Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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i8oCANADA AND ITS PROVINCESOffice, 16 411 ;schools of, 414 its ; hostility Rundell, Bridge, and Rundell. Acquire rightsto Dalhouaie a education scheme, 414 ; its of Duke of York in mines and minerals ofpowers and educational machinery, 451-2 ;Nova Scotia, 14 394, 675.management of predominatingly Anglican, Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine of the Rhine452 ; charges of proselytizing by, 452-3, 454 ; (1619-82). Movingclass of masters employed, 454 spirit in formation of;educational <strong>com</strong>panywork of, 454-5 ;entrusted by James M to explore Hudson Bay, 1 162 ;c Gill receives charter of Hudson s Bay Company,with organization of MGill University, 165-C ;his reward for its promotion, 168 ;495-6 ; defines its university policy as nonsectarian,496.Rupert River, James Bay. Visited by169.Royal Institution for the Advancement of Groseilliers, 1 163 ; Indians first trade withLearning, British Columbia, 22 428.Hudson s Bay Company at, 164 ; system asRoyal Mail Line. Begins operations (1841), 10 a source of fish538 ; among first to use iron steamers supply, 16 564-5.(1843), Rupert s Bay. Henry Hudson at, 1 152-3.539 ; merged in Canadian Navigation Com Rupert s Land. Extent of defined underpany, 539.Rupert s Land Act (1870), 8 895 ;its boundRoyal Mail Steam Packet Company, 10 618.aries undetermined, 20 369.Royal Marines. At siege of Port Royal (1710), Rush, Richard (1780-1859). American bound13 64.ary <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 842 ;his controversyRoyal Military College, Kingston. Founded with Canning, 843 and n., 844-5 ;his pro(1876), 7 425-6, 18 401.posals for international settlement, 920-1.Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Takes part in Russell, Sir Charles, afterwards first BaronWar of 1812, 3 209, 253.Russell of Killowen (1832-1900). On PetrofTsRoyal North-West Mounted Police. Organized fraudulent translations, 8 733 his ; speeches(1873), 19 148, 198, 20 293 ; original strength rebutting American claim to right of propertyof, 19 148 ;services of, in suggesting legisla in seals, 738-9, 743.tion, 148 ;contribution to peace and order, Russell, Lord John, afterwards first Earl149 ; employed in suppression of North-West Russell (1792-1878), secretary for War andRebellion, 7 432-3 ; development of horse the Colonies (1839-41). Refuses demandsindustry due to its inception, 20 594 ;ser of Lower Canada assembly, 3 322 ; introvices of in settling foreign immigrants, 19 duces bill making temporary provision for177.government of Canada, 4 389 ;defendsRoyal Nova Scotia Regiment. Offers to con Durham s ordinance of June 28, 1838, 398 ;tribute a week s pay towards the public favours union, 406-7, 5 152 ; his attitudeservice, 13 248.to responsible government, 107-8 ; on theRoyal Roussillon Regiment. Engaged in battle solvent for conflicts of authority, 4 410-11 ;of the Plains, 1 304.on double responsibility of executive officers,Royal Syntax. Ironical term applied by 412-13 ; disapproves sending indigent emiFrench soldiers to Canadian militia, 1 284. grants to Canada, 5 206 ; proposes imperialRoyal Tar. First steamboat on St John-Boston guarantee on provincial loan, 167 ; regardsroute, 10 561.separationRoyal Veterans. Engaged in War of Canada from mother countryof 1812, 3 ao inevitable, 67.209, 219.Russell, John (b. 1879). His work as an artist,Royal William. Designed for Quebec-Halifax 12 615, 631.route, 10 591 ; launched at Quebec (April 27, Russell, John. Member of council of St John s1831), 592 ; description of, 592 ;her maiden Island, 13 345.trip, 592-3 ;curious reason for dropping calls Russell, Jonathan (1771-1832). United Statesat Charlottetown, 563 ; sold through losses signatory to Treaty of Ghent, 8 771.due to visitation of cholera, 593 ;her his Russell, Peter (d. 1808). Member of firsttoric voyage to England begun (August 18, executive council of Upper Canada, 3 173;1833), 590-1, 593-4 ;time taken in voyage, administrator (1796-99), 4 451 ;and appoint591 n. ; memorial tablet in honour of, 591 ; ment of magistrates, 18 416 ; his indisher later ownership, 594 ; first steam war criminate land grants, 17 43-4 ;and Frenchvessel to fire a shot in action, 594.emigrb settlement, 56 ; grants himself aRubidge, Charles (1787-1873), captain R.N tract of land, 60.A pioneer settler of township of Otonabee, 17 Russell, Thomas. Minister of Protestant Dis78 ; assists in settlement of Irish immigrants senters Church, Halifax (1783), 11 258.at Peterborough, 86 ;entertains Sir Pere Russell, Thomas. One of fathers of Confederagrine Maitland, 87.tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Rubis. Ship which conveyed Bishop de Russian American Fur Trading Company.Lauberiviere to Quebec, 2 434.Incorporates Baranoff s <strong>com</strong>pany, 21 242 ;Ruddick, John Archibald (b. 1862). Dairy projects establishment at Nootka, 41 ;<strong>com</strong>missioner for Canada, 7 674.<strong>com</strong>mercial privileges in Alaska granted toRuling Families of Ontario. A political (1799), 8 727, 919; Bagot on its influencepamphlet published for provincial election with Russian plenipotentiaries, 927 n.,of 1879, 17 156.leases South-Eastern Alaska to Hudson sRundel, Robert Terill, Methodist. First mis Bay Company, 21 247, 8 929 ;its territorysionary in Alberta, 20 478. neutralized during Crimean War, 929.

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