Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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168 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESQuebec Gazette. First published (June 21,17(34), 12 520 its ; history, 520-1.Quebec General Hospital. Founded by Saint-Vallier, 2 427-9 ; grant given to, 566 ;suffering from pestilence cared for in,439; number of deaths in 1757 and 1758,440.Quebec Hotel-Dieu. Founded by Duchessed Aiguillon, 2 410 ;Saint-Vallier s disputewith sisters of, 427.Quebec Literary and Historical Society. Founded(1824), 16 468; patronized by Dalhousie, 3307.Quebec Magazine. Published by SamuelNeilson (1792), 12 521-2.Quebec Public Utilities Commission. Established (1909), 15 214, 315.Quebec Railway, Light and Power Company.Merges all local public service <strong>com</strong>panies,15 318.Quebec Revenue Act. Passed (1774), 4 425 ;funds arising from placed at disposal oflegislative council and assembly (1832), 485.Quebec Rifles. Take part in Red River expedition, 7 424.Quebec Seminary. Established by Laval (1663),2 337-8, 421 ; Saint-Vallier makes newregulations for, 425 ; deprived of patronagein parochial appointments (1692), 427.Quebec, Siege Of (1629). Kirke s expeditionsagainst Quebec and capture of the city(1628, 1629), 2 324, 400-1 ;French settlersprohibited during English occupation fromperforming public acts of worship, 402 ;retrocession of colony under Treaty of StGermain-en-Laye (1632), 402.Quebec, Siege of (1690). Sir William Phips sattempt to besiege and repulse at Beauport,<strong>23</strong>58.Quebec, Siege Of (1759). British plans, 1271-2 ;French plan of defence, 272 ;relative forces engaged, 272 ; desperate state ofcolony, 275 ; an appeal to France, 275-6 ;arrival of Bougainville, 276 ; British fleetappears in the St Lawrence, 276, 278 ;strength of British forces, 277-8 ; Traversesafely navigated, 280 ;British arrive atIsland of Orleans, 281 ;fortress and itsdefenders, 281-2 ;incidents of siege, 283-8 ;plans and manoeuvres, 288-91 ; final plan,291-3 ;Montcalm divines Wolfe s plan andis foiled by Vaudreuil, 294, 300; Wolfe sorders, 295 ; ascent of the Heights, 296-9 ;awaiting French attack, 299-301 ; battleof the Plains, 302-5 ;death of Wolfe andMontcalm, 305-7 ;fortress surrenders, 307-8.Quebec, Siege of (1775-76). Arnold andMontgomery s attempt to capture Quebec,3 85-97 ; strength of contending forces,85-6 ; Arnold hopes gates may be openedon Mountain Hill, 88, 89 ;assault onfortress, 89, 91-4 ;British and Americanlosses, 95 ;racial elements assisting indefence, 95 ; attempt to fire shipping inCul-de-Sac, 96 ;fireballs used at, 96 ; arrivalof reinforcements, 96 ; siege raised, 97.Quebec Street Railway Company. Establisheshorse-cars (1863), 15 318.Quebec Ursuline Chapel. Burial of Montcalmin, 1 306 ;sermon preached in, by Rev. EliDawson, in thanksgiving for victory atQuebec, 306.Queen Charlotte. (1) North Pacific coasttrader, 21 31. (2) Engaged in battle ofLake Erie, 3 224, 10 492. (3) SecondCanadian steamboat to navigate LakeOntario, 10 497.Queen Charlotte Islands. Sighted by Perez(1774), 8 846.Queen Victoria. (1) Lake Ontario steamboat,10 499. (2) Ottawa River steamboat, 10554.Queen s Hall, Toronto. Residence for womenstudents, 18 401.Queen s Loyal Rangers. Settled in Ontario,1722.Queen s Own Rifles, Toronto. Employed insuppressing North-West Rebellion, 7 431.Queen s Rangers. Their location on the StJohn, 13 149.Queen s Rangers. Loyalist regiment raisedby Colonel Rogers, <strong>com</strong>manded by Simcoe,3 172, 17 44 ;settle in Upper Canada, 22,44 ; Yonge Street constructed by, 10 360 ;3 173.Queen s University. College opened at Kingston(1842), 11 270, 18 364; its number ofstudents (1871), 390 ; value of its work, 391 ;remains outside federation, 394.Queenston. Steamboat on upper St Lawrence, 10 497-8Queenston Heights. Account of battle of, 3227-35; strength of forces engaged, 227-8;losses at, <strong>23</strong>5.Quen, Jean de (c. 1603-59), Jesuit. Teachesin petite dcole, Quebec, 16 329 ; superior ofJesuit College, 366.Quentin, James (1572-1647), Jesuit. Missionary on Mount Desert Island, carried offSamuel Argall (1613), 2 386.byQuertier, fidouard (1796-1872). Temperanceadvocate in Quebec diocese, 11 97.Quesnel, Frederick Auguste (d. 1866). Withdraws support from Papineau, 3 312.Quesnel, Joseph (1749-1809). French-Canadianpoet, 12 440-1.Quesnel, Jules Maurice (d. 1842). Arrives inNew Caledonia with supplies for SimonFraser, 21 56 ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies Fraser to thePacific, 4 658, 21 56 ;river named after, 4659.Quesnelle Hydraulic Gold Mining Company.22 576.Queylus, Gabriel de (1612-77), Sulpician.Enters into Talon s plans, 1 85 ;assists infounding seminary at Montreal, 2 415 ;appointed vicar-general at Montreal, byarchbishop of Rouen (1658), 416-17 ;Laval senforcement of his authority, 419, 420.Quiblier, Joseph Vincent (1796-1852). Directorof the Seminary at Montreal, his schoolbuilding work, 16 415.Quinn, Tom. Slain at Frog Lake massacre, 11170.Quinte, Bay of. Mohawk settlement on, 4 707.Quirpon. See Rapont Harbour.

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