Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 66 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESDominion, 15 3-13 ; English Settlement in conciliatory policy, 276-7 ;Bathurst s attiQuebec, 121-64 ; Quebec under Confederation, tude to its demands, 283-6 ; session of 1817,167-215. Boundaries under Proclamation 287 ; struggle for control over revenue, 3of 1763, 3 28, 8 793, 892 ;boundaries under 288-91, 4 509-12 ;claims control of supply,Quebec Aot (1774), 3 42-3, 8 793, 892-3 ; 3 293-5, 299-302 ;a threatened deadlock,conflict of jurisdiction between civil and 292 ; opposes union in 1822, 298 ; objectsmilitary authorities, 4 432 ;districts of to imperial legislation on matters of localQuebec and Montreal, 436-7 ;division into concern, 4 444 ;statement of grievancescounties and electoral districts, 3 141, 142 ; (1827), 3 304-5, 309-10 ;redistribution ofdivision under Constitutional Act (1791) and seats and increase in membership (1829),boundaries, 8 893-5 ; division under Judi 309 ; record session of 1829, 309 ;controlcature Act (1794), 4 455-6 ; military govern of crown revenues transferred to, 311 ;rement (1759-63), 3 <strong>23</strong>-5, 4 427-9; lords fuses to grant permanent civil list, 311 ;<strong>com</strong>missioners of trade on objects of govern claims power to amend constitution of proment in ceded colonies, 3 27-8 ;re<strong>com</strong>mend vince, 4 443 ;and authority to amend itsgovernors to call popular assemblies, 28 ;own constitution, 443-4 ; passes bill discivil government established (1764), 31 ; qualifying judges from sitting in eitherassembly promised in Proclamation of 1763, council, 463 ; <strong>com</strong>mission of 1835 and its15 127.Governor his :powers and report, 3 320-2 ; boycotts British tiade, 322 ;duties, 4 428-9, protests against Lord John Russell s policy430 - 3 ;his relations to judiciary and (1837), 322-3 ; opposed to direct taxation,council, 430-1 ; supreme in legislation, 431 ;4 553authorized to raise troops, 432 ;endeavours to exercise control over; provision executive acts of governor, 450-1 ;itsfor administration on death or in absence, schemes for reform of executive council,432 ;duties of lieutenant-governors, 428-32. 454-5 ; proposes reform of legislative council,Grand Jury their demands, 331; pro -166-7 :;racial and nationalist feeling in, 3test against admission of Roman Catholics 279-80, 304, 312-19, 370-1 ; majority catersas jurors, 32 ; petition for elective Protestant for two widely divergent constituencies, 303-4.assembly, 34 ; presentment embodying Traders :respective position of Frenchgrievances of English-speaking members, 15 and French-Canadian, 24 ; Murray s opinion127-8 its ; signatories, 128 ; protest against of British, 30 ;influx of British arousesadmission of Roman Catholics to office, 128 ;French-Canadian susceptibilities, 30 ;theirpresentment in part repudiated by Catholic demands on Murray, 31 ; object to RomanFrench grand jurors, 128 ;Protestant Catholics being admitted as jurors, 32 ;members explain their intentions, 128. demand Murray s removal and establishmentLegislative Council established : (1764), 3 of Protestant assembly, 34, 15 132-4 ;29, 31 ; <strong>com</strong>position of, 4 433 ; religious test Petition of the Quebec traders the sigand its removal, 433 ;conditions of appoint natories and their standing, 134-5 ;offensivement, 434 ;its functions and authority, to old inhabitants, 99 ; protest against reser434-6 ; governor s instructions not <strong>com</strong>muni vation of the best trading-potts, 133 ;cated, 430-1 ; reforms in, 3 125-6 ;racialconflict, 4 538 ; speaker s manner petition Carleton for assembly of freeholdersof voting,465 ; denies assembly s assumed (1770, 1773), 3 41 ;character of petitioners,right of 41-2, 15 140-2 ;motion presented in legisimpeachment, 480 ; opposes assembly s bill lative council for elective assembly, 3 121-2 ;embodying control over civil appointments petition for assembly by British inhabitants(1821), 484; centre of nationalist attack, (1785), 122 ; counter-petition by French3 372, 375-6.Canadians, 122-3 ; importance of movementLegislative Assembly : first provincial in conflict between George III and Americanelection (1792), 142; representative char colonists, 15 126-7 ;demand for assemblyacter of first assembly, 142-3 ;conduct of confined to British inhabitants, 3 128 ;racial elements, 143 ;claims right of appro Mercury protests against predominance ofpriating public revenue, 4 483-5 ;financial French influence, 158 ;treatment at handsstatements annually submitted, 501 ;Gaols of Carleton, 15 142-3 ;mistake in not grantBill of 1805 reveals lines of cleavage, 3 158-60, ing assembly, 144-5.4 502 ; assembly petitions for control of British Settlement : British soldiers andcivil list, 3 163 ; resents censures contained their following, 121-5; early British civilians,in addresses from governor, 4 476 ;dis 125-45, 16 446 ; loyalists and disbandedqualifies judges from membership, 3 161, 164 ;soldiers of American Revolution, 15 145-55 ;passes bill to disqualify judges from sitting immigrant pioneers, 155-64.in legislative council, 277 ; impeachment of From Union :Special council favourschief justices, 278-9, 4 479-80 ;and Privy union, 4412; ordinance passed inauguratingCouncil s decision, 3 281-2 ; impeaches municipal institutions, 416 ; Sydonham sJustice Foucher, 4 480-2 ;offers to defray reform of registration system, 415 sus;cost of public service, 484, 503 ; passes Army pension of constitution, 389 ;forms ofBills Act of 1812, 3 213 ; proposes to transfer government from Cession to Confederation,schools of Royal Institution to local corpora 15 167-8 ;ministerial responsibility, 168 ;tions, 277 ; proposes to tax salaries of conflicts of race and creed, 169-70 ;accountofficials, 277-8 ; does not respond to Prevost s of provincial administrations (1867-1913),

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