Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES446; increase in mileage (1881-96) and re wooden rails, 426 ; provincial subsidy policy,spective proportions of cost of construction 427-8 ; Battle of the Gauges, 17 112-13 ;of local lines, 446-7 ;lack of investigationinto necessity of lines and municipal contributions, 10 428inadequacy of; construction (1868-79), 428 ; claims refund bymeans to construct them, 447, 448-9 ;<strong>com</strong> Dominion of expenditures (1884), 445;plete reliance upon subsidies and bonds, aggregate of municipal grants, 18 476.447-8 ; their attitude to bondholder and Prairie Provinces : details of development,bondholder s attitude to them, 448.20 310-13 ; percentage ofGovernment Aid land area, of: Hincks s policy of rail population, and of railway mileage west ofway aid, 10 391-9 ;Guarantee Act of 1849, Great Lakes, 10 449. Manitoba :building391 ; Guarantee Act confined to three under of transcontinental line, 20 296-7 ; openingtakings, 397 ; moneys advanced under of Pembina railway (1878), 297 ;town andGuarantee Act be<strong>com</strong>e a gift, 414 ;Dominion village rivalrysubsidy policy, 443-9 ;amendments in anticipation of construction,of sub 19 112-13; construction brings about firstsidy legislation, 468 ; Dominion land grant boom, 9 151 ;land grants (1891), 20 301 ;policy abandoned, 468 ;areas alienated to total area granted as landrailway purposes by Dominion and subsidies up topro 1913 (table), 314 ; agitation against monovinces (table), 468 ; value of land grants inpercentage of capitalization, 469 poly clause and disallowance, 19 111-12,; Dominion, 115-16, 118-19, 12 1-2; conflict with Dominionprovincial, and municipal assistance in cash on crossing facilities, 1<strong>23</strong>-4 ; policy and deby bonuses, loans, and stock subscriptions velopment under Roblin, 132. Saskatchewan:(table), 468 ;Dominion and provincialguarantees of interest on bonds, 469 systems in the province, 20 566 ; promote;land agricultural development, 566-7. Alberta :grants up to 1906, 9 197.recent development, 19 178-9.Rates Regulation provided for in Champlainand St Lawrence charter, 10 369-70 ; 21 212British Columbia :: extension to Vancouver,<strong>com</strong>plaints of discrimination ;mainland lines, 277-8 ;lines ofby Grand Trunk Vancouver Island, 278against Canadian shippers, 470 ; claims Dominion; growth of subsidy for Shuswap and Okanagan Railway,movement for regulation, 470 ;<strong>com</strong>mission 10 446 ;connection established betweenof 1886 and its re<strong>com</strong>mendations, 470 ; Spokane and Rossland, 451 ; proposed eastand-westline in south ofBoard of Railway Commissioners appointed,471. See also Railway Commission.province, 451 ;opposed to Canadian Pacific control of proQuebec: wooden rails used on line from posed route, 452 ; terms of construction ofQuebec to Lake St John, 15 177 ;cash line from Lethbridge to Nelson, 452 ; prosubsidies substituted for land grants, 190 ; vincial bond guarantees, cash subventions,enactments in aid of construction (1882, and land grants in aid of, up to 1913, 22 364-6.1886, 1897), 208-9; land grants, 211-12; See also under British Columbia, p. 20.government policy and its organization, Yukon :proposed charter to construct220-1 ; provincial expenditures on various rail portion of route from Stikine River tosystems, 240-2 ; mileage increase from Con Teslin Lake, 10 453 ; scheme defeated in thefederation to 1902, 241.Senate, 453.Nova Scotia :beginnings of construction, See under Municipal Loan Fund and the13 294 ; adoption of a standard gauge, 294 various ;railway systems and projects.poor service, high freights, and unremunerativereturns, 10 390; necessity for construcRailways, Electric. Number of <strong>com</strong>panies,tion emphasized by Trent affair, 13 210 capitalization, and men employed (1912), 9; 288-9; mileage (1912), 10472; the principlerailway aid as affected by Confederation, 10 in chartering of, 472.442-3 ; government assistance given to Raimbault, Jean (1770-1841), cure. OpensWindsor and Annapolis and Western Latin school at L Ange Gardien, 16 410.Counties Railways, 443 ;refund claimed Rainbow. (1) First iron-hulled ocean-goingfrom Dominion of provincial expenditure on ship, launched (1838), 10 586. (2) CruiserGreat Western, 445 ; mileage in operation purchased from British government, 6 171.in Maritime Provinces at Confederation, Rainville County, Minnesota. Named after a390-1.French-Canadian colonist, 15 77.New Brunswick :beginning of construc Rainy Lake (Christinaux Lake, Lake La Pluye).tion, 13 201 ; cost of line from St John to Reached by de Noyon, 1 112 ;tradersShediac, 201 ; early projects and surveys,14 406-7 ;first in mileage, 406 plundered at, 4 642 its ; navigable extent,;Lobster 10 566.Act and its provisions, 408 a; prodigal landgrant and its results, 419; provincial exRainy Lake House. David Thompson at, 4 667.Rainy (or Ouchichig) River. De Noyon winterspenditures (1850-1912), 419.at mouth of, 1 112.Prince Edward Inland : conditions of first Raisin, Marie. Sister of Notre Dame, Moncontract (1871), 13 369; part played by treal, 2 414, 16 355.debentures in Confederation movement, 370, Ralph Connor. See Gordon, Charles William.371-2.Ralston, John. Settles on the ChateauguayOntario :early provincial development, River (1801), 15 157.10 425-8 ; demand for cheap construction by Ramage, D. Conductor of Winnipeg Glee Club,narrow-gauge lines, 426 ; proposed use of 12 650.

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