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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Parent, Franpois Louis (1778-1845). Missionary priest in New Brunswick, 11 42.Parent, Simon Napoleon (b. 1855), premier ofQuebec (1900-5). Addresses South Africancontingent, 6 140 ; joins Marchand s government, 15 210 his ; administration, 211-12.Paris, Treaty of (1763). Cession of Canada toGreat Britain by, 1 312, 2 585, 3 25-7 ;western posts held by British under, 4 709 ;boundaries of Canada as defined by, 8 891 ;qualified freedom of conscience granted toRoman Catholics under, 11 13-14.Paris, Treaty of (1783).of.GENERAL INDEX153See Versailles, TreatyParisian. Allan liner, 10 606.Park, Captain, R.N. Sent to protect Britishsubjects in Oregon (1845), 8 8G7, 21 88.Parke, John G. American boundary survey<strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 877.Parker, A. J. Pioneer Congregationalist inEastern Townships, 11 382.Parker, Sir Gilbert, Bart, (6. 1862). His life andliterary works, 12 549-53.Parker, J. G. Captain of the Perseverance, 10494.Parker, Neville (d. 1869). First master of therolls of New Brunswick, 14 489.Parkin, Edward. Anglican clergyman at Stsioners appointed under Treaty of Ghent,771-2 ; negotiations and claims of parties,773-7 ; terms of agreement, 777 ; disputesand settlement on line between water channels, etc., 777-9; 4 554.Passport. Royal Mail Line steamer, 10 539.Paterson, Thomas William (6. 1852). Lieutenant-governor of British Columbia (1909-14), 21 <strong>23</strong>7.Paterson, William (1839-1914). Controller,and afterwards minister, of Customs (1896-1911), 6 131 ; assists in negotiating reciprocity agreement of 1911, 204.Paton, Thomas. Favours adoption of Americanbanking system, 10 628.Patrick, William (1852-1911), principalManitoba ofCollege. Favours union withMethodists, 11 297.Patrons of Industry. Their platformOntario inprovincial elections of 1894 andsubsequent disappearance, 6 122, 17 173-4.Patterson, Andrew Dickson (b. 1854). Portraitpainter, 12 629.Patterson, Walter (d. 1798). Lieutenant-governor of St John s Island (1770-84), 13 345;his first enactment, 345 ;on condition of theisland, 345-6 ; active in road construction,347-8 ; on potential productivity of island,348 ; establishes birch-bark canoe serviceCatharines, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Parkman, Francis (18<strong>23</strong>-93). On route taken between Wood Islands andby La Pictou, 360 ; onVerendrye Brothers, 1 130-1; on leave of absenceMarguerite Bourgeoys, 2 417 to England, 349 ; rebuked;his description of the for passing ancoureur de bois, 15 72 ; on Frenchact changing name of island toNew Ireland, 331 ; quitrents question leadsvoyageurs, 75-6 ;on French military system to his dismissal, 364, 14 497, 498-9in Canada, 79-80 ; on; histhe habitant, 91-2. letter inParlow, Mary Katherine self -vindication, 13 350-1 ; last(6. 1890). Canadian years and death of, 351 ; scandals associatedviolinist, 12 651.with, 351.Parmelee, George William (6. 1860). Joint Patti, Adelina (b. 1843).author of The Appears in Montreal,Siege of Quebec, 12 500.12 656.Parr, John (d. 1791), governor-in-chief of Nova Patton, Henry (1806-74).Scotia Anglican clergyman(1782-86), lieutenant-governor (1786- at91). Officiates at Oxford, Ontario (1829), 11 2<strong>23</strong>.founding of Shelburne, 13<strong>23</strong>7-8 ; threatens to Pattullo, Andrew.suspend grants made His campaign in favour ofto goodloyalists, 151 his roads, 18 485.; powers, <strong>23</strong>0 ; character Paul I,istics andemperor of Russia (1754-1801). Grantssketch, 143, <strong>23</strong>3.privileges in Alaska to Russian-AmericanParry, Sir William Edward (1790-1855). Ross sCompany, 8second-in-<strong>com</strong>mand in 727.expedition of 1818, 4684 his Paully, Ensign Christopher,;expeditions in search of <strong>com</strong>manding at FortNorth-West Schlosser. Taken prisoner to Detroit, 3 63.Passage (1819, 1821, 1824), 684-5.Pauncefote, Sir Julian, afterwards first BaronParsnip River. Mackenzie s ascent of, 4 653, Pauncefote of Preston654 ; Simon Fraser (1828-1902).founds Negopost on, 657.tiates on reciprocity, 9 169 ; and AmericanParsons, Captain. Commands detachment claims on Portland Canal, 8of 933, 935 ;Royal Engineers sentsignsto British Columbia Alaska Convention of 1897, 934.(1858), 21 146.Pawling, Peter. One ofPartbenais, Anatole first judges of district(1839-64). Sculptor, 12 court of Nassau (1788), 18 521.Payet, Louis (1749-1801).Parthia. First Cunarder Missionary priestbuilt with <strong>com</strong>pound at Detroit, 11 24.engines, 10 601.Payn, Phil. Signs presentment ofPartlow, Johngrand juryR. (1796-1865). Member of of Quebecassembly of New (1764), 15 128, 129.Brunswick, 13 200.Payne, Sereno Elisha (b.Pascal, Albert (b. 1848). First Roman 1843). Member ofCatholicbishop of Prince InternationalAlbert, 11 Joint Commission, 6 135.179, 191.Payne-Aldrich Tariff. Movement in UnitedPaskoyac River. See Saskatchewan River. States in favour of freer trade, 9 220 ; thePassamaqiuoddy Islands Boundary Dispute. maximum and minimumSupposed error in principle in and itsdefinition of boundaries application toin Canada, 221-2 ; failure ofVersailles of Paris, 8 768-9 ;conflicting negotiations initiatedclaims, 769-70by President Taft,lino ;proposed under King- 222 ; Canada and the conditions of settleHawkesbury Convention, 770-1 ; <strong>com</strong>mis ment, 2<strong>23</strong>-4; 6 176.

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