Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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190 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESand North-West Companies employees at(June 19, 1816), 19 37-8, 20 370.Seven Years War. Special Article : The.Fight for Oversea Empire, 1 <strong>23</strong>1-312.Seventh Fusiliers of London. Employed duringNorth-West Rebellion, 7 431.Seventh Royal Fusiliers. At defence of Quebec(1775), 3 86.Seventieth Regiment. Sent from the Clyde toNova Scotia (1778), 18 225.Seventy-fourth Regiment. Sent from the Clydeto Nova Scotia (1778), 13 225.Seventy-eighth Regiment. Leads storming partyat the Heights of Abraham, 15 1<strong>23</strong> ;itslosses at battles of the Plains and Ste Foy,1<strong>23</strong> ;disbanded soldiers of settle in Quebec,1<strong>23</strong> ;its services in Canada, 124-5 ; Highlandemigrants raised from, 124 ; retired officersand privates take service with North-WestCompany, 124-5.Seward, William Henry (1801-72). Arranges<strong>com</strong>pensation claims under Oregon Treaty,8 876 ; favours <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 9 165.Sewell, Jonathan (1728-96). Loyalist, 15 148.Sewell, Jonathan (1766-1839), chief justice ofLower Canada (1808-38). An anglicizer, 1135, 36 ; impeached by assembly, 3 278 ;French-Canadian dislike of, 284, 285; favoursunion of provinces, 296 ; appointed toDurham s enlarged executive, 4 394.Sexton, Frederick Henry (b. 1879). Directorof Technical Education, Nova Scotia, 14532.Seymour, Frederick (d. 1869), governor ofBritish Columbia (1864-69). Opposed tounion with Vancouver Island, 21 167, 170 ;his message on education, 22 414-16 ; personal characteristics, 21 169; death of, 170 n.Seymour, Sir George Francis (1787-1870),admiral. Assures M e Loughlin that Britishsubjects in Oregon will be protected, 8 867.Shade, Absalom (1794-1862). Agent for Hon.William Dickson, 17 49 ; supervisesment settleof Dumfries township, 70-1.Shakespeare, Noah (b. 1839). One of fathers ofConfederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n. ;opposes Chinese immigration, 257, 259-60.Shanly, Charles Dawson (1811-75). Writer ofverse, 12 568.Shannon. (1) Her <strong>com</strong>mander and crew, 3200 ; the fight with the Chesapeake (June 1,1813), <strong>23</strong>6, 13 258. (2) Ottawa Riversteamboat, 10 500.Sharp, Francis Peabody.Pioneer fruit-growerof New Brunswick, 14 667.Principal of Wesleyan TheoShaw, William I.logical College, 11 336.Shawnees. Mission to, projected by Dollier deCasson, 1 87-8.Sheaffe, Sir Roger Hale (1763-1851). At battleof Queenston Heights, 3 <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>1, <strong>23</strong>4 ;agrees to armistice, <strong>23</strong>5 ; superseded, <strong>23</strong>9.Shearer, John G. (&. 1859). Convener of Presbyterian Church department of Social Service,11 296.Sheet Metal Workers Association. Damagesawarded against, for picketing and boycotting, 9 341 ; successful appeal of, 303-4.Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, first Earl of(1735-1821). Favours closing of colonialtrade to United States, 4 536.Shefford Academy. Founded (1838), 16 461.Shehyn, Joseph (6. 1829). Provincial treasurerof Quebec, 15 193.Shelburne, William Petty, second Earl of, afterwards first Marquess of Lansdowne (1737-1805). His trade policy, 4 533.Shelburne. Its founding. 13 <strong>23</strong>7-8 ;a briefperiod of prosperity, <strong>23</strong>8-9 ;as a shippingport (1828), 10 560 ;its ruins described, 13<strong>23</strong>9.Sheldom, S. First Baptist Church generalsuperintendent of Sunday schools, 11 370.Shepherd, Jas. Signs Quebec traders petition(1764), 15 134.Shepherd, Robert Ward (1819-95). Navigatesthe Ste Anne rapids, 10 500, 517.Sheppard, James. In charge of good-roadstrain in Eastern Ontario, 18 485.Sherbrooke, Sir John Coape (1764-1830), lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia (1811-16),governor-in-chief of Canada (1816-18). Captures Castine, 13 259 his ; popularity inNova Scotia, 261 ; appoints Selkirk a justiceof peace and grants him an escort, 19 38 ;and Bathurst s contradictory instructions,3 284-5 ; his alternative policy, 285 ; ondangers of forcing a dissolution, 4 450 ;skilful political manoeuvring of, 3 286-7 ;onwant of confidence in executive council,287-8 ;and impeachment of Justice Foucher,4 481-2 ;sketch of, 3 282-3.Sherbrooke. Its municipal history, 15 319 ;college founded at (1875), 16 433.Sherk (or Schorg), Joseph (1769-1853).PioneerMennonite in Upper Canada, 17 47 ; hismission to Pennsylvania, 48.Sherman, William Tecumseh (1820-91). Onannexation as Canada s destiny, 9 133.Sherrill, E. J. Pioneer Congregationalist inEastern Townships, 11 382.Sherwood, George. Administrator of Indiandepartment, 5 358.Sherwood, Henry (1807-55). Chairman of<strong>com</strong>mittee of Upper Canada assembly onclergy reserves, 5 62.Sherwood, Justus (1752-1836). Reports onsurveys from west end of Lake St Francisto the Bay Kenty, 17 <strong>23</strong> ; signs loyalistpetition (1787). 39.Sherwood, ThOS. Signs loyalist petition (1787),1739.Sherwood, William Albert (b. 1855). Painterand art critic, 12 622.Shipbuilding. New France : first ships constructed by Pont-Grave (1606, 1608), 10 478 ;engaged in by Charnisay at Port Royal, 1347 ; promoted by Louis XIV, 2 470 ;reservation of oak in seigneurial grants for usein royal shipyards, 543 ; developed underTalon, 471, 474, 10 479, 15 37-8 ;size ofships built and number of men employedduring Talon s intendancy, 10 480, 15 38 ;Le Oriffon, first ship to sail upper lakes,built by La Salle (1679), 10 480-1 ; bountyof 500 livres for all vessels over 200 tons

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