Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 78 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCEStutions, and missionaries ; also Indians ; Ross, Sir George William (1841-1914), premierSeigneurial System.of Ontario (1899-1905). Minister of EducaRomilly, Samuel, captain R.E. Beports on tion for Ontario, 17 165, 220 n. ; RossLaohine Canal project, 10 508.Bible gives rise to No Poperv agitation,Rondeau, Eustache. Teacher at Chateau- 169, 18 322 ; and text-book problem, 321 ;Richer, 16 334.and problem of religious instruction, 322 ;Rondeau, Pierre (1824-1900). Missionary priest his attitude to bilingual schools, 3<strong>23</strong>, 330-1 ;in British Columbia, 11 145.fosters Kindergarten system, 324, 328 ;Rondeau Provincial Park, 17 218, 18 595.establishes training institutes, 328, 331 ;Roorbach, Barent. Loyalist applicant forgrant in Eastern reorganizes his department, 328-9 ;extendsTownships, 15 149.school agencies, 329 ;effects universityRoosevelt, Theodore (b. 1858). On the French federation, 17 224, 18 393 ; passes Truancyvoyageurs, 15 76 ;his estimate of number of Act of 1891, 329 ; amends coursesFrenchmen in the West of study,in 1778, 78.329-30 ; reorganizes examination system,Root, Elihu (b. 1845), United States secretary 331-2 ; at interprovincial conferences, 15for War. Member of Alaska Boundary 197, 212 ; premier and provincial treasurer,Commission (1903), 6 145, 8 938, 939, 950, 17 180, 210 n.956 ; agrees to modus vivendi with Newhis ; precarious tenure ofoffice, 180-1 ;his attitude to liquor profoundland, 707-8 ;his closing speech in hibition, 181-2 ;his government chargedfisheries reference, 712 ;and Webster s with corruption, 182-3 ; defeated at the polls,admission in American fishery claims, 692. 183-4 ; appointed to the Senate, 184.Roper, John Charles (b. 1858). Bishop of Ross, James. Engages in reform movementColumbia, 11 <strong>23</strong>3.at Red River, 19 59 ; editor of the Nor -Ropes, David, <strong>com</strong>mander of American priva Wester, 67 ;member of convention <strong>com</strong>teer. Surrenders to the Observer, 13 2<strong>23</strong>. mittee, 83 n. ;Riel s chief justice, 11 155, 19Roquemont, Claude de, Sieur de Brison. Com 85 n. ;on dutymands expedition to New of recognizing provisionalFrance, 2 399;his navrJ engagement with Kirke government, 84-5 ;is refused a reprieve for(1628), Boulton, 86.401 ;his emigrant ships captured by the Ross, Sir James Clark (1800-62), explorer.Kirkes, 15 21.Discovers north magnetic pole, 4 686 ;<strong>com</strong>Rose, Sir John, Bart. (1820-88). Attempts to mands Franklin search expedition (1848),obtain imperial aid for Intercolonial Railway, 5 297-8.10 417 ; Oregon Treaty <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 876 ; Ross, James Hamilton. Member of Northministerof Finance (1867-69), 7 480, 514 ;West Council, 19 214 ;member of firstpoints in his first budget, 500-1 ;favours Territorialadoption of American assembly, 224 ; co-operates withbanking system, 10 Haultain, 224-5 ; claims title to public628 ;introduces bill (1869) to establish a lands, 215 ; agitates for reform, 216, 217,national banking system, 630 ;its with 219, 220, 221 ; resigns the speakership,drawal followed by his resignation, 630.242-3 ;his re-election, 243, 250 ; IndianRosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, fifth treaty <strong>com</strong>missioner, 7 598, 11 184.Earl of (b. 1847), British foreign secretary Ross, Sir John (1777-1856). His expedition(1886, 1892-94). Endorses refusal of <strong>com</strong> in search of North-West Passage (1828), 4mercial privileges to American fishing 684 ;on Boothia Peninsula, 686 ; his Frankvessels, 8 699-700 ;favours free trade, 6 lin search expedition (1850), 5 301 ; explores144.Wellington Channel and Cornwallis Land, 303 ;Rosemount. Lakes freighter, 10 550.records occurrence c* copper ore, 22 656.Rosevear, Major, of East Durham, His Ross, John (d. 1871). First president of Grandappearance in the March of the Cameron Trunk Railway, 10 401 ; witness beforeMen, 17 153 ;on Ontario Judicature Bill House of Commons Committee (1857), 21of 1881, 158.125.Roseway. First ship constructed in Nova Ross, John. Chief inspector of schools inScotia after British occupation, 13 <strong>23</strong>8.Alberta, 20 485.Ross, Alexander (1783-1856). Describes spring Ross, John Jones (d. 1901), premier of Quebecbuffalo hunt at Red River, 5 320-2 ; his (1884-87). Speaker of legislative council,works on the Canadian West, 12 503-4 ; on 15 178 n., 185 ; premier, 191, 193.introduction of domestic cattle at Fort Ross, Patrick Robertson. Adjutant-generalCumberland, 7 656.in Canada (1869-73), 7 425.ROSS, A. M. (d. 1900). Commissioner of ROSS, Robert (1766-1814), British general. AtAgriculture and treasurer of Ontario, 17 164, Bladensburg Races, 3 269 ; burns Wash210 n., <strong>23</strong>2 n.ington, 270 ;killed near Baltimore, 13 259 ;Ross, Sir Charles. Lessee of salmon fisheries in buried at Halifax, 259.Quebec, 16 563.ROSS, Thomas. Halifax privateer, 13 221-2.ROSS, Charles. In <strong>com</strong>mand of post at Fort ROSS, William. Minister of Militia (1873-74),Camosun (Victoria), 21 78.6 64.Ross, Donald. Takes partin. first school Ross, William Roderick (b. 1869). Ministerelection contest at Edmonton., <strong>23</strong> 482.of Lands of British Columbia, 21 <strong>23</strong>3.Ross, Duncan (d. 1834). Member of Antiburgherpresbytery of Pictou, 11 260. rangers at Niagara, 17ROSS, Major. Instructed to care for disbanded21,

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