Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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171-215 ;dual representation in federal andprovincial parliaments abolished, 178-9 ;Land-swap scandal, 179 ; voting by ballotintroduced (1875), 179 n. ; provincialpolitics affected by federal issues, 209 ; threenew districts under Quebec-Ontario boundarysettlement, 211; annexation of Ungava,215; area (1912), 215.Population : (1700) 3 5, (1790) 141, (1812)210, (1840) 12, 10 371 ;increase (1841-51),399; increase, (1842-61) 5 79, (1861) 7 517,(1882) 6 91 ;British (1760), 3 5; increase(1764-66), 15 136; British (1831) and its<strong>com</strong>ponents, 162.See Agriculture ;Education ; Emigration ;Fisheries ;Forests ;Government ; Immigration ;Judicial Systems ; Liquor Traffic ;Mining ; Municipal Institutions ;New France ;Physical Features ;Public Finance ;Railways Roads ; ;L T nited Canada ;UnitedEmpire Loyalists.Quebec. Man-of-war constructed at Quebec,2 509.Quebec. (1) Steamer of Sarnia-Lake SuperiorLine, 10 546. (2) Steamer on Montreal-Quebec route, 10 552.Quebec Act. Special Article : Canada underthe Quebec Act, 3 107-38. Boundaries defined by, 42, 8 892-3 ; Labrador-Canadaboundary under, 909-12 ; law, civil andcriminal, under, 2 587, 3 43-4 ;loads tojudicial confusion, 125-6 ; provisions onexercise of Catholic religion and payment oftithe, 44 ;method of government under, 44 ;revokes <strong>com</strong>missions to officers in Canada,111; prevents taxation by legislative councilfor provincial purposes, 121 ;marked areversal of policy, 44 ;its ulterior object, 45 ;division between French-Canadians andBritish residents on, 107-8 ;its virtue legalrecognition of Catholic religion, 47 ;shelterof French-Canadians against loyalist invasions, 118; French-Canadian s charter ofliberties, 48-9 ; misrepresented by revolutionary agents, 78 ;influence of, in stemming British settlement from United States,4 538-9 ;contributes to American Revolution,15 126, 142-3 ; protests against, 143-7 ;itseffects on <strong>com</strong>merce, 4 530 ; question raisedin Upper Canada as to validity of marriagesnot performed according to rites of Churchof Rome, 3 174 ;its results, immediate andremote, 46-7.Quebec and Gosford Railway. Equipped withwooden rails, 10 428.Quebec and Halifax Steam Navigation Company.Established (1831), 10 591 ;owners ofRoyal William, 592-3.Quebec and Lake Superior Company. Acreage ofand price paid for its locations, 18 618 and n.Quebec and Richmond Railway. Chartered(1851), 10 395-6.Quebec Bank. Private bank founded atQuebec (1818), 4 610 ;its first officers, 612 ;charter renewed, 6<strong>23</strong> ;increase in capital,5278.Quebec Board of Trade. Its inconsistent attitude on fiscal questions (1846), 5 219-20.GENERAL INDEX 167Quebec Bridge. Provincial aid in construction,15 194, 211.Quebec Bureaux des Pauvres. Established(1688), 2 353 ; gives place to GeneralHospital, 426-7.Quebec City. Founded by Champlain (1608),I 46, 2 449-50 ;its advantages urged as amissionary centre, 387 ;Recollete arrive(1615), 387 ; chapel built (1615), 387 ;firstmass celebrated (June 26, 1615), 388 ; firsthabitants, 16 505, 506 ; Champlain constructs fort, 2 393 ;Franciscan friary built(1620-21), 391, 392; Jesuits send missionto (1625), 397 ; planned by Montmagny, 15299 ; hospital founded by Duchesse d Aiguillon(1638), 2 410 ;Maisonneuve s arrival at(1641), 412 ;d Avaugour s anticipation ofits future greatness, 461 ;discrimination infavour of merchants of, 461-2, 482 ; exemption of grain and flour from seizure for debtat (1663), 462 ; percentage added by merchants on selling price in France, as theirlegitimate profit (1663), 462 ;first vessellaunched, 463 ;Talon constructs brewery,476; market established (1676), 480;number of houses, 4<strong>23</strong> ; principal publicedifices, 4<strong>23</strong> ;defences strengthened, 360 ;bourse established (1707), 501 n. ; developing trade with Louisbourg, 509 ;construction of ten vessels (1735), 509 ;visitationof pestilence (1746), 439 ;firewood dearerthan in Paris, 513; cost of a cask of wineas <strong>com</strong>pared with Paris, 513; H6tel-Dieuburned down (1755) and rebuilt (1757), 440 ;social contrasts in, 527 ;Montcalm and Kalmon manners of women, 15 95 ;outbreak offever (1757-8), 2 440 ;visitation of famine(1758), 440 ; Anglican services held inR6collet chapel (1760), 11 213; mutiny oftroops at (1763), 3 76 ; strength of garrison(1775), 85 ;<strong>com</strong>mercial friction in, 4 538 ;Anglican Cathedral erected (1804), 11 215;St Andrew s Presbyterian Church built(1810), 265 ; prosperity during War of1812, 3 207 ; its social and intellectual distinction, 12 437-8 ; parliament buildingsdestroyed by fire, 15 192 ;cost of newstructure, 192 ; Tercentenary celebrations,II 107 ;its facilities for shipping, 10 621 ;shipping tonnage in 1911, 6<strong>23</strong>. Population: (1617) 2 389, (1620) 389, (1663) 404,15 33, (1760) 3 5, (1790) 141. See alsoShipbuilding.City Government under French regime,:15 299-300 ;institution under Britishregime, 291-2 ;demand for municipalregulations made in presentment of grandjury (1764), 301 ;fire ordinance of 1768,300 ;ordinance of 1777, 301 ;merchantsrequest grant of charter (1785), 301-2 first;city charter granted (1832), its renewalrefused (1836), 304; government andprogress since 1840, 317-18.Quebec District Bank. Charter granted (1848),5270.Quebec Gas Company. Established (1849);supersedes Quebec Gas, Light and WaterCompany, 15 318.

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