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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 17511 168-9, 19 210 ; incites Indians to join slowness of travel, 363 ; excessive cost ofrising, 11 170, 19 207 n. ; surrender, trial, travel, 363-4 ; effect on price of land ofand execution of (November 16, 1885), 6 construction of plank roads, 364 ; subsidies103-4, 11 171, 19 211 ; racial recriminations by Lower and Upper Canada, up to Union,over his execution, 6 104-5, 11 171, 19 211 ;364 ;effect on the people of primitive meanseffect of agitation against his execution on of transit and seasonal closing of waterways,Quebec provincial elections, 6 106 ;charac 365.teristics and estimate of, 33, 19 79-80 ; his Quebec early provincial grants (1815-40),:mental condition, 6 103, 11 168, 169-70, 19 with mileage between Eastern Townships106, 208, 211 n.and St Lawrence (1835), 10 361 ; connectionsRiel Rebellion (1869-70). Causes leading up to, made with United States system, 361-2 ;6 31-4, 11 150-1, 19 63-8 ; incidents of, 6 road from Quebec to Lake St John built, 1534-8, 11 152-9, 19 73-93. See M Dougall, 177 ;Mercier s policy ofWilliam ;Red subventions, 193 ;River Expedition ; Riel, Gouin s scheme of loans to municipalities,Louis. See also North-West Rebellion ( 1885). 215;Rifle Brigade. See Royal Americans.provincial expenditures (1906, 1912-13,Rimouski. College founded 1913-14), <strong>23</strong>3; vote for bridges (1812-13),at (1867), 16 432. <strong>23</strong>5.Ripley, Eleazar Wheelock (1782-1839). Maritime Provinces. Nova Scotia :stageWounded at battle of Lundy s Lane, 3 259. service established between Halifax andRipon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Windsor (1829), 10 361 ; condition of theEarl de Grey and Ripon (1827-1909). Kempt Road (1840-49), 362-3; their conBritish <strong>com</strong>missioner in arranging Treaty dition in the forties, 5 381. New Brunsof Washington (1871), 6 47; and John wick : construction of four highways proA. Macdonald s protest against proposed posed (1786), 13 169 ; rivers the main routes,fisheries concessions, 49 ;his defence of 169 ; early construction, 10 361 ; theirWashington Treaty, 8 875 n. ; and position improved condition in the forties, 5 381 ;of colonies in treaty negotiations, 9 176-7. land grants paid for by labour on, 14 404.Ripple. Schooner built at Lunenburg, 10 581. Prince Edward Island : works undertakenRitchie, Charles Thomson, afterwards Baron by Lieutenant-Governor Patterson, 13 347-Ritchie of Dundee (1838-1906), Chancellor 348.of the Exchequer. Opposes Chamberlain s Ontario : effects of bad planning andpolicy of colonial preference, 6 144.unnatural location of, 18 417-18 ; HighwaysRitchie, John William (d. 1890). Member of Act of 1792, 418 ; statute labour tax, 10Prince Edward Island Land Commission of 360, 18 418, 419-20; Yonge Street built,1860, 13 366.3 177, 10 360 ; survey and conditions ofRitchie, S. J. Favours <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 9 grants on Dundas Street, 3 177, 10 361 ;165.Danforth Road <strong>com</strong>menced (1801), 4 734;Ritchot, Joseph Noel (1825-1905). On presence early provincial grants, 10 361 ; proportionof Canadian surveyors at Red River, 19 of tax on wild lands applied to, 17 247 ;69-70, 73 ; delegate to Ottawa, 6 37, 11 macadamizing gives place to plank, 10 363 ;155, 19 85, 91; arrest of, 6 41, 42; protonotary-apostolic,11 183 ;first act providing for <strong>com</strong>mutation ofdeath of, 188. statute labour tax (1819), 18 420; work ofRivard, Adjutor. Literary critic, 12 488.district councils under act of 1841, 433-4 ;River of the Mountains. See Liard River.lack of systematic maintenance, 436 ;Rives, William Cabell (1793-1868). Exhibits wastefulness and inefficiency of statuteRed Line map in United States Senate, labour tax, 436 ; debentures, municipal8 820.subscriptions and loans for, and bridges,Riviere aux Canards. First shot in Canada 437, 443-4fired at, in War recent ; higlrway improvement,of 1812, 3 221.484-7 ;federal aid, 487-8.Riviere de Baroques, Prince Edward Island. Prairie Provinces : construction from LakeCartier at, 1 31.Superior to Lake of the Woods, 7 633 ; proRiviere des Prairies. Celebration of first mass vision of roads and bridges, 20 342-3.in the Province of Quebec at (June 24, British Columbia : the Cariboo road, 211615), 2 388.117, 156-8, 273-4; road mileage built andRiviere du Loup. Attempted surprise of requiring to be built, 22 361 ; abolition ofguard at, 3 96.road tolls, 21 182.Riviere Ouelle. Repulse of Phips s expedition Yukon, 22 603-4 ; effect of constructionat, 15 88-9.on freight charges, 603.Roads. Special Article : National Highways See also Transportation.Overland, 10 359-472. General : first im Roaf, John. Founds Zion Congregationalportant, constructed on north shore from Church, Toronto, 11 382.Quebec to Montreal, 2 559 ; rivers main Roberts, Charles, captain. Captures Fortarteries of traffic, 15 88 ; powers of grand Michilimackinac (1812), 3 219.voyer transferred to <strong>com</strong>missioners (1832), Roberts, Charles George Douglas (b. 1860).and to municipal authorities (1841), 10 360 ;His History of Canada, 12 505 ;animalestablishment of through stage routes, 362 ;stories of, 527-8 ;tales of Maritime Provinces,dangers and dis<strong>com</strong>forts of travel, 362-4 ;558 his ; portrayal of the lumber-camps,fuel doubles in cost while ice is forming, 363 ; 558-9 ; his volumes of verse, 572-5.

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