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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Pinkham, William Cyprian (&. 1844), Anglicanbishop of Saskatchewan (1887-1903). Member of first board of Education of Manitoba,20 427 ;468.Pinkney, William (1764-1822). Concludes unratifiedboundaries agreement with GreatBritain, 8 771, 783, 840.Pinsonnault, Pierre Adolphe (1815-83). RomanCatholic bishop of London (1856-66), 11 63.Pioneer. (1) Lake Erie steamboat, 10 501.(2) First steamer to navigate Bed River, 10567.Pioneer Route of steamships. Plying betweenCollingwood and ports of Lake Superior,10 546.Pipes, William Thomas (d. 1909). Premier ofNova Scotia (1882-84), 14 390; 392.Pipon, Captain, R.E. Surveys for Halifax-Quebec railway, 14 407.Piquet, Franpois (1709-81), Sulpician. FoundsFort Presentation (Ogdensburg), 1748, 2 438.Pirot, Father. Missionary priest to Europeanimmigrants, 11 190.Pius IX (1792-1878). And Laval University,16 432, 434.Pivert. Remains after English conquest ofQuebec (1629), 15 22.Piziquid. Acadian expulsion at, 13 95, 97.Placentia. Visited by Caspar Corte Real andJoao Alvarez Fagundez, 1 24, 25 ;d lbervilleat, 184 ;removal of French establishment from, 203.Plains Of Abraham. Named after AbrahamMartin, 173; as a site for a battlefield, 292 ;battle of, 293-305.Plamondon, Antoine. French-Canadian artist,12 601.Plamondon, Louis. Contributor to Le Courrierde Quebec, 12 443.Plancius, Peter. Invites Henry Hudson toAmsterdam, 1 150.Plant Line. Engaged in Atlantic coast trade,10 562.Plattsburg. Prevost s abortive expeditionagainst, 3 261-8.Plaxton, William (d. 1907). Member of firstTerritorial assembly, 19 224.Plenderleath, Charles, major. At battle ofStoney Creek, 3 241.GENERAL INDEX 157Plessis, Joseph Octave (1763-1825), bishop ofQuebec (1806-25). His funeral oration onBishop Briand, 11 18 ;and British victoryat Aboukir Bay, 15 101 ;his election ascoadjutor, 11 37-8 ;his contest with Craigover rights of presentation, 38 ; effect of hispastorals during War of 1812, 39-40 ; hisloyalty rewarded, 40 ;educational laboursand benefactions of, 16 410, 411 ; opposesRoyal Institution, 11 37, 16 410, 452 ;sendsmissionaries to Red River, 11 40-1, 121 ;urges division of diocese, 44 ; member oflegislative council, 40 ; his mission toLondon, 45-6 ;his nomination as archbishop, 46 ;death of, 47 ; his New Englanddescent, 15 52.Ploughboy. Lakes steamboat, 10 501, 543.Plover. Sails with Moore on Franklin searchexpedition, 5 298.Plumper. ( 1 British) brig-of-war wrecked nearSt John, 13 186. (2) MGowan riots at Yalequelled by marines from the, 21 153.Plymouth Company. Confirmation of patentgiven to Sir Ferdinando Gorges by, 8 792.Pither, R. J. N. Commissioner in arrangementof Indian treaties, 7 595.Pitt, William, first Earl of Chatham Plymouth Rock. Michigan Central Railroad(1708-78). steamboat, 10 546.Attracted by Wolfe, 1 255 ; his accession to Pocahontas. First steamer on Charlottetownpower,261 ;characteristics of, 261 ; as a Pictou route, 10 563, 13 360.world strategist, 270-1 ; selects Wolfe for Pocquet, Pierre (1667-1711). Director of Little<strong>com</strong>mand of expedition to Quebec, 279 ; Seminary of Quebec, 16 387.desires exclusion of French from neighbour Point, Pierre (1802-96), Jesuit. Missionaryhood of Canada arid Newfoundland, 4 5<strong>23</strong> ;declines governorship of Canada priest at Sandwich, 11 59.(1763), 3 29 Point Barrow. Thomas Simpson at, 4 688.and n.Point Bucareli. Touched at by Quadra, 21Pitt, William (1759-1806). Introduces Consti 22.tutional Bill (1791), 3 132; his defence of Point Grenville. Massacre of Spanish sailorsConstitutional Act, 4 547 ;favours reciprocal at (1775), 21 21.trade after close of Revolutionary War, 533. Point Keweeuaw. First Jesuit mission onPittsburgh, Township of. Settled by English Lake Superior founded at, 1 80.immigrants, 17 44.Point Menzies, Bella Coola. Alexander MacPius VII (1742-18<strong>23</strong>), pope. Re-establishes kenzie at, 4 656.Jesuit order, 15 196.Point North. Sighted by Jacques Cartier, 131.Point Ogle, Adelaide Peninsula. CaptainBack s farthest (1834), 4 687 ; Simpson andDease at, 689 ; reached by members ofFranklin s last expedition, 5 297.Point Pelee, Lake Erie. Decision of Dollierand Galinee on loss of altar service at, 197-8 ; Cuyler ambushed at, 3 62.Point Turnagain. Named by Sir John Franklin, 4 681.Point Victory. Record of Franklin s last expedition discovered at, 5 296.Pointe-aux-Trembles, near Montreal. Schoolestablished at, 16 357.Pointe-aux-Trembles, near Quebec. Conventfounded at, 16 358 ; references to, in campaign of 1759, 1 285, 287, 289, 291, 292, 295,310 ;Arnold s retirement on, 3 85.Poire, Charles Edouard (1810-96). Missionarypriest at Red River, 11 128 ;returns in1838, 128.Poirier, Isidore (1792-1857). Missionary priestin New Brunswick, 11 42.Poirier, Mary (nee Galland). Petitions for fivetracts of land in St John s Island for hersons, 13 313 ; goes to Louisbo urg to presenther case, 313.

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