Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX177Rochfoit Point, Louisbourg. Battery erectedby Franquet at, 1 219.Rochon, Paul. Teacher at St Eustache, 16 420.Rochon, Telesphore. Roman Catholic schoolsinspector of Manitoba, 20 439.Rocky Mountain House. Founded by SimonFraser, 21 55 ; site of, 5 327 ;DavidThompson at, 4 665, 667.Rocky Mountains. Discovered by La VerendryeBrothers, 1 130, 133 ; Milton andCheadle s description of, 5 326.Rodgers, John (1773-1838), American naval<strong>com</strong>mander. His plan in War of 1812,3 198, 216.Rodney, George Brydges, afterwards first BaronRodney (1718-92), admiral. Endorsesmont s memorial, 13 341.Eg-Roebuck, John Arthur (1801-79), Britishradical politician. Supports nationalistparty in Lower Canada, 3 319.Roe s Wel<strong>com</strong>e. Explored by Button, 1 197.Roger, Charles. Teacher at Chateau-Richer,16 334.Rogers, James (1826-1903). Roman Catholicbishop of Chatham (1800-1902), 11 78.Rogers, James. In <strong>com</strong>mand of King .sRangers, 17 22.Rogers, Robert (1727-1800), major. Leadspunitive expedition against Abnakis, 1 274-5 ;lays waste country round Quebec, 15 83 ;his interview with Pontiac, 3 57 ; raises theQueen s Rangers, 172.Rogers, Robert (6. 1864). Assists in arranging<strong>com</strong>promise on Manitoba voters lists, 6 163 ;19 136.Rogers, Timothy. Receives grant in YorkCounty for Society of Friends, 11 389.Rolette, Charles Frederic (1783-1831). Employed with lake-service flotilla in War of1812, 3 224, 15 11.Rolland, Jean Roch (1785-1862), judge. Appointed to Durham s executive council, 4394.Rollo, John, fifth Lord (d. 1765). Sent to takepossession of Island of St John, 13 324.Rolph, Dr John (1792-1870). Applies for postoffice extension, 4 739 ; moves resolutionson clergy reserves, 3 336 ; member of executive council of Upper Canada, 354 ; changesdate of attack on Toronto, 365 ; be<strong>com</strong>esHead s ambassador, 365 ; retires to UnitedStates, 366 ; his conduct during the Rebellion, 367-8 ;his immigration schemes, 5 204,206-8 ; on anti-British teaching in Americanschool text-books, 18 297 ;Morin administration, 5 70.joins Hincks-Roma, de. His settlement on St John s Islandraided by New Englanders, 13 315-16.Roman Catholic Church. Special Articles :The Church and the Colony, 2 379-442 ;Roman Catholic Church East ftf~fffe QfealLakes (1760-1912), 11 11-112; RomanCatholic Church West of the Great Lakes,115-96. New France : first attempt atevangelization, 2 381-6 ; first converts madein Acadia, 382 ;first mass in Canada (1615),388; first marriage (1617), 293; first recorded baptism (162J), 393; rival vicars-VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>Igeneral, 416-17, 419 ; diocese of Quebecfounded (1674), 420; chapter of Quebecfounded (1684), 421; munificence ofLouis XIV to Quebec church, 425-6 ; contentious spirit among clergy, 431 ; erectionof parishes and appointment of irremovablepastors, 431-2 ; chapter s attitude to immobilizing of cures, 437 ; Quebec cathedralrebuilt, 436-7 ; seigniories of bishop andseminary of Quebec, 565 ; religious ordersas seigneurs, 566 ; endeavours to keep peopleon the land, 561 ; means adopted for erectionof churches, 562 ; method of appointmentof cures, 562 ; number of churches built ofstone (1681), 562 ; Laval and Saint-Vallierdecline to consecrate inferior edifices, 562 ;system of tithes established (1667), rateslevied and produce tithed, 464 ; total areaof land granted to, under French regime, 4524 ;its influence on the habitant, 15 88-90.British regime status under :Capitulationof Montreal, 3 22, 11 13; right of nomination of bishop of Quebec by French kingrefused, 3 <strong>23</strong> ; collection of tithes underCapitulation of Montreal, <strong>23</strong> ; characterand attainments of clergy, <strong>23</strong>-4 ; status underTreaty of Paris, 40, 11 13-14 ; attempt toanglicize French Canadians, 13 ; dispositionsof vicars-general of Quebec, 15-16 ; petitionfor full exercise of Catholic religion (1763),16 ; assent to Montgolfier s election asbishop refused, 15-16 ; conditions of appointment of Bishop Briand, 17-18 ;itsstatus under Quebec Act, 3 44, 47 ;effect ofQuebec Act during RevohifciortaTy War, 1119-20 ; encroachments embodied in Carletons instructions (1775), 20-1 ; extinctionof male religious orders, 21-2 ; ecclesiasticalstatistics of Quebec diocese, (1784) <strong>23</strong>,(1794) 34-5 ; French emigre priests arrive(1793-98), 32-3 ; opposes proposed mixeduniversity, 33 ;its attitude to royal supremacy under Constitutional Act, 4 439.-4L;question of nomination of cuTSsT 440;number of Catholics (1695, 1769), 11 13;opposes Royal Institution, 36-7 ;conditionsimposed in appointment of new bishops,46-8 ; tests and their abolition in NovaScotia, 28, 31, 74-6 Catholic ;population inUpper Canada (1834), 53; population inWestern Canada (1842, 1848), 54. Historicalsketches of ecclesiastical provinces, withnotices of bishops and institutions, andtabular statistics (1825-1911) Kingston,47-58 ; Toronto, 58-65 ; Ottawa, 65-71 ;Halifax, 72-84 ; Montreal, 85-93 ; Quebec,93-110. Councils of Quebec and theirdecrees, 99-102 ;rule for election of bishops,100 ; Gaume s attack on use of paganauthors, 103 ; attitude of towards liberalism,103-4 ;university quarrel between Quebecand Montreal, 104-5 ; Manitoba schoolquestion, 106-7 ; growth of in Canada, 111-112; growth of ecclesiastical establishmentin the West (1845-94), 181 ; missionary zealand self-sacrifice in North-West, 20 477 ;statistics (1766 and 1912), 11 112. .See under names of religious orders, insti-M

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