Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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i6oCANADA AND ITS PROVINCES399-402 ;a set-back through steamshipdisasters, 402-4.Maritime Provinces : early postal effort, 5372-7 ;attitude of assemblies to newspaperpostage question, 377-8 ; <strong>com</strong>plaint ofpreferential treatment to certain newspapers, 378 ;Colonial Post Office Bill andits reception, 378-80 ;establishment ofmail steamer services, 380-2 ; <strong>com</strong>petitionbetween Halifax and United States routes,381-2 ; inadequate services, 382-5 ;demandfor reduced rates, 385-7 ;official objectionto extension of postage stamps to colonies,387 n. Nova Scotia :early postal routesand services, 372-5 ;facilities extended toCape Breton, 375 ;relations of assemblyRed River Colony, 630-1 ;with United States, 631 ; early services inBritish Columbia, 631, 633-4; hostility ofHudson s Bay Company to westward extension of <strong>com</strong>munications, 631-3 ;interchange of services with United States, 634-6 ;Convention of 1874, 635-6 ; development ofthe Postal Union, 637-8 ;conference of1863, 638 ;need for simplification of ratesillustrated from Postal Guide, 638-9 ;impediments to development of foreign correspondence, 639 ;Postal Treaty of 1850between Austria and Prussia, 639 ;UniversalPostal Union formed (1874) and joined byCanada (1878), 640; recent development,641-8 ;a unique post office, 642 ;financialburden caused by construction of transcontinental railway, 642 ; charges on newspapers, 643 reductions effected in letter;rates, 643-4 ; Imperial Penny Postage (1898),643-4 ;reduction in Canadian inland ratesand in United States postage, 645 ; generalresults of rate reductions, 645 ;Pacific cable<strong>com</strong>pleted (1902), 645; cable reductions,645-6 ;revisions of charges on newspapersand magazines, 646-7 ; money order statistics, 647 ; establishment (1868) and progressof Post Office Savings Bank, 482-3, 647-8 ;revenue and expenditure (1911), 648.Pothier, Aram J. (6. 1854). French-Canadiangovernor of Rhode Island, 15 106.Pothier, J. B. Schoolmaster at Three Rivers,16 346.Pothier, Pierre (1708-81), Jesuit. Befriends theBritish at Detroit (1763), 3 63 ; 11 24.Pottawatamies. Make peace with the Ottawas,1 74 ;located near Fort Detroit, 3 59.Potter, Richard, president of Grand TrunkRailway. On conditions of the system, 10427 his ; opposition to North Shore line, 429.Potter, Richard (1799-1886). Professor ofmathematics in King s College, Toronto, 18364.Potts, John. Secretary of the MethodistChurch Board of Education, 11 337.Pouchot, Captain (1712-69). Surrenders Niagara, 1 273 ;on Canadian militiamen, 1596.Poulain, Guillaume (d. 1634), Recollet. Arriveswith deputy postmaster-general, 368 ;con at Quebec (1619), 2 391 ;winters among thecessions obtained by legislature, 379-80 ; Nipissings, 1 58.conditions in 1841, 382 ; dispute with Canada Poundmaker, Indian chief. Leader in Northovertransmission of mails, 383-4 ;reforms West Rebellion, 6 102-3 ; strength of hisproposed by legislature, 386-7 ; postal <strong>com</strong> forces, 7 430, 600; 11 170.mittee of 1847 and its re<strong>com</strong>mendations, Poutrincourt, Charles Biencourt de. See Biencourt.389-92. New Brunswick :early servicesand provincial routes, 375 ;conditions in Poutriacourt, Jean de Biencourt de, Baron de1841, 383 ;reforms proposed by legislature, St Just (1557-1615), governor of Acadia386. Prince Edward Island: early facili (1610-11). Goes back to France with deties and rates, 376-7, 13 360 ;rates of Monts, 13 29 ;returns to Port Royal, 29 ;postage (1851), 360; number of post offices introduces cattle to Acadia (1606), 7 654;and postal revenue in, at entrance into grant of seigniory of Port Royal to, conConfederation, 7 634.firmed, 13 32After Confederation number ;hostile to Jesuits, 2 381-3 ;of post :offices, lauded by Lescarbot, 383 ;slain in thewith revenues and deficits, at Confedera assault on Mery, France, 13 35.tion, 7 629; reductions in postal charges, Powell, Henry Absalom (b. 1855). Member of629 ;Hudson s Bay Company s courier International Joint Commission, 6 368.system, 630 ; postal facilities and rates in Powell, Israel Wood. One of fathers of Conexchange of mails federation in British Columbia, 21 171 n. ;first Indian superintendentof BritishColumbia, 7 621 ;chancellor of Universityof British Columbia, 22 437.Powell, William Dummer (1755-1834). Firstjudge of district court of Hesse, 18 521.Powell River Company. Engaged in pulp industry in British Columbia, 22 513-14.Power, Michael (1804-47). Roman Catholicbishop of Toronto (1842-47), 11 58 ;death of,60.Power, Thomas. Missionary priest in Canada(1787), 11 32.Power, William. Designer of Quebec-builtclippers, 10 578.Prairie College (Baptist). Founded (1880) attransferred to TorontoRapid City, 11 374 ;(1883), 374.Prairie-du-Chien, on upper Mississippi. Capture of fort at (1814), 3 253.Prairie Provinces. General Outlines, 19 3-10 ;sources of natural wealth in, 20 326-7 ;increase in population between 1901 and1911, 308; <strong>com</strong>parative figures of population of (1901, 1911) and of principal citiesand towns (tables), 327 ; <strong>com</strong>parative statements of population (1901, 1906, 1911 :table), 332. See Manitoba ;Saskatchewanand Alberta.Preble, William C. Conducts propaganda inMontreal on behalf of Atlantic and StLawrence Railway, 10 376.Preble, William Pitt (1783-1857), American

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