Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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192 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESduring and after War of 1812, 493-4. Seeabove, Steam Navigation.Maritime Provinces : after cession ofAcadia to Great Britain, 10 558 ; numberof fishing schooners in Queen s County, N.S.(1765), 558; additions by capture, 558;timber and fish chief <strong>com</strong>modities, 558-9 ;early development, 559-61 ; aided by Huskissons reforms, 559 ; steamer lines androutes, 561-3 ; beginning of steam navigationin New Brunswick, 13 185 ; tonnage of StJohn (1871), 14 429; development of StJohn as ocean terminus, 429-30 ;in PrinceEdward Island, 10 563 ; steam ferry service,563-4.Lakes of Central Canada, with steamerroutes and lines, 564-6 ;services in Westernand Northern Canada, 5G6-9.British Columbia :early steamship development, 569-70 ; stimulus of gold discovery, 570 ;service on inland lakes, 570-1 ;railway steamships and their routes, 572-3 ;other lines, 573-4.Ocean Shipping : beginnings of Atlantic,589-95 ; steamship lines and routes, 595-616 ;setback through steamship disasters, 5402-4 ;effect of increase on character ofservice, 10 6<strong>23</strong>-4 ; distance from GreatBritain of Rimouski and Halifax <strong>com</strong>paredwith New York, 6<strong>23</strong> ;Pacific lines androutes, 616-19 ; tonnage owned in Dominion(1878), 9 125; Canadian sea-going tonnage(1911), 10 622; ocean terminal facilities,619-24 ; increase of foreign, since Confederation, 9 281 ; power of imperial parliamentto supervise colonial legislation, 6 222-3 ;effect of winter on employment, 9 289.See also names of individual ships andsteamship lines.Ships. See under Abyssinian, Acadia (3),Acadian, Ac<strong>com</strong>modation, Achilles, Adams,Admiral, Advance (2), Adventure (2), A. E.Ames, Africa (2), Agawa, Alabama, Alarm,Alaunia, Albany (2), Albatross, Albert,Alberta, Albion, Alcedo, Alcide, Alciope,Alderney, Alexander, Algoma (2), Algonquin (2), Allegiance, Alligator, Alsatian,America (3), Andania, Angelica, Anglo-Saxon, Angloman, Ann (2), Anne, Anne andJane, Arabasca, Arabia, Arabian (2), Archangel, Arethuse, Argonaut, Argus, Arthurthe Great, Ascania, Ashtabula, Asia (2),Assiniboia, Astr6e, Atahualpa, Atalante,Athabasca (2), Athenia, Athenian (2),Atlantic, Atlas, Ausonia, Avenant. Bachelor s Delight, Baltic, Baltimore (2), Banshee,Batavia, Bavarian (2), Bay State, Beaufort,Beaver (2), Beaver 2nd, Beaverton, Belleville (2), Belvidera, Ben Franklin, Betsy,Blonde, Blossom, Bohemian, Bonaventure,Bonnington, Bornu, Boston (2), Bothnia,Bouncing Polly, Britannia (5), BritishAmerica, British American, British Empire,Brockville, Bruce, Bruce Mines, Brunelle,Brunswick (2), Brunswicker, Buckeye State,Buckram, Burlington (2), Busy, B.X.,Bytown. Cadboro, Cairo, Caldwell, Caledonia (3), Calgarian (2), California, Cambria(2), Camosun, Campania, Canada (9).Canadian (2), Canceaux, Capilano, CaptainCook, Car of Commerce, Cariboo, Caribou,Carleton, Carolina, Caroline (2), Carthaginian, Cascapedia, Caspian, Cassandra,Cassiar, Castor, Cataract, Cayuga, Centurion,Cervona, Cetriana, Chameau, Champion (2),Champlain, Chancellor, Charity (2), Charles,Charles Mary Wentworth, Charlestown,Charlotte, Charmer, Charwell, Chatham.Chesapeake, Cheslakee, Chicora (2), ChiefCommissioner, Chief Justice Robinson,Chieftain, Chilian, China, Chippewa (4),Christopher, Churchill, Cibola, City ofMidland, City of Montreal, City of OwenSound, City of Sydney, City of Toronto,City of Winnipeg, Clement, Cleopatra,Clinton (3), Coaling, Cobourg, Colonel Moody,Columbia (3), Columbia Rediviva, Columbus,Comet, Commerce, Commissary, Commodore,Commodore Barry, Confianoe, Constitution,Corinthian (2), Cormorant, Corona, Corsican(2), Corunna, Corwin, County of Pictou,Cowichan, Crescent, Cumberland. Daedalus,Dalhousie, Daphne, David J. Adams, Dawn,Dering, Detroit (2), Devona, De Witt,Diana, Director, Discovery (5), Dobbs,Dolphin (4), Dominion, Doric, Dove (2),Driver, Dryad, Dublin, Duchess of York,Duck, Duke of Kent, Duudurn, Dunmore.Eagle, Eaglet, Earl Grey, Earl Moira, E. B.Osier, Eclipse, Egyptian, Elephant, ElizaAnderson, Elizabeth (2), Emerald, Emerillon,Empress (2), Empress of Asia, Empressof Britain, Empress of China, Empress ofIndia, Empress of Ireland, Empress ofJapan, Empress of Russia, England, Enterprise (5), Erebus, Erie Packet, Etruria,Europa (2), Evergreen City, Experiment (2),Express. Fairmount, Fairy Queen, Faith,Favorita, Favourite, F. B. Head, Felice,Felicidad, Felicity, Felix, Fell, Fisgard,Florida, Fordonian, Fox, Francis Smith,Free Trader, Friend, Frolic, Frontenac (2),Fur Trader, Furnace, Fury. Gabriel, Gage,Galiote, Gallia, Gambia, Gazelle, GeneralHunter, General Smyth, Genova, Germanic,Gildersleeve, Gjoa, Gladwyn, Glenmount,Golden Hind, Good Intent (2), Gore, Governor, Governor Douglas, Grahame, Grampian,Grande Hermine, G. R. Crowe, Great Britain(2), Great Western (3), Grecian, Griffon,Guerriere. Hairm, Haldimand, Half-Moon, Halifax Bob, Hamilton, HamiltonCampbell Kidston, Hamiltonian, Hamonic,Hampshire, Hancock, Happy Return,Harlequin, Harpoon, Heather Bell, Hecla,Hector, Heliopolis, Henrietta (2), HenriettaMaria, Henry Clay, Herald (2), Hercules,Hermione, Hero, Hesperian, Hibernia, Highlander, H. M. Pellatt, Hope (4), Hopewell,Hudson s Bay, Hungarian, Hunter (4),Huron, Hurona, Huronic. Imperial Eagle,Independence, Indian, Industry, Inflexible,Insulter, International, Invermore, Investigator, Ionian, Ionic, Iphigenia, Iron Duke,Iroquois (2), Isis, Italia. Jack, JacquesCat-tier, James Carruthers, James William,

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