Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 82 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESSt Andrew. Steamer on the lower Ottawa, St Croix Boundary Dispute. Terms of Treaty10 500.of Versailles and intentions of negotiators,St Andrews and Quebec Railway. Proposals 8 752-3, 762 ; question of identity of Stfor construction and surveys made, 10 366-8 ;Croix River, 754, 762-3 ;disputed boundaryestimated length and cost of construction, between Nova Scotia and colony of Massa368 ; portion of land surveyed for awarded chusetts Bay, 755-7 ; grants made by Novato United States under Ashburton Treaty, Scotia on eastern bank, 756-7 ;<strong>com</strong>mission(1797) provee identity of St Croix River, 21. 541.368 ; progress of construction, 14 406. See appointed under Jay s Treaty, 758-9 ;itsalso Halifax and Quebec Railway.meetings, 759-62 ; questions to be deterSt Andrew s College, Charlottetown (Roman mined, 762-6 ;loss to New BrunswickCatholic). Opened (1831), 11 76; closed through line of Alexander s grant not being(1844), 77.followed, 764, 766 ; gains and losses inSt Andrew s Lock and Dam. Connecting settlement, 765-6 ;the decision, 766-7.Winnipeg city and Lake Winnipeg, 10 530. St Croix River. See St Charles River.St Andrew s Steam Forwarding Company. St Croix-St Lawrence Boundary Dispute. DeAttempts to secure monopoly of Ottawa fined by Treaty of Versailles, 8 779-80;River traffic, 10 517.Sullivan s blunder, 780-2 and n. ; ineffectualSt Ange, the Chevalier. Commander at Fort attempts at settlement, 783 ;attitude ofChartres, 3 60.New Brunswick to, 783-4 ; negotiations forSt Ann s, or Great Cibou, Cape Breton Island. revision of boundary-line, 784-5 ;<strong>com</strong>misFrench settlement founded at, 13 39.appointed,St Ann ;mee tings of <strong>com</strong>s. See Fredericton.mission and contending claims, 786-90 ;St Anne, Sisters of. At Montreal, 11 88 ;in friction in disputed territory, 791 ;arbitraVictoria, 145.treaty of 1827, 791 ;acts of statoSt Anne s Lock, on Ottawa River. Its con affecting territory in dispute, 792-4 ;boundstruction and improvement, 10 516-17.aries denned by United States Congress inSt Antoine River. Jacques Cartier at, 1 29. 1779 as basis of peace, and remarks thereon,St Armand. Abbot s Corner Church, oldest 794-7 ; negotiationssurviving Baptist church in Eastern Townadopted,797-8 ; grounds of claim, with <strong>com</strong>mentsships, 11 360.thereon, 798-809 ;award of King of theSt Arnaud. Sculptor, 12 632.Netherlands, 810 ;assent of United StatesSt Benoit. Losses claims from, in Rebellion of Senate withheld from award, 811 ;fre^h1837, 5 56.negotiations, 811-13; surveys and reportSt Boniface. Mission founded at, 11 1<strong>23</strong> ;of Featherstonhaugh and Mudge, 813-14 ;successive cathedrals of, 127-8, 172, 193 ;strife on frontier, 815 ;Ashburton Treaty,cathedral destroyed by fire, 142 ;Metis 815-18 ; reception accorded to treaty, 818 ;under Riel reviewed by Lieutenant-Governor the Battle of the Maps, 819-25 ; summaryArchibald at, 19 103 ;lesser seminary of evidence, 824-25 ;Lord Salisbury s disfounded, 11 194; population (1901, 1911), patch on national rights through occupation,20327.825-6. See also Aroostook War.St Boniface College. Its foundation and pro St David. Navigates the Ste Anne rapids, 10gress, 11 139, 165, 172, 20 421, 443 ; students 500.from discover ruins of Fort St Charles, 4 644. St David s. Burnt by Colonel Stone, 3 256.St Castin, Jean de PAbadie, Baron de (1650- St Denis, Louis. His flogging for theft leads to1712). His post at Penobscot raided by rioting at Red River, 19 52.Benjamin Church, 13 62 ; assists in defence of St Denis. Troops repulsed at, in Rebellion ofPort Royal, 63.1837, 3 362 ;second attack and destructionSt Catharines Milling and Lumbering Company. of village, 363.Privy Council s decision in test case against, St Dunstan College (Roman Catholic), Char6 96.lottetown. Opened (1855), 11 77; 14St Catherine (Catalina). Jacques Cartier at, 1 28. 541.St Chad s Hostel (Anglican), Regina, Saskat St Elias. Sighted and named by Vitus Bering,chewan, 11 244.8 846.St Charles. Defeat of rebel forces at (1837), 3 St Etienne. Conveys Champlain to New France362-3.(1615), 1 52.St Charles River. Named St Croix by Jacques St Eustache. Defeat of rebels at, in RebellionCartier, 1 36 ; 37 ; cross erected on by of 1837, 3 363.Cartier, 38, 2 379 ; French retreat by bridge St Francis Bank. Chartered (1854-55), 5 278.of boats on, 1 304.St Francis College, Richmond, 16 499.St Clair, Arthur (1734-1818), American general. St Francis Hydraulic Company, 16 592.Defeated in the Miami country (1791), 3 147, St Francis Xavier College, Antigonish (Roman4 709.Catholic). Founded (1854), 11 81, 14 517.St Croix. Settlement of de Monts at, 13 20 ; its St George, Quetton de (d. 1821). Frenchabandonment, 20 ;Nicolas Aubrey s sojourn Emigre in Canada, 17 54 ;amasses a fortuneon, 2 381 ;looted arid remains of de Monts and returns to France, 55.settlement destroyed by Samuel Argall, 386, St George. Steamboat on Montreal-Quebec13 34 ; discovery of remains of settlement route, built at Kingston (1834), 10 495, 499,

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