Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES*321-9; give hostages, 322-3; their inoffensiveness,3<strong>23</strong> ; oath-taking by, 326 ;Agricola. See Young, John.founder Agricultural Bank. Founded (1834), 4 629;ing of a transport, 327-9. New Brunswick: first to allow interest on deposits, 630.growth of settlement, 128, 188-90, 14404-5; Agricultural Education and State Aid. General :litigation over lands at Memramcook, 13 190 ; encouragement given to organization, 7 664 ;increase in, 193; favour separate school first provincial boards, 665 ;federal departsystem, 14 422 ;School Act most beneficial ment, 6 333-4 ;bureau of Agriculture andto, 422. See also Acadia.Statistics, 7 665 ;Dominion Council formed,Ac<strong>com</strong>modation. First Canadian steamboat, 666 ; experimental farms, 667-9 ;seed disher initial trip (Nov. 3, 1809), 10 494-5.tribution, 668Achilles. Transport wrecked ; Dairy Commissioner s dewhile conveying partment, 669-74 Exhibition; branch, 675 ;Acadians to St Malo, 13 328.development of state aid, 9 180-1 ; GrainActonvale. Effect of mining operations on Board formed, 10 472.agricultural development in, 18 586.Quebec department : created, 16 522 ;itsAdams, John (1735-1826), American states organization and work, 15 <strong>23</strong>2-3 ; publicaman. Assists in negotiating Treaty of Ver tions, societies, and schools, 16 521-3, 524,sailles, 3 116, 8 752-3, 797 ;and the British 525 ;the Agricultural Missionaries, 524-5 ;North American fisheries, 685 ;on the Mitchell dairymen s associations and schools, 526-7.map, 757, 761; re<strong>com</strong>mends forming a post Nova Scotia : first societies, 14 649 ; proat mouth of Columbia, 861.vincial department, 463-4 ; schools, 649-50 ;Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848), Americanstatesman. Signs Treaty of Ghent Agricultural College and its courses, 650-1.(1814), New Brunswick :department of Agricul8 771 ;and the British North American ture, 488 ;societies and organizations, 664-8.fisheries, 683, 685 ;and Russia s claims in Prince Edward Island :government aidBering Sea, 727-8 his territorial demands on in;improvement of live stock, 14 660-1 ;Pacific Coast, 843 ;his naive offer to Great educational work, 661 ; organizations, 663.Britain, 850, 851 ;on Nootka Convention, Ontario King s Mills erected, 18 553-4 : ;852 n. ;and Alaska firstboundary negotiations,agricultural society, 555 ; beginning of919.organization and first provincial grants, 559-Adams, Samuel (1722-1803), American states 561 ; organization from 1846, 562-82 ; periodiman. His antipathy to British rule, 13 132. cals, 568 ;<strong>com</strong>missioner s reports (1868,Adams, William (1772-1851). British signa 1869), 570tory to Treaty of Ghent ;Commission of 1880, 572-3 ;(1814), 8 771.department of Agriculture, 17 <strong>23</strong>2-5 ;farmAdams. American armed brig, surrendered forestry supervision, <strong>23</strong>4.at Detroit, 3 224.Prairie Provinces : educational work, 20Addington, Henry, first Viscount Sidmouth 344-5. Manitoba : 535-7. Saskatchewan :(1757-1844), British statesman. Proposes to colonization, 19 178-9 ; education, 20 466,settle disbanded Glengarries in Trinidad, 469-70, 565, 567-9 ; experimental farms,1767.560-1, 579 ; provincial department, 563 ;Addington, Henry Unwin (1790-1870). Negoti farm credits, 325 ; legislation, 563 stock;ates boundary convention with United States, breeders organizations, 564 ; provincial and8 791-2, 845.federal aid, 564-5. Alberta organizations:Addison, Robert (c. 1775-1829). Anglican and government aid, 593, 602.clergyman at Niagara, 11 222 ;conducts a British Columbia : first exhibitions, 22private school, 18 349.537-8 ; legislative acts and agriculture, 541-552; the department, 546-7; HorticulturalAdet, Pierre Auguste (1763-1832), Frenchminister to United States. His intrigues inCanada, 3 153; recalled, 154.Admiral. Steamer on Toronto - Rochesterroute, 10 540.Adolphustown, Township of. Loyalist settlement of, 17 25 ;school established at, before1790, 18 278.Advance. (1) Sails on Franklin search expedition (1850), 5 301. (2) Lakes freighter, 10556.Adventists. A religious sect, 11 399.Adventure. (1) Sails with Radisson for HudsonBay, 1 175. (2) Lake war vessel, 10 488.Advocates Library, Montreal. Founded (1828),16 469.A. E. Ames. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Aernouts, Dutch buccaneer. Raids Acadia,13 54.Africa. (1) Ship on which Captain Dacres wascourt-martialled at Halifax, 13 257. (2)Cunard steamship, 10 599.Agawa. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Board Act passed, 547 ; legislation affectingagriculture (1872-1910), 544-6 co-operative;associations, 547-8 ; Agricultural CreditAssociations Act, 1898, 548.Agricultural Industries. Potash : its manufacture under British regime, 4 528 ; petitionfor bounty on, 7 663 ; exports from UpperCanada (1797), 4 556. Meat-packing: aneighteenth-century anticipation of the industry, 2 504 and n. ;its development, 9124, 188, 253 ; specialized industries, 181-2,253-4, 16 517 ;abattoirs in Saskatchewan,20 572-3. See Milling.Agriculture. Special Articles: National Aidto the Farm, 7 651-77 ;Three Centuries of inQuebec, 16 505-27; in Maritime Provinces,14 637-68 ; History of Farming in Ontario,18 551-82; Economic Resources of Manitoba,20 509-37 ;in Saskatchewan, 646-54, 658-80 ;in Alberta, 683-96 ; History of Farming inBritish Columbia, 22 525-52.New France :experiments conducted by

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