Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 133St George (Sugar) Island, St Mary River. St John s College, Edmonton South (RomanConceded to United States under Ashburton Catholic), 20 498.Treaty, 8 832.St John s College, Winnipeg (Anglican). ItsSt Germain, Jean Baptiste (1788-1863). Fav foundation and growth, 20 425, 11 227, 229,oured by Abbe Thavenet for coadjutorship <strong>23</strong>0, 243 ; 20 443.of Quebec, 11 98.St John s River. Recollet mission establishedSt Germain dit Perigord. Put to death for at, 2 420.witchcraft at Malpeque, Prince Edward St Johns, on the Richelieu River. First assistIsland, 13 309.ance by Indians to British in RevolutionarySt Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of (1632). Retro War given at, 4 706 ; capture made bycession of New France under, 2 455, 13 40. Benedict Arnold at, 3 80 ; besieged bySt Hilda s College, Toronto (Anglican), 18 401, Montgomery, 81 ; surrendered, 82.20499.St Joseph. Jesuit mission of, destroyed, 2 405.;St John River (Quebec). Rental derived from region of, divided by Indians into foursalmon fishings of, 16 562-3.districts, 35 n. ; trade of thrown open to allSt John s, Newfoundland. Miguel Corte Real Frenchmen, 2 317, 449-50 ; its drainageat, 1 25 ;Rut s expedition at, 26 ; visited area, 9 22 ; cutting of a 35-foot channelby Roberval, 41 ; captured and burnt by between Quebec and Montreal, 10 535.d Iberville, 184. St Lawrence River Navigation Company. In-St Hyacinthe. Latin school founded at (1811), St Joseph, Island of. American vessels boarded16 411.off, 3 253 ; presents distributed to IndiansSt Ignace. Destruction of Jesuit mission at at, 5 334-5.(1649), 2 405-6.St Joseph, Sisters of. Mother-house foundedSt Jacques River. Jacques Cartier meets fishing vessel from La at Toronto, 11 60 atRochelle ;Guelph, 64 at St;at, 1 29.Hyacinthe, 91.St Jean (or Etarita). Martyrdom of Father St Joseph of Montreal, Sisters of. FoundCharles Garnier at, 2 406.hospital at Kingston, 11 55 ;in New BrunsSt Jean, College of. Founded (1911), 16 435. wick, 78.St Jerome s College, Berlin, 11 64, 18 401. St Joseph of the Cross, Brothers Hospitallers of.St Joachim. Primary school founded by Laval Founded at Montreal (1688), 2 428.at, 16 332 ;Abbe Soumande s benefactions St Joseph s College, Memramcook (Romanto, 332-3 ;account of school for arts andtrades founded by Laval Catholic). Opened (1864), 14 558.at, 377-82, 521 ; St Julien Bay. Islands in, named by Jacquesclassical college begun and abandoned, 380-1 ; Cartier Les Coulombiers, 1 30.Latin schools at, 333, 384 ; landing-place of St Just, Luc Letellier de. See Letellier de StMontcalm, 1 249.Just.St John, Molyneux. Superintendent of Board St Lambert. Jesuit seigniory of (1712), 2 554.of Education of Manitoba, 20 427.St Laurent, near Montreal. Convent of SistersSt John. Plundered by American privateers, Congregation founded at (1732), closed13 134, 137 ;first Anglican services at (1769),11 208 ; founded by United (1824), 16 358.Empire Loyalists St Laurent, Saskatchewan. Provisional govern(May 18, 1783), 13 144-5 ;first named Parrtown,ment formed by Riel at, 6 101.145 ; post office opened (1784), 4 733 ; Saint-Laurent. Man-of-war constructed atAnglican rectors of, 11 209-10; Trinity Quebec, 2 509.Church, 210 oldest ; incorporated city in St Laurent College, near Montreal. FoundedBritish colonies, 13 161 ;its charter, 161 ; (1847), 16 432.reduction in population through rapidment settle St Lawrence. of province, 162 (1) Lake Ontario steamboat, 10; election fight between Upper and Lower 540. Cove (2) Steamer trading from Princefactions (1785), Edward Island, 10 563.164-5 ;visited by Duke of Kent, 177 ; St Lawrence and Atlantic Railway. Its adstimulus given to shipbuilding by War of vantages to Portland and Montreal, and1812, 4 559 ;a free port (18^8), 567 ; con respective holdings, 10 375-7 ; charterflagrations of 1837 and 1839, 13 204 ;fire of granted (1845), 376 ; account of the under1877, 14 425-6 ;outbreak of typhus fever at taking, sections opened, heavy cost, and(1847), 13 206 ; railway celebration at (1853), critical condition of, 377.14 408 ; ravages of cholera in (1854), 13 St Lawrence and Great Lakes Boundary Dis207-8 ; rebuilding after conflagration of 1877, pute. Appointment of <strong>com</strong>mission, 8 828 ;14 426 ; incorporates Portland, 428 ; adopts basis of division, 828-9<strong>com</strong>mission government, 430-1 ; rights of navigation,; 492-3 ;its 829 ;the award, 830-1 ; review of award,shipping tonnage (1795, 1824, 1839), 10 560, 836-7.(1911) 6<strong>23</strong> its ; place in ship-owning (1872), St Lawrence and Ottawa Railway.13 204 ;as an ocean terminus, 10 621-2. by C.P.R. (1884), 10 433.PurchasedSt John. First steamboat to cross Bay of St Lawrence Bank. See Standard Bank.Fundy (1826), 10 561.St Lawrence, Gulf of.Explored by JacquesSt John River. Discovered by de Monts on Cartier, 1 31, 33, 34-5 ; importanceSt John s Day (1604), 13 20 ; fort at mouthpossession of islands in, to France, 202.of rebuilt by Villebon, 60 ;fort razed and St Lawrence River. Explored by Jacquesabandonment of settlements, 61.Cartier, 1 35-6 ;ascended by Roberval, 42

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