Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 62 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESPrince, Edward Ernest (6. 1858). Member ofBritish Columbia fisheries <strong>com</strong>mission (1901,1905), 22 455, 456.Prince, Jean Charles (1804-60). RomanCatholic bishop of St Hyacinthe (1852-60),1191.Prince, John, colonel. Defeats rebels atSandwich, 7 388.Prince Albert. Progress of settlement at, 19162 ;in 1890, 171 ; population (1901, 19U),20 327 ;the centre of lumber industry, 557 ;Emmanuel College opened (1879), 451,tion, 330 ;name Isle of St John changed toPrince Edward Island, 331 ;reason forchange of name, 331 ; Captain Holland ssurvey, 332-6 ;faults in road routes due tofollowing Holland s lines, 334-5 ;land grantsand their conditions (1767), 337 ; Egmont sscheme of feudal settlement, 339-41, 14495 ;scheme adversely reported on, 495-6 ;its partition by ballot among proprietors ;conditions attached to grants, 496 ; proprietors under plan of settlement, 13 344 ;first officials and their salaries, 343-4 ; separated from government of Nova Scotia, 14496 ;Lieutenant-Governor Patterson establishes a service between Wood Islands andPictou by means of a birch-bark canoe, 13360 ;tax on wild land disallowed, 17 247 n. ;abolition of Catholic tests, 11 75-6 ; strugglefor responsible government, 13 361-2, 367-9 ;assembly s charges against Lieutenant-Governor Smith, 361, 362 ; steps leading togrant of responsible government, 14 500-1 ;withdrawal of troops from caused by excessive desertions, 7 393 n. ;causes of itaintellectual influence, 13 375 ;its poverty inminerals, 14 673.Legislative Assembly <strong>com</strong>position and:acts of first, and qualifications of electors467.(1773), 13 348-9 ; struggle for responsiblePrince Albert. (1) First iron-hulled boat to government, 367-9, 14 500-1 ;its demandsrun on St Lawrence, 10 539. (2) Sails on in return for provision of civil list, 500 ;Forsyth s Franklin search expedition, 5 301. legislative council made elective (1862). 13(3) Grand Trunk Pacific coast steamer, 10 369 ;union with legislative council, 369.573. (4) Steamer trading in Basin of Minas, And Confederation: influence of bank10 562.directors in forwarding movement, 370, 372,Prince Arthur. Steamer on Yarmouth-Boston 373 ;the Charlottetown Conference, 370 ;route, 10 562.rejection of terms offered by Quebec ConPrince Arthur s Landing. See Port Arthur. ference, 371 ; supposed financial stringencyPrince Edward. ( 1 Lake Ontario vessel) (built used as a lever to induce acceptance, 372-4 ;1800), 10 491. (2) Lake Ontario steamboat, final negotiations, 373; financial terms, 710 538.493.Prince Edward County. Quaker settlement Population (1752) 13 307, (1798) 14 503 : ;in, 17 46.movement from 1798 to 1911, 13 374 ;withPrince Edward Island (He St Jean). Special countries of birth (1871), 7 517, 519 ; (1901)Article :History of Prince Edward Island, and great preponderance of settlers of13 305-75. John Cabot s claim as its first British descent, 13 355 ; signs of a movediscoverer, 329 ;discovered by Jacques ment for return, 374-5.Cartier, 1 31, 13 329-30 ;Sieur de la Roque s See also Agriculture Education ; ; Fisheries;survey and census, 306-9 ;social conditions Forests ; Government ; Immigration In;in, 307-8 ;countries of origin of inhabitants, dians ; Judicial Systems Land ; ; Mining ;308 ; system of land tenure, 308 traces;of Municipal Institutions Physical Features ; ;a great fire and its supposed date, 309, 312 ;Post Office; Public Finance; Railways;excellence of timber and fertility of soil, 309 ;Roadswitchcraft of St Germain dit Perigord, 309 ; Shipping United Empire Loyalists.;;Prince Edward Island Railway. Controlled byThomas Pichon s visit to (1752), 310 ;some Dominion government, 6 327.early settlers, 7 655, 13 312-14 ; Captain Prince Edward Island Steam Navigation ComDoublet s grant, 312 ;St Pierre s settlement, pany. Organized (1863) 10 5&amp;lt;i3.313-15 ;de Roma s account of his settle Prince George. (1) Grand Trunk Pacific coastment, 315-17 ;from Treaty of Utrecht to steamer, 10 573. (2) Steamer on Yarmouth-Acadian Expulsion, 317-21 ;the Expulsion, Boston route, 10 562.321-30 ;scene of operations of Le Loutre, Prince of Wales. (1) North-west coast trader3<strong>23</strong> ;base of supplies for Quebec and from (1787), 21 37. (2) Vessel on which thirdwhich scalping expeditions were organized, party of Selkirk colonists sailed to Hudson324 ; expulsion one of provisions of capitulation of Louisbourg, 324-5 ;destination andnumber of expelled inhabitants, 326 ;conflicting statements on population afterExpulsion, 326-7 traces of French;occupaBay, 19 25. (3) Ottawa River steamboat,10 554.Prince of Wales American Regiment. Itslocation on the St John, 13 149.Prince of Wales Land. Explored by Austin sexpedition, 5 303.Prince of Wales Royal Canadian Regiment.Formation of, 6 137.Prince Regent. Ship employed in defence ofFort George (Niagara), 3 227.Prince Regent Inlet. Explored by Ross, 5297-8.Prince Rupert. Advantages of as railway andocean terminal, 10 462, 619 ; tonnage ofvessels entering and clearing (1911), 6<strong>23</strong>;potentialities of as fishing centre, 22 461-2.Prince Rupert. Grand Trunk Pacific coaststeamer, 10 573.Princess. Ottawa River steamboat, 10 554.Princess Adelaide. C. P. R. Pacific coast steamer,10 572.

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