Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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164 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES494 ; revenue derived from lods et ventea(August 1764-June 1766), 494 ; tariff of 1766,494-5 ; system of fees objected to by Carleton,495 ;salaries of office, 495 ; QuebecRevenue Act (1774) and its amendment, 496 ;licence duty for keeping house of publicentertainment or shop for sale of liquors, 496 ;revenue collected and cost of collection(1783-90), 496-7 ; controversy on collectionof casual and territorial revenues, 497-8 ;excess of expenditure over revenue, 498-9 ;statement for 1788, 499 ;features of Constitutional Act, 499-500 ;reform in audit,500.Lower Canada (1791-1840): increase ofexpenditure, 4500-1 ;annual statements submitted to assembly, 501 ;licences chargedto hawkers and shopkeepers (1795), 601 ;public buildings and transportation, 502 ;assembly offers to raise necessary funds forcivil service, 503 ;Gaols Act of 1805 itsproductiveness, 503, 506 ; flourishing condition of, 503-4 ;issues of army bills, 504-6 ;licence fees increased on shops and housesof public entertainment (1813), 506 ; strugglefor control over revenue, 509-12 ;bankruptcy of receiver-general, 512 ; change insystem of audit, 512 ; parliament proposessurrender of control over funds of crown inreturn for civil list, 513 ; agreement withBritish America Land Company, 513-14 ;position at suspension of constitution (1838),514.Upper Canada (1791-1840): customs duesrecoverable from Lower Canada and basis ofdivision, 4 506-7 ; import dues on goods<strong>com</strong>ing from United States, 507-8 ;revenuefrom licences and from dues levied by LowerCanada, 508 ;items of provincial expenditure, 508-9 ; problems produced by War of1812, 509 ; customs dues collected in LowerCanada and basis of division, 514 ; agreement with Canada Land Company, 514-15 ;productiveness of provincial revenue, 515 ;assembly s criticisms and demands, 515-16 ;control of proceeds of Quebec Revenue Acttransferred to assembly in return for civillist, 516 ; public works construction, 616 ;table showing provincial debenture issues(1822-40), 517 ;consolidation of revenuesunder Union, 518 ;crown relinquishes control over hereditary revenues, 518.United Canada : a conflict of interests,6 165, 166; Sydenham s survey (1840),166-7 ; Sydenham s banking scheme, 167-8 ;tariff duties (1841, 1843) and changes, 169;reductions in civil list, 170 ;Rebellion lossesclaims, 170-1 ;table of revenue and expenditure (1841-49), 171 ; outstanding debentures,171-2; liabilities and assets (1850), 1/2;attempts to restore public credit, 173 ;policy of railway aid, 173-4 ; Municipal LoanFund, 175-6 ;new municipal loans forbidden(1859), 176 ;reform in system of audit, 176 ;table showing growth of revenue and expenditure, and increase in public debt(1850-57), 177 ;a period of depression, 177 ;public debt, direct and indirect (1858), 178 ;Canadian Consolidated Stock created andissue of provincial notes, 178-80 ;reactionary effects of American Civil War,180 ; financial basis of Confederation,180-1 ;liabilities and assets (June 30, 1867),181 ;creation of Consolidated RevenueFund, 181 ; assumption of provincial debtsand payment of per capita grant, 181 ;fluctuations of finance, 181-2.: Terms of <strong>Section</strong>After Confederationvni of British North America Act, 7 509-10;method of treating in<strong>com</strong>e and expenditure,471-2 ; preferential charges on ConsolidatedRevenue Fund, 473, 481-2 ;boards ofarbitrators for adjustment of provincialobligations, 474 ; provincial Debt Allowances, 475 ;annual and per capita grants,475 ;construction of Intercolonial Railway,476 ; powers conferred on Dominion, 476 ;national bookkeeping, 477-8, 488 ; expedients of first Dominion parliament, 480-4 ;Post Office savings banks established, 482-3 ;issue of insurance licences, 483-4 ; government manipulation of forced loans, 484-5 ;financial agents of Dominion, 485 ;how aloan is raised, 486-7 ;Consolidated RevenueFund, 488 ; better terms agitation inNova Scotia and concessions made, 489-91 ;terms of entry of Manitoba, 491-2 : ;ofBritish Columbia, 492-3 ;of Prince EdwardIsland, 493 ;of Alberta and Saskatchewan,495-6 ;better terms agitations, 493-5,496-8, 15 199 ; method of treating revenueand expenditure, 7 498-9 ;national debtdue to expenditure on public works, 499 ;methods and principles of first Financeministers, 499-502 ; Treasury Board, 603-4 ;deputy minister of Finance, 503, 504 ;Boardof Audit, 478, 503 ;tenure of ffice andduties of auditor-general, 504-5 ;Board ofAudit virtually abolished, 505-6 ;extractfrom resolutions adopted at Quebec Conference, October 1864, 507-8 ; extract fromBritish North America Act, <strong>Section</strong> vin.Revenues ;Debts ;Assets ; Taxation,509-13 ;ministers of Finance and receiversgeneralsince Confederation, 614.Quebec provincial revenues : (1867-68),15 174 ;increase in expenditure and indebtedness (1868-1913), <strong>23</strong>9; from Confederation, <strong>23</strong>9-40 ; railway aids, 240-2 ;anera of surpluses (1905-12), 242-3; increasein Dominion subsidy, 215 ;main sources ofrevenue, 243 ;chief items of expenditure,244 ; proportion of revenue derived fromtaxation and per capita amount, 244 ;enumeration of licence charges, taxes, succession duties, stamps, and fees, 244-50.Nova Scotia : revenue from crown lands,timber leases and royalties, 14 475-6 ;Dominion subsidies at Confederation, 476 ;better terms conceded, 476 ;successionduty, marriage licences, and <strong>com</strong>pany fees,477 ; Consolidated Revenue Fund, 478 ;revenue and expenditure (1910), 478;authorization of payments,New 478.Brunswick : Dominion subsidies,14 493 ;sales of land, timber leases and

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