Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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154 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESPayzant, John. New Light preacher in Pelly, Sir John Henry (1777-1852), governor ofMaritime Provinces, 11 353.Hudson s Bay Company. Proposes to rePeabody, Francis. Pioneer settler at Maugerville,13 128.strip, 8 924 n. ;strict Russian territory in Alaska to a coasttries to obtain control forPeabody, Samuel. Wood surveyor for Francklin,Hazen, and White, 14 599; on size and Land, 21 79-80 ;<strong>com</strong>pany of lands north and west of Rupert sobtains grant of Vancouverlength of masting timbers, 600-1 ;millowneron the Oromocto, 603.Douglas as governor, 86.Island for <strong>com</strong>pany, 80 ;re<strong>com</strong>mends JamesPeace River. Alexander Mackenzie on, 4 653, Pelly, Robert Parker, governor of Red River657 ;its navigable extent and steamer (18<strong>23</strong>-25), 19 47 n.services, 10 568-9.Pelly Banks. Post constructed by RobertPeace River Crossing. Wheat grown at Campbell at, 5 308 ;311.awarded first place at World s Fair at Pelly River. Discovered by Robert Campbell,Chicago (1893), 20 587.5 308, 22 605 ;592.Peacocke, George, colonel. Occupies Chippawaduring Fenian raid, 7 409.ber of first assembly of Vancouver Island,Pemberton, James Despard (1821-93). MemPearkes, George. Presides at first court of 21 112 ;his work in road construction, 116-colony of British Columbia, 21 149 n. ;one 117.of fathers of Confederation, 111 n.Pemberton, Jeremiah. Commissioner m adPearse, B. W. His road construction work in judication upon loyalist losses, 13 172, 17Vancouver Island, 21 116-17.27.Pearson, F. B. (d. 1912). Forms Dominion Pembina. Settlement made by Miles Macdonellat, 19 22 ;Coal Company, 14 394-5, 680.Roman Catholic missionPearson, John Mawer (b. 1869). Member of at, 11 122-3, 125, 20 418 its ; postal servicesenate of University of British Columbia, 22 with Fort Garry, 7 630 ;deforcement of442.MDougall near, 6 34-5 ;Fenian raid onPearson, Thomas (d. 1841). In <strong>com</strong>mand of Hudson s Bay Company s post at, 19 102.British advanced guard at Lundy s Lane, Pembina Mountain. Settlement made in district3 257of, 20 295.Peden, James. Conducts school at Canso Pen and Pencil Club of Montreal, 12 636.(1736-43), 11 201.Pedley, Frank (&. 1858). Deputy superintendentgeneralof Indian Affairs, 7 621.Pedley, James William (b. 1856). Founds achurch in Vancouver, 11Congregational383Peel, Frederick. And <strong>com</strong>position of legislative council of Canada, 5 141.Peel, Paul (1860-92). His work as an artist, 12606-7.Peel, Sir Robert (1788-1850). His interviewwith and counsel to Herman Ryland, 11 3advises Bagot as to tactics with assembly, fi35, 111-12; reduces preferenceon colonialtimber, 201 ;effect of repeal of corn laws onCanadian trade, 196-7 ;on Red Linemap, 8 821 his ; part in Oregon boundarysettlement, 870 n. ;defends Elgin on Rebellion Losses Bill, 5 58.Peel, Lieutenant (afterwardsSir William),1822-1905. His visit to Vancouver andreport on Oregon question, 8 867-8, 21 88.Peel River. Its drainage area, 22 589 642.;Peerless Graphite Company, 16 593.Pelhain, Thomas, second Earl of Jiichester(1756-1826), home secretary (1801-3). Unsympathetic to Selkirk s scheme of Irishemigration, 19 15.Pelican. One of d Iberville s ships, 1 1fight with the Hampshire, 185-7.Pelissier, C. Leases iron -mines of the StMaurice (1767), 4 529.Pellatt, Sir Henry Mill (6. 1859). President ofshipbuilding <strong>com</strong>pany at Sydney, N.S., 10587.Pelletier, Alexis (d. 1910). Canadian priestwho advocated principlesof Gaumism, 11103.Pend d Oreille (or Kullyspell) Lake. KullyspellHouse built by David Thompson at, 4 667,21 58 ; 4 668.Peninsular. Lake Superior steamboat, 10 o43.Penisseault, Louis Andre Antoine Joachim.Agent at Montreal of La Friponne, 2 526.Pennefather, A. T. Superintendent-general ofIndian Affairs, 5 340.Pennefather, R. T. Superintendent-general ofIndian Affairs, 5 355.Pennsylvania Loyalists. Settled on the StJohn, 13 149.Penny, William. Sent on Franklin searchexpedition (1850), 5 301, 303.Penny Postage. Established in Great Britain(1840), 5 367.Penobscot. New England fishers ejected at,1342.Pensens, M. de. Sent to Island of St John, 13317-18.Pentagoet. See Majebigwaduce.People s Bank. Founded at Toronto (1835),4 630.People s Bank of Halifax. Established (1864),10 628.People s Bank of New Brunswick. Established(1864), 10 628.Pepperrell, Sir William (1696-1759). Commands in first siege of Louisbourg (1745), 1214.Perce. A fishing centre in seventeenth century,16 555.Per 6, Jean. Sent by Talon on exploring exped i-tion, 1 83, 84 ;seized at Fort Albany, 1 177.Pere Marquette-Wabash Railway. Its cartransports for river service, 10 547.Perez, Juan, Spanish navigator. His expeditioAto North Pacific (1774), 21 19-20, 8 846 ;

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