Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Ogden, Peter Skene (1794-1854). Sent toestablish post on the Stikine, 21 68 ; agentin New Caledonia district, 69, 70 ;his visitto northern posts (1842), 11 131 ; justice ofGENERAL INDEX 149Olney, Richard (&. 1835), American secretaryof state. On the theory of the Hinterland,8 870 n. ; signs Alaska Convention of 1897,934.peace for Vancouver Island, 21 86 ;in Olomanoshibo River.charge of Fort St Fishing rights of, leasedJames, 127 n. ;death of, to Sir Charles Ross, 16 563.154.Onderdonk and Company. Construct portionOgdensburg (Fort Presentation). Founded of transcontinental railway in British(1748), 2 438; Pontbriand s visit to, 438; Columbia, 21 204 ;on necessity for ChineseBritish post at, 3 97, 98 ; unsuccessful labour on railway construction, 258, 261.British attack on, in 1812, 217 ; captured by O Neal, James. Rent-gatherer for Chignecto,Macdonell, <strong>23</strong>9.1375.Ogilvie, John (1722-74). Conducts Anglican One Hundredth Regiment. Engaged in War ofservices at Niagara (1759), 11 221 ; first in 1812, 3 209 ; at capture of Fort Niagara,cumbent at Montreal, 213.251-2.Ogilvie, William. Settles in Georgetown (1802), One Hundredth Regiment. See Royal15 157.Canadians.Ogilvie, William (1846-1912). Commissioner of One-Hundred-and-Fourth Regiment. Settlethe Yukon, 22 608.ment on St John formed by disbandedOgilvy, John. British <strong>com</strong>missioner on St soldiers of, 13 191.Lawrence boundary, 8 828.One-Hundred-and-Third Regiment. EngagedO Grady, John. Priest at Toronto (1834), 11 in battle of Lundy s Lane, 3 259.48.Oneida. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 540.Ohio Company, 1 220 ; prospects in Ohio Oneidas, Indian tribe. Favour Americans inValley, <strong>23</strong>6.Revolutionary War, 4 702, 706.Ohio River. Discovered by La Salle (1669-70), O Neill, General J. Fenian leader, 19 101 ;1 101 ; struggle between British and French taken prisoner at Pembina, 102.in valley of, <strong>23</strong>6-7, 242, 2 372-3 ;last link of Onondagas, Indian tribe. Unsuccessful JesuitFrench with, broken, 1 273 ;southern mission to, 2 407boundary of ; French colony among,Quebec Province, 3 42, 43.saved by flight, 1 71 ; guardians of councilOil Reflnors Association. Besult of <strong>com</strong>bine fire of Six Nations, 4 702.of, in 1869, 9 122.Onontio ( the big mountain ).Name given byOjibways. In an alliance with the Crees defeat Indians to Montmagny, 2 409.the Sioux, 1 75; Jesuit mission to (1641), Ontanagon. Steamer on Collingwood-Chicago1 80, 2 407 ;cessions of lands on Lakes route, 10 546.Superior and Huron (1850), 5 346.Ontario. Special Articles :Upper CanadaOka Agricultural Institute, 16 522-3.(1791-1812), 3 171-85; The Reform MoveOkanagan Lake. Steamer service on, 10 571. ment, 361-85 ; Ontario in the Dominion, 17Olbeau, Jean d , Recollet. His arrival at 3-10; Political History (1867-1912), 103-85.Tadoussac, 2 387 ; celebrates second mass First mass celebrated in, 1 58 first ; dwellingin Quebec, 388 ;his mission at Tadoussac, erected by Europeans in, 58 ; early settle394.ment and loyalist migrations to UpperOldfleld. Steamer on Carillon-Montreal route, Canada, 3 171-2 ; divided into districts,10 554.171 ; its division into counties and electoralOlier de Verneuil, Jean Jacques (1608-87). districts, 173Organizes Society of ;firstassembly legislates onMontreal, 2 411 ;sends marriages not performed according to RomanSulpicians to Montreal, 415, 416.rites, 174 ; dissensions in executive, 184 ;Oliphant, Lawrence (1829-88). Superintendentgeneralof Indian Affairs, 5 355 his ;social and religious conditions, 11 222; pro dearth of intellectualposals for interests, 18 288financing his ;department, 356 ;on constitutional reform in, 3 378-80Elgin s diplomacy, 75-6.; movement for reform in executive council, 380 ;Olive Branch. American ship detained by control of executive aim of British reformers, 381 ;government, 3 153.rival claimants for capital under the Union,Oliver, Frank (b. 1853), minister of Interior 4 417.(1905-li). Member of North -West Council, Population: (1780), 3 171 and n. ; white,19 214; his education bill, 20 454; claims and itspublic lands <strong>com</strong>ponents for Prairie (1792), 18 277 ; (1812)Provinces, 19 215 ; 3 210, (1816) 18 556, (1822) 3 297, (1826, 1830,agitates for reform, 216, 217 ; member of 1836, 1841) 18 556, 558first Territorial ; increase (1841-51),assembly, 2<strong>23</strong> ;and conflict 10 399; increase (1842-61), 5 79, (1882) 6with lieutenant-governor, <strong>23</strong>3 ; on provincial 91 ;influxautonomy, 261 ;and demand of population into North-Westfor production and its effect, 18 575, 576-9of original documents tables in his ; givingdepartment, distribution of population between rural and6 162 ;and exclusion of undesirables, 7 urban (1884-1909), 576; increase in urban573-4 ; his work for the North-West, 19 and decrease in rural population (1901-11),269.577.Oliver, William Sanford (d. 1813). Conductsscrutiny in St John election Legislative Council :<strong>com</strong>position and termappeal (1785),13 164 hia ; partiality impugned. 165.of tenure of, under Constitutional Act, 4 464 ;membership and tenure of office, 464 ; the

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