Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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174 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESRichards, George H. San Juan and Oregonboundary <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 871, 877.Richards, Stephen. Commissioner of CrownLands of Ontario, 17 107, 216 n. ; provincialsecretary, 200 n.Richards, Sir William Buell (1815-89). Promoted to the bench, 5 72 ; Ontario boundaryarbitrator, 8 896.Richardson, B. J. Member of first Territorialassembly, 19 224.Richardson, Hugh (1826-1913). One of Kiel sjudges, 6 103 drafts ; judicature ordinancefor North-West Council, 19 150 ;member ofNorth-West Council, 202, 229, <strong>23</strong>4.Richardson, Hon. John (d. 1831). Chairmanof Lachine Canal <strong>com</strong>missioners, 10 509.Richardson, Sir John (1787-1865). Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Fra iklin expeditions, 4 679-84, 5299 ; on Coppermine River, 4 680 ; hardships encountered by, 682-3 ; his descent ofBear and ascent of Mackenzie Rivers, 5 301 ;witness before House of Commons Committee(1857), 21 125 ;on food-value of whitefish,22 652-3 ;on copper deposits of CopperMountains, 656-7.Richardson, John (1796-1852). Literary worksand career of, 12 503, 535-8.Richardson, John Andrew (b. 1868). Anglicanbishop of Fredericton, 11 212.Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de(1585-1642). His colonial and trade policy,2 320 and n., 321 and n., 452-3 ;his motivein founding Company of New France, 322 ;establishes Company of One Hundred Associates, 399, 453, 15 21 his ; plans for the<strong>com</strong>pany, <strong>23</strong>-4 ; fits out fleet for recaptureof Quebec, 2 402 his ; part in introductionof feudalism into New France, 534-5 ; hismotive in Huguenot exclusion, 15 25-6 ; prefers agricultural class as immigrants, 60 ;onimpolicy of educating all the subjects of astate, 16 373 ;death of, 2 409, 456.Richelieu.Ship on which band was ac<strong>com</strong>modated at launching of the Royal William,10 592.Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company.Formed as Richelieu Steamboat Company(1845), 10 541-2 ;absorbs Canadian Navigation Company, 539 ; controls passengertraffic on Lake Ontario and St Lawrence,550-1 ; its policy of absorption, 551, 553 ;four divisions of its system, 551-2 ; <strong>com</strong>paniesincluded in and strength of its fleet, 553.Richelieu River. Champlain on, 1 46-7 ;settlement of disbanded Carignans on, 2540 ;social life and customs in valley of, 15112-14.Richey, Matthew. Establishes a Methodistacademy in Upper Canada (1836), 11 335.Richie, William J. Reform leader in NewBrunswick, 14 403.Richmond, Charles Lennox, fourth Duke of(1764-1819), governor-in-chief of Canada(1818-19). Sketch of, 3 289-90 ;his conflictwith Lower Canada assembly, 291, 4 476 ;urges <strong>com</strong>pletion of military road betweenNew Brunswick and Canada, 13 191 ;deathof, 3 292 and n.Richomme, Simon. One of first clearera ofland at Montreal, 16 507.Riddell, John Henry. Principal of AlbertaCollege, Edmonton, 11 337, 20 497.Rideau Canal. Constructed for defence, 7 386,10 518-19, 17 75 ; offer of imperial loandeclined by provincial legislature, 10 518-19 ;first estimate of cost (1825) and By s revisedestimate (1827), 519; <strong>com</strong>promise effectedon size of locks, 519; opened for traffic(1832), 520; the Perth branch of, 520;decline of importance of, 520.Rideau King. Kingston-Ottawa steamboat, 10554.Rideau Queen. Kingston-Ottawa steamboat,10 554.Rideau-Ottawa Canal System. Built as amilitary waterway, 10 516 ; details of,516-18.Ridley, William (b, 1836). Anglican bishop ofCaledonia, British Columbia (1879-1903),11 <strong>23</strong>3.Ridout, Thomas G. (1792-1861).Bank of Upper Canada, 5 289.Manager ofRidout, Justice. Dismissed by Sir FrancisBond Head, and reinstated, 3 356.Riel, Louis (1817-64). His threat at trial ofGuillaume Sayer and its result, 19 56-7.Riel, Louis (1844-85). Stops Dominion surveyors at Red River and deforces MDougall,6 34, 11 151-2, 19 69, 71; secretary ofNational Committee, 72 ; seizes FortGarry, 73, 74, 11 152 ; forms provisionalgovernment, 6 35-6, 19 74 ;affirms hisloyalty, 11 152 ;his aims, 153 ;formulatesbill of rights, 6 35-6, 19 76-7 ;issues declaration of provisional government, 77-8 ;and Dr Schultz, 6 36, 11 154, 19 77; assumes the presidency, 6 36, 11 154, 155, 1978-9, 84-5 ; declines to treat with delegatesfrom Canada, 81 ;and Commissioner Smith spapers, 82 ;his violence and autocraticmethods, 83-4 ; liberates prisoners, 6 40, 11156, 19 86, 90; his attitude to Boulton, 638, 11 156, 19 86 ;and the slaying ofThomas Scott, 6 38-9, 40, 11 157, 19 87-9 ;his conduct on Tache s arrival, 89-90 ;directed by Cartier to remain at head ofgovernment, 11 157 ; formulates new billof rights embodying claim for separateschools, 19 90 and n., 91 his ; assemblydecides on entering Dominion, 6 41 ;scaleof payment to members of his assembly, 1992 n. ; <strong>com</strong>pels MTavish to recognize hisgovernment, 92 ; decamps from Fort Garry,6 43, 11 157-8, 19 92-3 ;returns to RedRiver, 101 ; offers to defend colony againstFenian raid, 103 ; publicly thanked bylieutenant-governor, 103 ; results of hisaction on question of amnesty, 103-5 ;reward offered by Ontario government forapprehension of, 17 153 ;official connivancein his flight, 6 44, 19 98; exiled, 11 159;twice elected and expelled from Dominionparliament, 6 44, 19 105-6 ; outlawed, 6 44,19 106 ;invited by Metis to return to Canada,6 100 ; formulates bill of rights and formeprovisional government at St Laurent, 101,

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