Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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150 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESspeakership, 464 conflict with;assembly on Hudson s Bay Company (1670), 879-80;education, 18 28 1, 283, 285 ; attempts to discoveries and settlements in Hudson Bay,establish an aristocratic element, 4 464-5 ;880-1subject to lieutenant-governor, 465 ; Treaty of Neutrality (1686), 881-4;;un Treaty of Ryswick (1697), 884-6 ; Treaty ofresponsive to public opinion, 466.Utrecht (1713), 886-91 ; Treaty of ParisLegislative Assembly (Upper Canada) (1763), 891; proclamation of 1763, 892;:<strong>com</strong>position and legislation of first, 3 173,174 ; blocks suspension of Habeas Quebec Act (1774), 892-3; ConstitutionalCorpus Act (1791), 893-5; Judicature Acts (1803,Act (1812), 222 ;a statement of grievances, 1818), 895; Rupert s Land Act (1870),329 ; claims control over supply, 330-1, 339 ; 895-6; arbitration (1878), 896-7 ; referencedeadlock with council, 330 ;and clergy to Imperial Privy Council (1884), 897 ; rereserves, 336-7 ;redistribution and altera view of differences, 897-902 ; map evidencetion in number of representatives, 332 ;and before Privy Council, 902-5 ; review of caseimmigrants from United States, 332-3 ;before Privy Council, 905-7.elections of 1828, 338 ; and illegal postal Ontario Bureau of Industries. Establishedcharges, 4 740 ;and right of postal taxation, (1882), 17 <strong>23</strong>3, 18 573 ;its subdivisions, 581.741, 742 ; demands provincial control of Ontario Good Roads Association. Formedpost office, 746-7, 753, 755 ; demands of (1894), 18 485.reform party, 3 341-2 ; financial adjustments Ontario, Huron, and Simcoe Railway. Governamicably arranged, 342-3 ;and William Lyon ment losses on guarantees of, 5 177-8.Mackenzie, 343-8 ; report of <strong>com</strong>mittee on Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission.grievances presented by Mackenzie, 349-50 ; Established (1906), 17 <strong>23</strong>7 refuses supply, 355 ; extension of its;the Bread and Butter system, <strong>23</strong>7-9 ; 18 508.assembly, 355-7 ;moves for removal of Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. Itstrade restrictions, 4 592-3, 5 188-9 ; petitions powers, 17 <strong>23</strong>6-7.for British preference and protection in Ontario Rifles. Ac<strong>com</strong>pany Red River exCanadian markets, 190 ; Sydenham s reply, pedition, 7 424.191 ; endeavours to exercise control over Ontario Rivers and Streams Bill. Legal andexecutive acts of lieutenant-governor, 4 450- political dispute between province and451 ; its indebtedness at the Union, 5 165. See Dominion and judicial decisions on, 6 96-7.United Canada.Ontario Society of Artists. Its originators andPolitical history (1867-1912), 17 103-85.first exhibitors, 12 634-5.See Agriculture ; Education ; Fisheries ; Ontario Veterinary College. History of inForests ;Government ; Immigration Judi stitution, 17 <strong>23</strong>4, 18 580-1.;cial Systems Land ; Liquor Traffic ;Min Onward. Canadian sealer, seized by Americaning Municipal Institutions ; ;Ontario Bound cruiser, 8 7<strong>23</strong>.ary Dispute Physical Features ; ;Post Office ; Orange. Dutch traders settle at, 1 46, 2 451Public Finance ;Roads ; Separate Schools ;n. its ; acquisition desired by French, 348.United Canada ;United Empire Loyalists. See also Albany.Ontario. (1) War vessel lost on Lake Ontario, Orcadian immigration into Red River Settle10 487. (2) First steamboat to navigate ment, 20 417.Lake Ontario, 10 497. (3) United Statessloop-of-war sent to resume Ord, John. Signs Quebec traders petitionpossession of (1764), 15 134.Astoria, 8 850. (4) First steamer to run the Ordonnances. See Currency and Banking.Lachine rapids, 10 539. (5) Steamboat on Oregon. Dominion Line steamship, 10 609.Toronto-Montreal route, 10 541. (6) Steam Oregon. Early settlement in, 8 866-8, 21 70-1.boat of Sarnia and Lake Superior Line, 10 Oregon Boundary Dispute (Lake of the Woods546. (7) Dominion Line steamship, 10 608. to the Pacific Ocean). Boundary as definedOntario Agricultural College. Its foundation in treaty of 1783, 8 839 ; King-Hawkesburyand growth, 9 118, 17 <strong>23</strong>3-4, 18 400, 571-2. Convention refused ratification, 839-40 andOntario and Rainy River Railway. Charter n. ; British admission in unratified treaty,acquired by Mackenzie and Mann, 10 454. 841-2 ; declinature of British offer (1814)Ontario Bank. Chartered (1857), 5 280; of 49th parallel, 842 ; Anglo-American Confailure of (1906), 10 648.vention (1818), providing for joint occupancy,Ontario Boundary Dispute. Reference to arbi 842-3, 21 61, 63; Russian Ukase of 1821,tration of dispute with Manitoba, 6 93 ;the and its repudiation, 8 843 ;assertion ofaward, 93-4 ; Dominion government refuses American claims following Treaty of Floridato accept award, 94 ; extension of Manitoba Blanca (1819), 843; Canning declines tointo disputed territory, 95 ;conflict of juris join in joint negotiations with Russia, 843diction, 95, 19 116-17; Privy Council s and n., 844 ;effect of Russo-American treatydecision, 6 95 ; ownership of land, timber, of 1824 and Anglo-Russian treaty of 1825,and minerals within extended boundaries, 844 ; Anglo-American negotiations resumed,95-6 ;facilities for rail connection with 845 ;convention of 1827, 845 ; historicalHudson Bay conceded to province, 19 137 ; review of contending claims, 846-51 ;statePrivy Council s decision on Dominion s claim ment embodying British claims, 851-5 ;to reimbursement of cost of Indian reserves case for United States, 856-61 ; occurrences,purchased in 1873, 7 596, 17 163. Resume (1820-40), 861-5; Ashburton s instructions,of differences 8 878-9 limits : ; assigned to 862 fresh proposals, 862-3 Fifty-four-; ;

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