Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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limit of his explorations, 858 n. ;master on the Santiago, 21 21.quarterPeiodeau, Narcisse (6. 1851). Minister withoutportfolio, Quebec, 15 213.Perpetuana. Captured by French traders inHudson Strait (1685), 1 176-7.Perrault, Joseph. Secretary of DominionCouncil of Agriculture, 7 666.Perrault, Joseph Edouard (&. 1874). Defeatedon navy question, 6 171-2.Perrault, Joseph Francois (1753-1844). Opposes founding of Royal Institution, 16 409,420 ;Father of Education of the CanadianPeople, 420 ; prepares educational textbooks, 422 ; his work for agriculture, 521.Perrault, J. X. (d. 1905). His publications onagriculture, 16 522.Perre, Henri (1828-90). His landscapes andstudies of trees, 12 605.Perreault, Joseph Francois (1719-74). Vicargeneralof Three Rivers, 11 15.Perreault, Olivier (d. 1827). Be<strong>com</strong>es a judgeof King s Bench, 3 276.Perrin, William Willcox (6. 1848). Anglicanbishop of Columbia, 11 <strong>23</strong>3.Perrot, Francois Marie, governor of Montreal(1670-84). Granted seigniory of Isle Perrot,15 39. Commander in Acadia (1684-87).Personally sells brandy to Indians by pintand half-pint, 13 54.At Sault Ste Marie,Perrot, Nicolas (1620-97).I 102, 103.Perry, Oliver Hazard (1785-1819), Americannaval officer. At the attack on Fort George,3 <strong>23</strong>9 his ; victory at Lake Erie, 244-5.Perry (or Poirier), Sylvain (1802-87). Missionary priest in Prince Edward Island, 11 73.Perry, Commodore.Sent to protect Americanfishing interests in North Atlantic, 6 241.Perseverance. Lake Ontario schooner, 10 493.Persia. First Cunarder to be constructed ofiron (1855), 10 599.Pert. Lake Ontario vessel, 10 494.Perth. Military settlement formed at, 17 76 ;the first immigrants, 76 ; Talbot colonistsGENERAL INDEX 155Peterson, Sir William (b. 1856), principal ofM c Gill University. His administration, 16497.Petit, Nathaniel. One of first judges of districtcourt of Nassau, 18 521.Petit, Pierre. Owner of set of notes of lecturesat Jesuit College, 16 370.Petite Hermine. One of Jacques Carder s fleet,1 34, 36.Petitot, Father, O.M.I. At St Joseph s Mission,Great Slave Lake, 11 144; makes firstclearing near Grand Rapid, Mackenzie River,147 ; hostility of Protestant traders to, 160 ;publishes scientific works, 161.Peto, Brassey, Jackson, and Betts. Contractorsfor New Brunswick and Nova Scotia railways, 10 387-8, 389 ;and Quebec and Richmond Railway, 395.Petroff, Ivan. His false translations of documents in Russian archives, 8 732-3 ;SirCharles Russell on his forgeries, 733.Petuns, Indian tribe. Visited by d Aillon, 1 63 ;69.Peyster, Arent Schuyler de (1736-1832), colonel.Instructed to care for disbanded Rangers atNiagara, 17 21.Phelan, James. Editor of English edition ofJournal de V Instruction publique, 16 430.Phelan, Laurentius. Missionary priest in theMaritime Provinces, 11 42.Phelan, Patrick (1795-1857), coadjutor of Kingston (1843-57). His work at Bytown, 11 55.Phelan, William. Missionary priest in Canada,1132.Phelps, Edward. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Phelps, Edward John (1822-1900), Americanminister at London, And Alaska boundary,8 932.Philadelphia. Council on boundaries of Indianterritories held at (1793), 4 710.Philipps, E. J. Captures Acadians at CapeSable, 13 114.Philipps, Richard (1661-1751). Governor-inchiefof Nova Scotia (1717-49), 8 793, 13 76 ;an absenteeat, 74; Irish-Catholic population of (1819), organizes court of justice, 76-7 ;II 48-9.governor, 72.Peshew Lake. Samuel Hearne at, 4 671.Phillips, Thomas. Purchases Beaver Hall,Petawawa. Military camp established at, 7 449. Montreal, and plans St Catherine StreetPeter Robinson. Steamboat on Lake Simcoe, plateau, 15 308.10 499.Phillpotts, George, colonel R.E. His reportsPeterborough, County of. Mode of location onand canal navigationconditions of (1839, 1840), 10 505-6,grants in, 17 82-3 ;Irish 510, 512, 527.immigration of 1825, 84-6, 11 49 ; death-rate Phipps, R. W. His reports on forestry, 18 594.among immigrants, 17 80 ;location of Phips, Sir William (1651-95). Captures Portsettlers, 86 ; loyalty of colonists attacked Royal (1G90), 13 56by William leads ; expedition againstLyon Mackenzie, 87 ;Sir Pere Quebec, 2 358 ; strengthgrine Maitland s visit to, 87 ; name of townof French positionrevealed byship changed from his defeat, 358-9.Scott s Plains, 88.Phyn, Ellice and Inglis. Associated with proPeters, Charles Jeffrey (1772-1848). Attorneygeneralof New jected Canada Banking Company (1792), 4Brunswick, 13 167.604.Peters, F. Represents Prince Edward Island at Physical Features. Special Article :Physicalinterprovincial conference (1902), 15 212. Basis of Canada, 9 9-91. Position, extent,Peters, James (1735-1820), lieutenant-colonel. and topographical features, 9-10. AppalIn <strong>com</strong>mand of Queen s Loyal Rangers, achian Region, 10-11 ; its geology and1722.economic minerals, 25-35 ; mineral depositsPeters, Samuel. Forms English settlement in of Appalachian Regiontownship of (tables), 82-4. LaurentianPlateau, 11-12 ; its geology Pittsburgh, 17 44.and

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