Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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152 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESPaardeberg. Capture of, 14 397-8.Pacaud, Ernest. His transaction with contractor for Baie des Chaleurs Railway, 15201-4 ; the case in court, 205.Pacific Coast Steamship Company, 10 573.Pacific Fur Company. Established by JohnJacob Astor (1810), 15 73, 21 58-9; FortAstoria founded by (1811), and sold to North-West Company (1813), 8 850; rivalry withand subsequent incorporation in North-WestCompany, 21 59-61 ; purchase price paid for,247.Pacific Scandal. Account of the, 6 54-60 ;dismissal of ministry called for, and Dufferin sground of refusal, 15 184.Pacific Whaling Company. Its methods ofoperation, 22 475.Pagan, Judge Robert. Assists in preparing casebefore St Croix River Commission, 8 759.Pagan, William. Government candidate forSt John at election of 1785, 13 164.Paget, Sir Charles (1778-1839), vice-admiral.Member of Durham s special council, 4 394.Painchaud, Charles Francois (1782-1838). Missionary priest in New Brunswick, 11 42 ;founds College of Ste Anne-de-la-Pocatiere,11 94, 16 4<strong>23</strong>.Paine, Dr William (d. 1833). Member of firstassembly of New Brunswick,United States, 13 173.returns toPainting. Special Article :Painting andSculpture in Canada, 12 593-640. Generalsurvey, 593-601 ;Canadian artists and theirworks, with critical and biographical notes,601-27 ; portrait painters, 627-30 ; blackand-whiteartists, 630-1.Paisley, Father Hugh (1795-1847). Victim oftyphus epidemic of 1847, 11 96.Pakenham, ir Edward Michael (1778-1815).Killed in expedition against New Orleans,3 268.318-19 ; success at elections of 1834, 319 ;Pakenham, Sir Richard (1797-1868). Proposes urges French Canadians to support Banquearbitration on Oregon boundary, 8 863-4 ;du Peuple, 4 631 his ; inflammatory utterdeclines 49th parallel as boundary, 864 ; ances, 3 362 ; warrant issued for his arrest,signs Oregon Treaty, 865.362 ; flees to United States, 362 ; re-electedPakington, Sir John Somerset, first BaronHampton (1799-1880), secretary for War to assembly, 5 51 ; supports representationand by population, 15 169 ;a type of rebelthe Colonies (1852). Opposed to seculariza leader, 3 363 ; effect of his violence ontion of clergy reserves, 5 66 ; defines limited moderate reformers, 14-15 ;his influence onguarantee for Halifax and Quebec Railway nationalism, 377-8 ;his exaggerated nationand declines to consider Valley route, 10 384. alism, 5 53 his ; power crippled throughPalili. Lakes freighter, 10 557.irresponsible action, 81 his ; patriot movePalliser, John (c. 1817-87). His survey between ment aristocratic, 151 Fort 04-5, 116; his oratoricalGarry and Fort Colville, 5 315-16.gifts, 12 444-5.Palmer, Arthur (1805-81). Anglican clergyman Paquet, Benjamin at (1832-1900), monsignor. HisGuelph, 11 224.lectures on liberalism at Laval published byPalmer, Herbert S. Landscape painter, 12 625. the Propaganda, 11 105.Palmerston, Henry John Temple, third Viscount Paquet, Louis Adolphe (6. 1859). Pulpit orator(1784-1865). Attacks Ashburton Treaty, 8 and author, 12 481, 482.818.Pardee, Timothy Blair. Provincial secretaryPalmier. One of d Iberville s ships, 1 184. and registrar of Ontario, 17 137, 200 n. ;Panama Canal. Effect of opening on lumber minister of Lands, 216 n.trade of British Columbia, 22 515-18.Parent, Etienne (1801-74). Editor of LePandora. British survey ship, calls at Victoria, 21 88.Pandosy, Father, O.M.I. Founds mission atLake Okanagan, 11 145 ;vaccinates Indians,147.Panet, Bernard Claude (1753-1833). RomanCatholic bishop of Quebec (1825-33), 11 93 ;sells Saint-Vallier s palace, 94-5.Panet, Claude. Quebec traders petition (1764)accuses Murray of shielding, 15 133.Panet, Jacques. Contributes to Patriotic Fund(1799), 15 102.Panet, Jean Antoine (1751-1815), speaker ofassembly of Lower Canada. Guilty ofbreach of privilege, 4 475.Panet, L. P. Contributes to Patriotic Fund(1799), 15 102.Panet, Philippe (d. 1855). Nationalist memberof assembly, appointed to council, 3 314 ;promoted to bench, 315 ;one of Durham senlarged executive, 4 394.Panet, Pierre (d. 1804). Member of first executive council of Lower Canada, 3 141contributes to Patriotic Fund (1799),;15102.Pangman, Peter. Builds Anglican church atMascouche, 11 218.Panton, James. Drowned in attempting tosave the mails, 5 403.Paper-making. See Manufactures.Paper money. See Currency and Banking.Papineau, Denis Benjamin. Passes a municipallaw (1845), 15 294.Papineau, Louis Joseph (1786-1871). SpecialArticle :Papineau and French-CanadianNationalism, 3 275-3<strong>23</strong>. His breach withStuart, 287 ; appointed to executive, 4 473 ;his eulogium on George III, 15 102-4 ; denounces Dalhousie, 3 302-3, 305 ; opposesunion proposals of 1822, 298, 15 116 ; Dalhousies refusal to assent to his nominationas speaker, 3 303, 4 471-2 ; supports privateownership for Champlain and St LawrenceRailway, 10 369 ;and the Ninety-twoResolutions, 3 317 ;his breach with Neilson,Canadien (1822) ;his motto for the resuscitated journal (1831), 12 445-6 ;his lectures,446, 448 ; formulates demand for responsiblegovernment, 447 ;characteristics and qualities of, as journalist, 447-8, 449-50.

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