Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 76 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESRobertson, Alexander Rocke (d. 1881). Member of first legislative assembly of BritishColumbia, 21 180; provincial secretary, 181.Robertson, Colin. Leads advance-guard toRed River, 19 34-5 ; marches to FortGibraltar and carries off Duncan Cameron,36 ; intercepts express canoe of North-WestCompany, 36.Robertson, David. Anglican clergyman servingat Montreal and Lachine, 11 218.Robertson, James (1839-1902). First ministerof Knox Church, Winnipeg, 11 288 ; superintendent of missions for North-West, 288,295.Robertson, James. Pioneer Congregationalistin Eastern Townships, 11 382.Robertson, James W. (b. 1857). Dairy <strong>com</strong>missioner (1895-1904), 7 669 ; resigns, 674 ;his work in Prince Edward Island, 14 660 ;aids in educational organization in NewBrunswick, 554, 555.Robertson, Joseph Gibb. Provincial treasurerof Quebec, 15 178 n., 180; member ofChapleau s cabinet, 189.Robertson, S. N. Principal of College andNormal School, Charlottetown, 14 538.Robertson, William. Member of first executivecouncil of Upper Canada, 3 173.Robertson, W. A. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Robertson, William Fleet (b. 1859). Provincial mineralogist and assayer, BritishColumbia, 22 580.Robertson College, Edmonton (Presbyterian),20 498, 499 ;affiliated with provincial university, 503-4.Roberval, Jean Francois de la Rogue, Sieur de(c. 1500-c. 1560). First official grant of NewFrance made to, with leading features of hischarter (1540), 2 315-16; sends Cartier toCanada (1541), 1 39 ; reaches Newfoundland,41 ; at Charlesbourg-Royal, 41-2 ; returnsto France, 42.Robichau, Prudent (1669-1756). Acadian justice of peace, 13 71 ; ront-gatherer forAnnapolis Royal, 74.Robidoux, Joseph Emery (b. 1844). Provincialtreasurer of Quebec, 15 193.Robin and Company, Charles. Its foundation,development, and changes in name, 14 565,16 556-7.Robins, S. M. His evidence on Chinese labour,21 261.Robins, Sampson Paul (b. 1833). Superintendent of Protestant schools of Montreal, 16481 ; principal of Mc Gill Normal School, 486 ;as an educationist, 487.Robinson, Clifford William (6. 1866). Premierof New Brunswick (1907-8), 14 431.Robinson, Sir John. Original member ofHudson s Bay Company, 1 166.Robinson, J. A. Member of first legislativeassembly of British Columbia, 21 180.Robinson, Sir John Beverley, Bart, (1791-1863),chief justice of King s Bench of Ontario(1829-62). Opposes union (1822), 3 297 ;opposes purchase by Canada Company ofclergy reserves, 334 ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies Sir Peregrine Maitland on his visit to Peterborough,17 87 ; Judge Willis an opponent of, 3 339 ;at banquet of Provincial Agricultural Association (1846), 18 562.Robinson, John Beverley (1820-96). Lieutenant-governor of Ontario (1880-87), 17190 n. ;on Archbishop Lynch, 11 62.Robinson, Peter (1785-1838). Settles Peterborough with Irish immigrants, 17 84-5 ;entertains Sir Peregrine Maitland, 87 ;thanked by British parliament, 88 ; resignsfrom executive council of Upper Canada, 3354.Robinson, Samuel. Publishes list of mineralsof Upper Canada (1825), 18 618 n.Robinson, William Benjamin (1773-1838).Arranges surrender of Indian lands, 5 346.Robinson, Major. Surveys for Halifax andQuebec Railway, 6 30, 10 378 ;on <strong>com</strong>mercial future of the line, 380.Robitaille, Theodore (1834-97), lieutenantgovernorof Quebec (1879-84). Receivergeneral(1873), 7 514; refuses Joly s requestfor a dissolution, 15 J88-9.Roblin, John. Expelled from Upper Canadaassembly on account of being a preacher, 4478.Roblin, Sir Redmond Palen (b. 1853), premierof Manitoba (1900-15). At interprovincialconference of 1902, 15 212 ; and liquorprohibition, 19 131 ; and government ownership of public utilities, 132-3.Robson, Ebenezer (1835-1911). Methodist missionary, 11 318.Robson, Hubert. Victim of typhus visitation(1847), 11 96.Robson, John (d. 1892), premier of BritishColumbia (1889-92). Editor of the BritishColumbian, 21 133 ; member of first legislativeassembly, 180 ;and first agricultural fairat New Westminster (1867), 22 538; andarrears of salary due to school teachers, 419;21 183 ; provincial secretary, 209, 215 ;premier, 216 ; proposes imposition of headtaxon Chinamen, 253, 254 ; proposes exclusion of Chinese from employment onRobinson, Beverley (17<strong>23</strong>-92). Member of first public works, 253 ;favours non-sectariancouncil of New Brunswick, 13 154; 155; education, 22 413 ; presides at first conlieutenant-colonel of regiment raised for de vocation of University of British Columbia,fence, 176.437.Robinson, Boardman. Cartoonist of New Rochefoucauld, Nicolas de la. See Anville,York Tribune, 12 631.Due d .Robinson, Christopher (1828-1905). On validity Rochempnteix, Camille de, Jesuit historian.of educational clauses of bill establishing Describes Jesuit College, Quebec, as a reprovinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, 6 production of colleges of France, 16 367.155-6 ; argues case for Dominion in Ontario Rochester. Steamer of New York State Shoreboundary appeal, 8 897.Line, 10 552.

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