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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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opening of a boarding-school for girls, 16354-5 ;a prisoner in England, 2 429 ;onhabitants piety and skill in handicrafts, 1590 ; death of, 2 430.St Viateur Fathers. Founded at Montreal(1847), 11 88 establish ; Bourget College atBigaud, 16 432.St Victor, Jean Baptiste Coster de (1771-1814),French emigre. Returns to England, 17 55.Ste Anne. Vessel equipped for fur trade ( 1682),1 173.Ste Anne de Beaupre. Opening of new churchat (1660), 2 416.Ste Anne-de-Beaupre River. Pollution in, 16562.Ste Anne-de-Bellevue. Agricultural collegeopened at (1908), 16 5<strong>23</strong>.Ste Anne-de-la-Pocatiere. Secondary schoolfounded at (1827), 16 4<strong>23</strong> ; college foundedat (1859), 522.Sainte- Aulaire de Beaupoil, Marquis de. Frenchemigre in Canada, 11 26, 17 54 ;returns toEngland, 54 his ; subsequent career, 55.Ste Croix, Fathers of. Found college of StLaurent, 16 432.Ste Famille, Island of Orleans. School foundedat (1676), 16 336.Ste Foy. Huron settlement founded at, 2 406 ;school established at (1673), 16 336 ; battleof (April 28, 1760), 1 308-10; Murray ssummary of losses at, 15 122.Sainte-Helene, Jacques le Moyne, Sieur de(1659-90). Ac<strong>com</strong>panies de Troyesdition to Hudson Bay, 1 177, 179.expeSte Irenee (formerly the Canada). Steamer onSaguenay-Quebec route, 10 551.Sainte Marie. Jesuit mission station onGeorgian Bay, 1 65 ; fort built at (1640), 2405.Ste Marie, College of, Montreal. Founded byJesuits (1848), 16 432.Ste Marie-de-Monnoir, College of. Closed(1912), 16435.Ste Therese. Secondary school founded (1825),16 4<strong>23</strong>.Commissionerto Red River colonists, 6 37, 11 154, 1981.Salaberry, Charles de (1820-82).Salaberry, Charles Michel d lrumberry de (1778-1829). Establishes a chain of frontier posts,3 217 ; at the battle of Chateauguay, 247-9.Salamander. Ship at the reduction of FortNelson, 1 183.Saleesh House. Constructed by North-WestCompany (1809), 3 850.Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-Cecil, third Marquess of (1830-1903). OnGreat Britain s right to regulate her NorthAtlantic fisheries, 8 696-7 ; proposes arbitration on Alaskan Seal Fisheries dispute, 724 ;on national rights through occupation, 825.Sally. (1) American privateer, engages theRevenge, 13 224. (2) Death-rate amongloyalist refugees on, 13 <strong>23</strong>5. (3) Vessel onAnnapolis route, 10 561. (4) Vessel built atPictou, 10 582.Salters, 0. and J. Shipbuilders at Moncton,10 584-5.GENERAL INDEX 185Salusberry, John. Member of council atHalifax, 13 82.Salvation Army. Its methods and its founder,11 396-7 ; work in Canada, 397-8.Sampson, W. Anglican clergyman at Grimsby,Ontario, 11 222.Samson. John Rut s ship, 1 26.San Bias, Mexico. Base of Spanish expeditionsto North Pacific, 21 19.San Carlos. Spanish ship at Nootka, 21 42, 51.San Juan Boundary Dispute. Ground of controversy, 8 871 ; contending claims, 872-4 ;joint occupation of the island, 874 ; questionreferred to German Emperor, 6 49, 8 874-5 ;the award, 6 52, 8 875 ; boundary protocolsigned, 876.Sanborn, John Sewell (d. 1877), judge. Associate member of Protestant Committee ofCouncil of Public Instruction, Quebec, 16 491.Sanders, E. H. Assistant gold <strong>com</strong>missionerat Yale, B.C., 21 148 n. ; member of legislative council, 166 and n.Sanderson, Robert. First speaker of assemblyof Nova Scotia, 13 104.Sandham, Henry (1842-1910). His work as anartist, 12 609, 631.Sandover, Stephen. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Sandwich Islands. Discovered by CaptainCook, 21 26 ; murder of Captain Cook at, 29.Sandy Creek. British force ambushed at, 3 254.Sangster, Charles (1822-93). His volumes ofverse, 12 568-9.Sangster, James (d. 1858). Petitions for retention of Governor Blanshard, 21 121.Sangster, J. H. Headmaster of TorontoNormal School, 18 312.Santa Cruz, California. Spaniards massacredat, 21 14 ; Cortes assumes formal possessionat (1535), 14.Santa Ritta. Boarded and captured by theRover, 13 253.Santiago. Spanish ship in expeditions toNorth Pacific, 21 20, 21.Sarah Sands. One of first Liverpool-Quebecsteamers, 10 603.Saratoga. Macdonough s flagship at the battleof Plattsburg, 3 264, 267.Sardinian. Allan liner, 10 606.Sargeant, Henry, governor at Fort Albany.His treatment of the French spy, 1 177 ;defends Fort Albany, 179; surrenders, 180.Sarnia. Dominion Line steamship, 10 609.Sarnia-Lake Superior Line. Founded (1870),10 546 ; amalgamation of (1875), 546.Saronic. Northern Navigation Company ssteamboat, 10 555.Saskatchewan and Alberta. Special Article :General History (1870-1912), 19 147-280.Growth of settlements and institutions, 147-8 ;organization of North -West Mounted Police.148-9 ;location of first settlements, 158, 162 ;first electoral districts, 162 ; effects of choiceof route for C.P.R., 162 ; development ineighties, 162-71 ; effect of suppression ofNorth-West Rebellion, 163 ; pioneer press,162-4 ;details of growth of municipalitiesand towns, 186-8, 272 ; general survey of

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