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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Ross. Schoolmaster at Kildonan, 20 426.ROBS and Colgate. Report to Niagara FallsPower Commission, 18 477.Ross and Company. Their services to shipbuilding in Quebec, 10 580.ROSS Rifle. Controversy on its merits, 7 448-9 ;limit of output of factory, 453.Rosse, Lawrence Parsons, second Earl of (d.1841). Aids Richard Talbot in obtaininggrant in Upper Canada, 17 73.Rosseau, John B. Purchases land from JosephBrant, 17 47.Rossignol. Arrested by de Monts at Liverpoolharbour, 13 19.Rossignol and Chapais. Open first <strong>com</strong>binedcheese and butter factory in Quebec (1881),16 526.Rottenburg, Baron Francis de (d. 1832). Supersedes Sheaffe, 3 <strong>23</strong>9.Rottenburg, Colonel Baron de. Secretary of<strong>com</strong>mission on defence, 7 396.Roubaud, Pierre Joseph Antoine, apostatepriest. Calumniates Abb6 Briand, 11 17.Rouen, Parliament of. Opposes granting ofmonopolies to chartered <strong>com</strong>panies, 2 446 .,451.Rouiller, Mathurin. Schoolmaster at Montreal (1686), 16 338.Rouse, Captain. Leads miners at Yalo againstIndians, 21 152.Roussillon Regiment. See Royal RoussillonRegiment.Roussy, Louis (1808-80). Assists in foundingGrande Ligne Mission, 11 372.Routh, Sir Randolph Isham (1782-1858).Member of Durham s special council, 4 392.Routhier, Sir Adolphe Basile (b. 1839). HisMontreal, 11 33.Rover. Liverpool privateer, 13 1 1 1 ;with the Santa Ritta, 253.her fightRowand, John. Commander at Fort Edmonton, 11 130.Roy, Joseph Camille (b. 1870). As literarycritic, 12 488.Roy, Joseph Edmond (1858-1913). French-Canadian historian, 12 460 ;on educationalstandard of women of New France, 16 328.Roy, Louis Rodolphe (b. 1859). Provincialsecretary and registrar of Quebec, 15 213 n.Roy, Paul Eugene (b. 1859). Roman Catholicauxiliary bishop of Quebec, 11 107 ; quoted,12 480-1.Roy, Philippe (b. 1868). Agent-general forCanada in France, 6 371.Roy, Father Pierre (1800-47). Victim of typhusepidemic of 1847, 11 96.Royal, Joseph (1837-1902), lieutenant-governorof North-West Territories (1888-93). Hisservices during Red River troubles, 11 158 ;secretary of Board of Education of Manitoba,20 427 ; defends Riel, 19 105 ; conducts LeMttis, 107 ; resigns from Norquay government, 109 ; lieutenant-governor, 221 ; hisGENERAL INDEX 179difficult position, 227 ;in conflict withassembly, <strong>23</strong>9 ; his last speech to assembly,244-5 ; historian, 12 460.Royal Americans (60th Regiment, RifleBrigade). Sent to assume possession ofIsland of St John, 13 324 ;remain at Quebecafter battle of the Plains, 15 122 ; take overwestern posts, 3 58 ; ambushed at Devil sHole, 67 at ; capture of Castine, 13 259 ; inCanada during Trent crisis, 14 409 and n. ;on Red River expedition, 7 424 ;last regiment to evacuate Canada, 4<strong>23</strong>.Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 12 635.Royal Canadian Artillery. Employed in SouthAfrican War, 7 438 and n.Royal Canadian Bank. Its establishment,amalgamation with Consolidated Bank, suspension, and wind up, 10 638.Royal Canadian Dragoons. Formed from firstCanadian cavalry school, 7 427 ;take partin South African War, 438 and .;of war in, 441.wastageRoyal Canadian Regiment of Infantry. Formedfrom first Canadian infantry schools, 7 427 ;engaged in South African War, 438, 439,440 ; wastage of war in, 441.Royal Canadian Rifles Bull (Frogs ). Historyof the regiment, 7 394, 19 59 ; disbanded(1871), 7 395.Royal Canadians (100th Regiment). Raisedduring Indian Mutiny, 7 395 ;now 1stbattalion of Leinster Regiment, 395.Royal Charlotte. Lakes vessel launched ( 1764),10 485-6.Royal Convert. War vessel on Lake Champlain10 487.Royal Edward. Canadian Northern Railwaysteamship, 10 613-14.literary works, 12 476, 484, 488 ;his decisionin Charlevoix election petition, 6 72.Royal Engineers. Detachments sent to BritishRoux, Jean Henri Auguste (1760-1831), French Columbia (1858), 21 146-7; engaged inrefugee priest. Opens school in St Laurent, road construction, 148-9, 157 ; employedMontreal, 16 407 ; superior of Seminary of during M c Gowan riots, 153.Royal Exchange Shipping Company. Absorbedby Allan Line, 10 607.Royal Fencible Americans. Form militarysettlement on St Croix, 13 152.Royal George. ( 1) War vessel on Lake Champlain,10 487. (2) Formerly Heliopolis,Canadian Northern steamship, 10 614.Royal Grenadiers of Toronto. Employedduring North-West Rebellion, 7 431.Royal Guides and Pioneers. Then- location onthe St John, 13 149.Royal Highland Emigrants (84th Regiment).Raised by Macdonald of Glenaladale, 13358 ; at defence of Quebec, 3 85, 93, 94 ;second battalion of (Small s), at Halifax, 13225 ; their settlements in Upper Canada, 1722, 25 ? amount of land granted to variousranks, 30.Royal Institution for the Advancement ofLearning. Opposed by Roman CatholicChurch, 11 36 ; its establishment in 1801,36-7, 16 451 ; alleged real intention of, 409 ;root of French-Canadian opposition to, 409-410 ; proposed transference of its powers tolocal corporations, 3 277 ;measure for restriction of refused sanction by Colonial

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