Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Russians. Number of homestead entries inPrairie Provinces by (1910), 20 316 ;theirGENERAL INDEXinterest in education, 488.Rut, John. His disastrous voyage of 1527,I 26.Ruthenia. C.P.R. steamship, 10 613.Ruthenians (Galicians). Defects as settlers,7 559-60 ;influx in Prairie Provinces, 20302, 304-5 ; locations of, 19 176, 178, 20305 ; educational progress of immigrants,459-61, 487-90 ; training-school establishedat Brandon, 436 ;members of Greek Church,II 185 ;ministered to by Roman CatholicChurch, 185, 186, 189, 190; attempts tocreate schism, 191, 192, 193 ;educationaland religious work of Presbyterian Church.292-3 ; Ruthenian newspaper established atWinnipeg, 195 ;numbers in North-West(1898, 1901), 292.Rutherford, Alexander Cameron (b. 1858),premier of Alberta (1905-10), 6 157 ;hisadministration, 19 275-7, 20 485 ;501.Rutherford, John Gunion (6. 1857). Veterinarydirector-general, 7 674.Rutherford, William John (6. 1871). Memberof education <strong>com</strong>mission of University ofSaskatchewan, 20 467.Ruttan, Henry. Describes plough given bygovernment to first settlers in Upper Canada,18 564 ; on change in conditions frompioneer days, 568-9.Ryan, David. Organizes Ryanite secessionfrom Methodist Church, 11 308.Ryan, Mathew. Member of North-West Council,19 202.Ryanites. Canadian Methodist seceders, 11308.Ryder, C. S. Minister of Finance of BritishColumbia, 21 225, 226.Ryerson, Adolphus Egerton (1803-82). Repliesto attacks on loyalty and ability of Methodistpreachers, 11 331, 18 357, 360 ;and elementary education, 302-19 ; and secondaryeducation, 357-83 ; obtains charter forUpper Canada College, 361 ; principal ofVictoria College, 11 335, 18 365 ; consultedby Metcalfe on education, 302 ; supportsMetcalfe in constitutional struggle, 302 ;his views on university federation, 367 ;hisretort on Beaven, 367 assistant ; superintendent of Education, 302, 375 ;visitsEurope and United States, 302 his ; reportof 1846, 303-5 ;his Common School Act(1846), 303-6; his choice of text-books,306-7 ; first annual report of, 307 ;Supplementary Act of 1847, 307-8 ; Cameron Act(1849) passed, 308 ; his School Act of 1850,308-9 ; and normal schools, 309-11 ;andseparate schools, 312-15 ; his auxiliaryagencies, 316 ; reorganizes secondary education, 378-80 ; drafts memorial on universityquestion, 387 ; his attack on UniversityCollege, 387-8 ;his School ImprovementAct of 1871, 317-18 ; resignation of, 318-19 ;induces Mowat to abolish Council of PublicInstruction, 17 150-1 ; his eclecticism,controversial temper, and autocratic methods,18 317; contrasted with Strachan, 357-8,375-6 ; 562 ;his History of the loyalists,12 504-5.Ryerson, George. Represents Methodists ofUpper Canada in Great Britain, 3 346.Rykert, J. C. Opposes abolition of dual representation, 17 134 ; accepts fees from railwaj-sin return for parliamentary services, 144.Ryland, Herman Witsius (1770-1838). Sentto England to lay Craig s views before thegovernment, 3 166 ; hostility of to Churchof Rome and French Canadians, 11 36, 38,40 his ; anti-Popery campaign in England,38-9 ; interviews Sir Robert Peel, 39 ;dismissed by Prevost, 39.Ryswick, Treaty of (1697). Its terms, 2 360 ;cripples Hudson s Bay Company, 1 189 ;boundaries of Hudson Bay under, 8 884-6 ;Acadia restored to France under. 13 58.Saavedra. Spanish <strong>com</strong>mander at Nootka,21 50-1.Sabin, L. C. Secretary of American section ofInternational Waterways Commission, 6 364.Sabourin, Abbe Joseph Adonias (b. 1880).His mission to Ruthenian Catholics, 11 190.Sackett s Harbour (Niaouare Bay). Montcalmconcentrates on, 1 252 naval ; engagementat, 3 218 ; Brock projects attack on, 226 ;British attempt on, 240-1.Sackville. First Baptist church in NewBrunswick formed at, 11 352 ; Methodistcollege founded at, 13 289.Sackville-West, Sir Lionel (b. 1827). Protestsagainst seizures of Canadian sealers, 8 724 ;negotiates on Chamberlain-Bayard Treaty,6 108, 8 702 ; protests against Americanmilitary reconnaissance in British Columbia,932 ;and construction of trail from LynnCanal to interior of Alaska, 932.Sacred Heart, Brothers of the, 11 90, 91.Sacred Heart, Sisters of the. At Halifax, 1183 ; at Sandwich, 63 ; at Ottawa, 69.Sadlier, Mrs Mary Ann (1820-1903). English-Canadian author, 12 548.Sagard-Theodat, Gabriel. Recollet, 1 58 ;hismissionary journey on the Ottawa, 2 395 ;on difficulties of evangelization, 396 ; endeavours to bring about peace betweenHurons and Iroquois, 1 64 ; publishes hisGreat Journey (1632), 59.Sagima. Lake vessel, 10 486.Saginaw. Great Western Railway steamboat,10 546.Saguenay. Indian name for district extendingfrom the Gulf to Isle aux Coudres, 1 35 n. ;site of mythical province of, 35 n. ; Robervals search for, 41.Saguenay. Steamer on Saguenay-Quebee route,10 552.Saguenay River. Its drainage area, 18 531 ;its basin the home of the Ouananiche, 566.Saineterre, Paul d Auxillon, Seigneur de. Dispatched to bring back Roberval, 1 41.St Albans, Vermont. Filibustering raid byConfederates on, 7 406.St Albert. The settlement in 1870, 20 285 ;in1890, 19 170 ; first primary schools inTerritories established in district of, 20 451.

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