Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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184 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESeluded in Richelieu and Ontario merger,10 554.St Lawrence Steamboat Co., or the MolsonLine, 10 495.St Leger, Barry. Commanding troops inCanada, 3 120.St Louis, Jesuit mission. Destroyed (1649),2 405-6.St Louis. Dominion Line vessel, 10 608.St Louis Rapids. See Long Sault.St Lusson, Simon Francois Daumont, Sieur de.Proclaims French sovereignty at Sault SteMarie, 1 102-3.St Malo. Merchants of attemptto thwartJacques Cartier s enterprise, 1 27, 34 ; itstrade with Tadoussao, 2 448.St Martha, Sisters Of. In diocese of Antigonish,11 81.Saint-Martin, Michel de. Referred to byCatalogne as Marquis de Miscou, 2 569.St Martin. Montoalm wishes to replace Vergorby, at the Foulon, 1 292.St Martin s Day. A festival in New France, 2544.St Mary s College, Halifax (Roman Catholic).Opened (1860), 14 518.St Mary s College, Montreal. Founded byJesuits (1842), 15 196.Saint Maurice, N. Henri Edmond Faucher de(1844-97). Writer of tales, 12 484.St Maurice. Iron-mines of, 2 556 ; summaryoperations at, 16 576-7 ; number of menemployed at, 15 55 ; iron-mines, 4 529, 589.St Maurice River. Its drainage area, 16 531 ;fish in, 565.St Michael s College, Toronto (Roman Catholic).Founded (1851), 11 60, 18 393, 401.St Nicholas. Wolfe causesto be made at, 1 291, 293.disembarkationsSaint-Onge, Charles Mauge Garaut de (1724-94).Vicar-general, 11 22.St Ours, Charles Louis de (1753-1834). SupportsPapineau in his mission to London to protectagainst proposed union of the Canadas, 15116.St Ours, Frangois Xavier de (1714-59). Mortally wounded on Plains of Abraham, 1 306.St Ours, Paul Roc de (1747-1814). Member offirst executive council of Lower Canada, 3141 ; introduces bill limiting application ofFrench civil law (1787), 125.Saint Ours, Pierre (1643-1724), captain inCarignan regiment. Seigniory granted to,15 39, 2 555.St Ours, P. R. de. Contributes to PatrioticFund (1799), 15 102.St Ours, Major de. Contributes to PatrioticFund (1799), 15 102.St Ovide de Brouillan. Governor of Louisbourg(1717-39), 1 203, 208 ; dismissed, 210.St Paul, Minn. French Canadians its firstsettlers, 15 77.St Paul. Ship <strong>com</strong>manded by Chirikoff inBering expedition of 1741, 21 40.St Paul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba RailwayCompany. Formation of (1879), 19 111.St Peter. Bering s ship, wrecked on BeringIsland, 21 40.St Peter Strait. Jacques Cartier at, 1 33, 36.St Peter s, Prince Edward Island. Depredations by privateers at, 13 354.St Peter s Canal, Cape Breton Island. Its <strong>com</strong>pletion and subsequent enlargements, 10531.St Peter s Navigation Company. Absorbed byRichelieu Steamboat Company (1861), 10551.St Peter s School, Charlottetown (Anglican), 14541.Saint-Pierre, Jacques Repentigny Legardeur de(6. 1701). Succeeds La Verendrye, 1 138 ;reaches Fort St Pierre, 138 ; quoted onnative reports of white settlers in the West,141-2 ;contrasted with La Verendrye, 142 ;his rash conduct, 142-3 ; resigns <strong>com</strong>mandof western posts, 143.St Pierre, Comte de. Obtains grant of Island ofSt John, 13 313 ; establishes a colony, 313-315 ; his letters patent recalled, 315 ;involved in litigation, 317.St Pierre. One of the Trinity group named byCabot, 121; Cartier meets fishing boats at,38 ; Kirke lands his prisoners on, 2 401 ;a base for smugglers after the Cession, 45<strong>23</strong> ; inhabitants taken as prisoners of warto Halifax (1792), 13251.St Pierre. Ship equipped for the fur trade(1682), 1 173.St Real. See Vallieres de St Real.St Regis. Engagement at, in War of 1812, 3217.St Roch de Quebec. College founded at (1818),16 411.St Servan (Lobster Bay). Jacques Cartier at,1 29.St Simon, Paul Denis de (d. 1 73 1 ). Ac<strong>com</strong>paniesFather Albanel to Hudson Bay, 1 172.St Stephen s Bank. Founded (1836), 10 628.St Sulpice, Seminary of. Founded at Montreal (1657), 2 415 ; given judicial rightsover <strong>com</strong>munity, 415 ; seigniories of, 654,565.Saint-Tronc. Lands with other emigres inUpper Canada, 17 54 ;sells his grant andleaves the country, 55.Saint- Vallier, Jean Baptiste de la Croiz Chevrierede (1653-1727), bishop of Quebec (1688-1727). Vicar-general, 2 4<strong>23</strong> ; pastoral journeys of, 4<strong>23</strong>-4, 13 55 ; proposes establishmentof a normal school, 16 333 ;and school at StJoachim, 379 ; proposes to raise number ofpupils in residence at Little Seminary, 388 ;organizes aid for the Ursulines, 2 424 ;foundsHouse of Providence, 16 359 ; publishes hisimpressions of colony, 2 424 ;consecratedbishop, 425 ;his wel<strong>com</strong>e at Quebec, 426 ;his ordinances on schools and schoolmasters,16 347-8 ; endows Congregation of NotreDame, 356 ; forbids dramatic entertainmentsat Jesuit College, 372 ;his tactlessness, 2424-5, 426-9 ;declines to resign, 427-8 ;hostile to liquor traffic, 429-30, 491 ;founds<strong>com</strong>munity of Ursulines at Three Rivers,16 354 ; establishes elementary school inUpper Town, 330-1 ; secures union of Frenchabbeys with his diocese, 2 429 ; permits

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