Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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jurist. Prepares case for submission toKing of the Netherlands, 8 792 ;and protests against award, 811.Precious Blood, Sisters of the. At Toronto, 1162 ;at Ottawa, 69 ; at St Hyacinthe, 91.Prendergast, James Emile Pierre (b. 1858),provincial secretary of Manitoba (1888-89).Resigns on schools question, 19 126.Prentice, James Douglas (d. 1911). Ministerof Finance and Agriculture of BritishColumbia, 21 228.Presbyterian Church. Special Article Presby:terian Church and its Missions, 11 249-300.Its polity and doctrine, 249-53. MaritimeProvinces : first ministers in, 255-8 ;ScottishChurch secessions and subsequent reunions,256-7 ; Protestant Dissenters Church ofHalifax and its ministers, 258 ; Comingoeordained to charge at Lunenburg (1770),258-9 ;first permanent presbytery formed(1786), 259 ;union of Burgher and Antiburgherpresbyteries ( 1817), 259-60 ; strugglefor equal rights, 261-3 ; Glasgow ColonialSociety and its work, 263-4 ; negotiationsfor union, 264. Canadas : first congregations, 265, 15 124 first ; presbyteries, 11 267 ;hardships of the pioneers, 267-8 ; strugglefor equal rights, 13 268 ; government recognition conceded, 11 268 ;rival synods andultimate union, 268, 269, 270 ;and clergyreserves, 269-70 ; the eight branches priorto 1843, 271-2; Scottish Disruption (1843)causes disruption in Canada, 272-4 ; Presbyterian population and number of ministers(1884), 274; root causes of division, 274;training colleges and divinity halls, 275-6 ;missions to New Hebrides, to negroes atBuxton, and to French Canadians, etc.,277-9, 281 ; the various unions, 279-80,281-3 ; foreign missions of, 277-9, 280-2, 283,291 ; Red River Mission opened (1851), 278,286 ;first mission in British Columbia, 284 ;first mission to Indians (1866), 287 ; formation of a Manitoba presbytery, 287-8 ; firstchurch on the prairies (Knox Church, Winnipeg), 287-8; growth in North-West (1881-89), 289-90 ; department of Social Serviceand Evangelism, 296-7 ; union movementwith Methodist and Congregational Churches,297-9 ;statistics with tables (1875-1912),299-300 ; missions in the Yukon, 293-4.Prescott, Charles R. Introduces standardvarieties of apples into Nova Scotia, 14 655.Prescott, Robert (1725-1816), major-general.Governor-in-chief of Canada (1797-1807).Sketch of, 3 153 ;his measures of defence,153 ; his efforts to reform land-grantingsystem leads to deadlock and recall, 154-6,Prescott (Fort Wellington). Abortive Britishattack on Ogdensburg from (1812), 3 217 ;incorporation of (1834), 18 424 its ;petitionre Municipal Loan Fund, 17 266-7.President. (1) American man-of-war, attacksthe Little Belt (1811), 3 195. (2) Americanship of war, 3 216. (3) British frigate sentto Vancouver Island, 21 1 14.Presnaux, Machuco de. Nominated coadjutorbishopof Quebec (1728). 2 431.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IGENERAL INDEX 161Presqu Ile, New Brunswick.built at, 13 175.Fortified postPreSQU Isle. Destruction of fort at, 1 273 ;treaty with tribes signed at (1764), 3 68.Pressart, Colomban Sebastien (17<strong>23</strong>-1777).Director of Little Seminary of Quebec, 16387.Preston, Major. His defence of St Johns(1775), 3 81.Pretorian. Allan liner, 10 606.Pretyman, William, Original member ofHudson s Bay Company, 1 166.Prevost, Sir George, Bart. (1767-1816), governor-in-chiefof Canada (1812-15). ImprovesCanadian mail service, 4 737 ; indecisionand lack of initiative of, 3 205, 240-1 ;hisarmistice with Dearborn and its results,218, 225-6 ;obstructs Brock, 226 ; attemptsto take Sackett s Harbour, 240 ; urgesBarclay to give battle at Lake Erie, 244-5 ;orders retirement from Burlington Heights,246 ; his general order on reprisals, 252 ;proposes another armistice, 254 ; plansexpedition against Plattsburg, 261 ; hisPeninsular veterans, 261-2 ;his army supplied by American contractors, 262 ;in<strong>com</strong>petent leadership of, 262-8 ; sketch of,205, 275 ;his conciliatory policy, 205,275-6, 4 448 ; results of his policy, 3 279-80.Prevost, J. B. Resumes possession of Astoria onbehalf of United States, 21 61.Prevost, James Charles (1810-91), captain R.N.San Juan boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 871,874, 21 161 j signs boundary protocol, 8876.Prevost, Jean (1870-1915). Minister of Colonization of Quebec, 15 213 n.Pribyloff group. Leased to Alaska CommercialCompany, 8 7<strong>23</strong>.Price, Andrew. A grantee of township of Bristol, IV 44.Price, George, ensign. In <strong>com</strong>mand at Fortle Bceuf, escapes to Fort Pitt, 3 64.Price, James Harvey (1797-1882). On Sydenhams legislation on clergy reserves, 5 61 ;his motion on clergy reserves, 64.Price, Norman. One of originators of CarltonStudio, 12 631.Price, Overton W. Consultant forester forBritish Columbia, 22 502.Price, Samuel (6. 1863). Mining <strong>com</strong>missionerof Ontario, 18 640.Prices. Price of wheat at Quebec (1779-80),4 533; of flour at Quebec (1779-80), 533;flour, peas, and pork in Upper Canada (1797),556 ;after 1825, 590 ; general fall of, inEngland (1873-96), and its results, 9 180;of <strong>com</strong>modities in Prince Edward Island(1780), 13 363 ; proposal to regulate duringRevolutionary War, 4 533.Prickett, Abacuk. Agent of Merchant Adventurers, 1 152 ;his accusation againstHenry Hudson, 163-4 ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies Button sexpedition, 155.Prideaux, John (1718-59), brigadier-general.Killed at Fort Niagara, 1 273.Primeaux, Charles Joseph (1792-1855). Missionary priest in New Brunswick, 11 42.

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