Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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of senate of University of British Columbia,22 442.Sayer, Guillaume. His arrest, trial, andacquittal, 19 56-7.Sayre, John. First resident Anglican clergy,man at Maugerville (1783), 11 209.Sbarretti, Donatus (b. 1856), archbishop ofEphesus. Apostolic delegate to Canada, 11111.Scammel. American privateer, rescues shipwrecked crew of British frigate, 13 224 ;aids in sack of Louisbourg, 224.GENERAL INDEX 187Scammon, C. M. Describes habits of the seal,22 476 and n.interests, 129, 132 ;and Orange Lodge InScandinavian Immigration in Saskatchewan, corporation Bill, 142 ; secretary of state19 177-8 ; aptitude of settlers in learning (1874-78, 1896-1908), 146, 6 131 ; passesEnglish, 20 435-6.Canada Temperance Act (Scott Act), 74.Scandinavian. Allan liner, 10 606.Scott, Thomas (1746-1824), chief justice ofSchenck, Robert Gumming (1809-90). Com Upper Canada (1806-16). Questions powermissioner in arranging Treaty of Washington, of assembly to <strong>com</strong>mit to gaol for breach of6 47.privilege, 4 478.Schlosser, Francis, ensign. In <strong>com</strong>mand at Scott, Thomas. Disputes with Dominion surFort St Joseph, 3 63 ;taken prisoner by veyor on wages, 19 68 ;taken prisoner byIndians, 63.Riel, tried by court-martial, and executed,Schmidt, Louis. Member of convention <strong>com</strong> 6 38-9, 11 156-7, 19 87-8 ; opinions onmittee of Red River, 19 83 n. ;and of execution, 87-8, 89 ;his death a politicalprovisional government, 85 n.issue in Ontario and an embarrassment toSchoodic River. See St Croix River.federal authorities, 17 130-1, 19 98, 105.Schreiber, Mrs Charlotte. Artist, 12 626.Scott, Walter (b. 1867). His sketch of Haultain,19 225Schultz.Sir John Christian (1840-96), lieutenantgovernorof Manitoba ;first premier of Saskatchewan,(1888-95). Arrested 6 157, 19 270, 271 ;work of his administraand forcibly released, 19 60 ; editor of the tion, 271-2 ;his tribute to Frank Oliver, 269.1Nor&quot; -Wester, 67; organizes resistance to Scott, Winfleld (1786-1866), American general.Riel, 6 36 ;taken prisoner by Riel and At battle of Queenston Heights, 3 <strong>23</strong>4-5 ;escapes, 11 154, 19 84 n. ;member of pro his handling of regulars at battle of Chippawa,visional council, 198 ; gives royal assent to 255 ;at Lundy s Lane, 257-8 ; wounded,Manitoba Public Schools Act, 128.259 ; arranges modus vivendi on MaineSchuyler, Peter (1657-1724), of Albany, 1 271. boundary, 8 815, 13 203 ;and en San JuanSchuyler, Philip John (1733-1804), American boundary, 8 874.general. Disarms and exacts pledges ofneutrality from loyalists in Mohawk Scott Act (Canada Temperance Act). Passedvalley, (1878), 6 74 ;the act in operation, 74-5.17 21, 11 26 ;violates his agreement, 17 Scottish Hero. Lakes freighter, 10 557.22-3 ;instructed to invade Canada, 3 80 ; Scottish :Immigration. Quebec on the81.Chateauguay, 15 155-8 ; first, on the Ottawa,Schwatka, Frederick (1849-92). His military 158-9. Nova Scotia : account of variousreconnaissance in British territory leads to immigrations, 13 111-12, <strong>23</strong>2, 254, 14 648,diplomatic representations, 8 932.11 42. New Brunswick; 13 189. PrinceScollard, David Joseph (b. 1862). Roman Edward Island :parties organized by LordCatholic bishop of Sault Ste Marie, 11 57.Scorpion. American schooner captured off StJoseph s Island, 3 253.Scotch Fort, Prince Edward Island. CatholicScottish Highland settlement at (1772), 11 30.Last paddle-wheel steamship of CunardLine, 10 599.Scotia.Scotian. Allan liner, 10 607.Scotland. Dun<strong>com</strong>be s forces dispersed atvillage of, 7 388.Scots Fusiliers (2nd Batt.). Dispatched toCanada during Trent crisis, 14 409 and n.Scotsman. Dominion Line steamship, wrecked,10 609.Scott, Adam. Pioneer settler of Peterborough,1784.Scott, Alfred H. Delegate from Red Riversettlers, 6 41, 11 155, 19 85, 91 ; arrest of,642.Scott, David Lynch (6. 1845), justice. Memberof Alberta and Great Waterways Commission, 19 277.Scott, Duncan Campbell (b. 1862). His biographical work, 12 511, 576; his lyrics,584-5.Scott, Frederick George (b. 1861). His poeticwork, 12 584, 660.Scott, R. Petitions for retention of GovernorBlanshard, 21 121.Scott, Sir Richard William (1825-1913). PassesScott Act (Education) of 1863, 18 315;minister of Lands of Ontario, 17 216 n. ;accused of being paid agent of lumberAdvocate Montgomery and Robert Stewart.358; in 1772 and 1790, 11 30-1, 13358 ;Selkirk colonists, 354-7. Ontario :Selkirk s Baldoon settlement, 17 71-2 ;inDumfries township, 71 ;at Perth, 76 ;atLanark, 77 ;in MacNab township, 96-7 ;atGuelph, 90-1 ; longevity of early settlers, 80.Crofter settlement in Saskatchewan, 7 549-550. See also Red River Settlement.Scovil, James. Anglican clergyman at Kingston, N.B., 11 209.Scriver, Frederick. Patentee of Hemmingford,15 150.Sculpture. Canadian sculptors and their works,with biographical notes, 12 632-4.Scurvy. Outbreak of in Cartier s garrison onthe St Croix, 1 38.Scythia. Cunarder, 10 601.Seabird. Steamer built in British Columbia,10 570.

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