production,22 569, 570. Yukon: statistics (1900-9),643. North-West Territories, 655.Silver Spray. Steamer on Georgian Bay andLake Superior route, 10 546.Silvy, Father Antoine (1638-1711). Ac<strong>com</strong>panies expedition to Hudson Bay as teacherof mathematics, 16 375 ; professor of hydrography in Jesuit College, 376.Simcoe, John Graves (1752-1806), lieutenantgovernorof Upper Canada (1792-99). His<strong>com</strong>mission, 18 522-3 ;and question ofpostal control, 4 742 ; organizes first agricultural society of Upper Canada, 18 555 ;anticipates modern elevator system, 4 605 ;traverses Niagara-Detroit trail, 1 108 ;onright of Indians to their unceded lands, 4708 ;at grand council with Indians at Philadelphia, 710 ;on evils of divided control ofIndians, 712 ;educational aims and idealsof, 18 278, 349, 350 ; proposes educationalfoundations, 349-50 ; gives grants togrammar schools, 351 ;his dread of levellingtendencies, 349, 411 ; unsympathetic tomunicipal government, 412-14 ;modifies hispolicy of land grants, 17 44 ;his scheme ofdefence, 3 175-7 ;as a road builder, 177, 10360, 18 554 his ; plans modelled on Britishconstitution, 3 177-8 ; appoints lieutenantsof counties, 178, 18 414-16 ; proposes incorporation of cities, 3 178-9, 18 422 ; advocates supremacy of lieutenant-governor inhis own province, 4 445-6 his ; plans disapproved by colonial secretary, 3 179-80;and opposed by Dorchester, 144-5, 180-1 ;his letter to Dorchester on frustration of hisplans, 181 ; announces formation of loyalistroll of honour, 17 41 ; retirement of, 3 181-2 ;supports Thomas Talbot s application forgrant in Upper Canada, 17 61 ;characterand ideals of, 3 143-4, 182-3, 17 43 ; sketchof, 3 172.Simcoe. (1) Lake Ontario vessel of a sizelarger than permitted by provincial law, 10491. (2) Steamboat on Lake Simcoe, 10 499.Simmons, Henry. Signs loyalist petition ( 1 787),17 39.Simon, Master, mining engineer. Makes firstdiscovery of minerals in Acadia (1604), 14671-2.Member of assembly of NewSimonds, Charles.Brunswick, 13 200.Simonds, James (1735-1830). Pioneer settlerat mouth of the St John, 13 128 ; madeprisoner by American raiders, 136 ;defeatedin Sunbury County, 164.Simonds and White. Erect first saw-mill inSt John (1767), 14 602 ; engage in burningof limestone, 633 ; establish cooperage atPortland Point, 633.

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