Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXforty or fight, 863 ;President Folk s attitude, 863-4, 865 and n. ;a threateningsituation, 864 and n., 865 ; Oregon Treatyand its terms, 865 ;settlement in disputedarea, 866-8 ;review of settlement, 868-71.ReiIly, Bernard (1818-1907). Relieves victims of typhus epidemic of 1847, 11 96.O Reilly, Peter (d. 1881). Stipendiary magistrate in British Columbia, 21 148 n. ; appointed to legislative council, 166 and n.Orfroy, Urbain (1766-1846). French priestserving in Maritime Provinces, 11 42.Original, L . Warship built at Quebec, 10482.Orleans, Philippe, Duke of (1674-17<strong>23</strong>), regentof France. Refuses financial aid for establishment of western posts, 1 116 ;sendsconvicts to New France, 15 53.Orleans, Island of. First called Isle Bacchusby Jacques Cartier, 1 35 ;Huron settlementson, 2 406 ;successive owners of seigniory of,557-8 ;visited by Saint-Vallier, 4<strong>23</strong> ;references to, in campaign of 1759, 1 283, 289, 290,294, 295, 300; 2 413.Orme, Pierre de L . Member of first board ofeducation of Manitoba, 20 427.Ormiston, William. Instructor in Torontonormal school, 18 312.Orr, James (d. 1905). Member of first legislative council of British Columbia, 21 166and n. ;one of fathers of Confederation,171 n.Orth, Bertrand (b. 1848). Roman Catholicbishop of Victoria (1900-3), 11 184; archbishop (1903-8).Osaka Shosen Kaisha. Japanese shipping<strong>com</strong>pany, 10 618.Osborne, Henry (c. 1698-1771), admiral. Intercepts La Clue s fleet, 1 222.Osgoode, Thaddeus. Pioneer Congregationalistin Eastern Townships, 11 382.Osgoode, William (1754-1824). First chiefjustice of Canada &quot;Upper (1791-94), 3 173, 18524; chief justice of Lower Canada (1794-1801), 3 155 ;his influence in executivecouncil, 155-6 ;obstructive tactics of, 157 ;retirement of, 157.Oshawa. Exports of farm tools from, 9 142.Osier, Featherstone Lake (1805-95). Anglicanclergyman at Tecumseh, 11 224.Osnabruck, Township of. Settled by GermanPresbyterians of King s Royal Regiment ofNew York, 17 25.Oswald, Richard (1705-84). Signs provisionaltreaty of peace between Great Britain andUnited States (1782), 8 752 ; characteristicsof, as negotiator, 797 and n.OswegO. French protest against building offort at, 2 367 ;British fort constructed at,369-70 ;fort built on left bank of river, 1252 ;French plan its destruction, 2 371 ;regarded as most dangerous post, 373 ;Montcalm s capture of, 1 253, 13 99 ;Indians support British at council at (1777),4 706 ;forts captured and destroyed byYeo and Drummond, 3 253.Oswego Line of steamships. The line and itsfeeders (1843), 10 540.Otonabee, Township of. Its early settlers, 1778-9.Otoiiacha (Huron village near Penetanguishene).Champlain at, 1 53.Ottawa. The precursor of the Basilica at, 1149 ;its borrowings from Municipal LoanFund, 10 415.Ottawa. (1) Lake warship, 10 488. (2)Steamboat on Toronto-Montreal route, 10541. (3) Time taken on first trip fromLiverpool to Quebec (1854), 10 604. (4)Dominion Line steamship, 10 608.Ottawa and Prescott Railway. Financial embarrassment causes sale of, 10 414.Ottawa College (College of Bytown). Founded(1849), 18 367 ; university established,401.Ottawa Indians. At French River, 1 53 ;make peace with Pottawatamies, 74 ;controltrade at Sault Ste Marie, 71 ; shrewd discrimination shown by, 75 ;withdraw fromLake Superior, 81 ;located near Fort Detroit, 3 59 ; cession of lands by, 5 336-7.Ottawa River. Explored by Champlain, 149-50 ;names of, 67, 68, 71 ; fur trade on,70 ;Le Caron s description of his ascent of,2 395-6 ; first English-speaking settlers on,15 158-9 ;its drainage area, 16 531.Ottawa River Navigation Company. Purchasesrailway from Grenville to Carillon, 10 518,554.Otter, Sir William Dillon (b. 1843). Repulse ofat Cut Knife Hill, 6 103, 11 170 ; in <strong>com</strong>mandof contingent to South African War, 6 140.Otter. (1) Lake Erie vessel, 10 491. (2)Hudson s Bay Company steamer on Pacificcoast, 21 150, 10 569 ;armed for defence ofVancouver Island during Crimean War, 21108 ;reaches San Francisco with consignment of gold-dust, 135.Otty and Crookshank. Build first steam sawmill in New Brunswick (1822), 13 195.Ouachipouenne (or Sioux-who-live-underground), 1 120-1.Ouananiche. Its geographical distribution, 16566-7.Ouchichig River. See Rainy River.Oudiette and Co., Nicholas. Farmers of revenue, 2 482-3 ;suffer from illicit trading ofcoureurs de bois, 484 ;486.Ouellette, Moise. Petitions for school at StLaurent, 19 152.Selkirk scolonists sailed from Scotland, 17 71.Oughton. Ship on which BaldoonOuimet, Gedeon (18<strong>23</strong>-1905), premier of Quebec(1873-74). Attorney-general of Quebec, 15174 ; premier, 177 his ; resignation followingon the land-swap scandal, 179 and n. ;superintendent of Education for Quebec,16 495.Owen, Captain. Places settlers on Island ofCampobello, 13 129.Oxenden, Ashton (1808-92). Anglican bishopof Montreal (1869-78), 11 220.Oxford, North. Separate schools question byelectionissue in, 6 156.Oxley, James Macdonald (1855-1907).of boys stories, 12 563.Author

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