Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 88 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESSeaforth. Ship employed in reduction of Fort inefficient banal mills, 546 ; oven right,Nelson (1696), 1 186.546-7 ; Baudot s protests against seigneurialSea-Otter. Expedition made by Hanna to exactions, 546-7 ; corvee, 547 ; 562 ; otherPacific coast in, 21 31 ;wrecked on coast of prerogatives, 547 ; growth of abuses, 548.Kamchatka, 33.Custom of Paris : its first mention, asSeal-hunting, Pelagic. Its progress and decline, 9 184 ; regulations made regulating feudal dues in Canada (1637),by Bering 325-6 ;to obtain in New France, 339 ;638 ;Sea arbiters, 6 121. See Bering Sea.seigneurs ignorant of its provisions, 574-5.Seath, John (b. 1844). Superintendent of Arreta of Marly (1711): first arret conEducation of Ontario, 18 335.verts seigneur from an owner into a trustee,Sebastopol. Vessel built at Pictou, 10 582. 548-50, 578, 591-2 ;first arret falls intoSecond or Chartered Bank of Upper Canada. desuetude, the second enforced, 551-2 ;See Bank of Upper Canada.second arret declares that uncleared landsSecord, David. At the battle of Beaver Dam, may revert to seigneurs, 550-1 ;and pre3243.vents seigneurs from exacting more thanSecord, John. Member of first Territorial customary dues, 544.assembly, 19 224, <strong>23</strong>0. <strong>23</strong>4, <strong>23</strong>5.And the Church : delimitation of parishes,Secord, Laura (1775-1868). Warns FitzGibbon 561 ; system adopted in providing churches,of Boerstler s projected attack, 3 242-3.562 ; right of presentation, 562-3 ; seigneur sSedgwick, Robert (d. 1656). Leads expedition special pew, precedence in religious proagainst French posts in Acadia, 13 51.cessions, and right of interment, 563-4 ;Seeley, W. C. One of fathers of Confederation institution of tithe, 564 ;how stipends ofin British Columbia, 21 171 n.parish priests were provided, 664.Seeman, Berthold Carl (1825-71). Describes Feudal ceremonies and privileges: oath ofFort Victoria, 21 89.fealty and homage, 567; May-pole ceremony,Seghers, Charles Jean (1839-86). Missionary 567-8 ;droit de chasse, droit de peche, andpriest in British Columbia, 11 147 ; bishop droit de seigneur, 568.of Vancouver, 162 ; archbishop of Oregon Seigneurs permitted to engage in physical:City, 166 ;returns to Vancouver Island, labour or in minor trades (1685), 362, 570;177 ;murder of, 177-8.poor in worldly goods, 568 ;show lack ofSeguenot, Francois, Sulpician. Establishes zeal in developing their properties, 542 ;school at Pointe-aux-Trembles, near Mont last in peace but first in war, 570 ;free toreal, 16 357.leave colony after the Cession, 585 ;fail aaSeguin, Father. Missionary priest at Ilo a la cultivators, 15 87 ; respond to CarletoivaCrosse, 11 141 ;at Good Hope, 143 ;visits call to enlist, 143 ; loyalty to France brokenthe Yukon, 148.at Revolution, 115; take up struggle forSeigneurial System. Special Article : The constitutional rights, 115-16.Seigneurial System and the Colony, 2 531-93. Seigneurs and the noblesse : rank inInstitution of feudalism and its obligations, noblesse obtained through special letters531-3 ;as established in France, 532-3 ;its from crown, 2 569 ;notable elevations tooriginators in Canada, 534-5 ;Roberval s the noblesse, 569 ;the untitled noblesse,<strong>com</strong>mission, 315-16, 535 ; powers conferred 569-70 ;rank of gentilhomme conferred onon Company of New France, 3<strong>23</strong> and n., 324, Canadian seigneurs, 570.:536.Seigneurial jurisdiction the droit deSeigniories : first, 53G, 15 27-8 ; grantedby Company of New justice, 571 ;three grades of jurisdiction,France, 2 536-7 ;crown 571-3 ;incidental privileges, 573 ;a conresumes control, 537-8 ; powers granted to trast between Canada and France, 574 ;Company of the West, 538 ;Talon s military judges prohibited from accepting fees fromgrants, 538-41, 15 38-9 ;Frontenac s grants, litigants (1664), 575; Baudot orders52-3 ;conditions of grants, 2 542-3 ; the holding of seigneurial courts, 575 ; privatequint, 542 ; grants conveyed no title of jurisdiction be<strong>com</strong>es an anomaly, 576-7 ;nobility, 15 87 ; church, 2 565-6 ;Cata abolished under British regime, 577.logue s report, 552-9 area; granted and total French and Canadian :mobility of Canaarea cleared up till 1712, 558-9; number dian seigneur ialism, 577 ; elevations tounder French regime, 15 87 ;law of suc eeigneurial rank, 542, 577-8 ;no vestedcession and subdivision of farms, 2 560-1. rights in New France, 578 ; powers ofCena et rentes : annual charge upon lands intendant, 578-9.held en cenaive, 643-4 ;retained after the Under British :regime difficulties of nowConquest, 592 ;tenure under en censive regime, 584-7 ;confusion of terms copyholdholdings still subject to rente, 592.and tenure en censive by English judges,Loda et ventes :payment due when a farm 586-7 ;state paper isfAied on relative meritschanged hands except by direct inheritance, of free and <strong>com</strong>mon socage and en censivr,544-5; slight revenue from (1774), 4 495; 587 ;surrender of seigniories provided forprosecutions instituted for recovery of (1785), under Canada Trade Act (1822), and Canada497 ;result of failure to collect, 498 ; pro Trade and Tenures Act (1825), 588-9; atceeds of (1802, 1809, 1810). 502-3; legality tack on seigneurial tenures (1835), 15 80-7 ;sustained by special Seigneurial Court, 2 592. Durham s attitude to, 2 589 ; proposalsAnd Industry: flour-mill banality, 545-6 ;between 1840 and 1853, 589-90; abolished

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