Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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148 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES<strong>com</strong>promise with council on quitrents, 281 ;retrenchment and currency reform of, frustrated by council, 281-2 ;Howe s TwelveResolutions followed by responsible government, 286 ;Confederation carried in, 302.See Acadia ; Agriculture Defence ; ;Fisheries; Forests; Government; JudicialSystems; Land; Liquor Traffic; Mining;Municipal Institutions; Physical Features;Post Office; Public Finance; Railways;Roads; Shipbuilding; Shipping; UnitedEmpire Loyalists.Nova Scotia College of Agriculture. Formedby merging of School of Agriculture andSchool of Horticulture, 14 650 ;its courses,650-1; 534.Nova Scotia Development Company. Its litigation on working of antimony deposits, 14697.Nova Scotia Forge Company. Started at NewGlasgow as Hope Iron Works (1872), 14687 ; merged in Nova Scotia Steel andForge Company (1889), 688.Nova Scotia Historical Society, 14 535.Nova Scotia Institute of Science, 14 535.Nova Scotia Magazine. First magazine published in Canada (1789), 12 521, 13 243.Nova Scotia Regiment. See Royal Nova ScotiaRegiment.Nova Scotia Rural Science School. Founded(1908), 14 650, 534.Nova Scotia School of Agriculture. Erected(1888), 14 649.Nova Scotia School of Horticulture. Established (1893), 14 650.Nova Scotia Steel Company (l). Established(1882), 14 687 ; merged in Nova Scotia Steeland Forge Company (1889), 688.Nova Scotia Steel Company (2). Its amalgamating <strong>com</strong>panies (1895), 14 688.Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company of New401.Numidian. Allan liner on Glasgow-Bostonroute. 10 606.Nuns of the Assumption. Institute normalschool work at Nicolet (1907), 16 439.Nutting, John, master carpenter of Cambridge, Mass. One of the loyalists, 13 <strong>23</strong>3.Oates, Alice, vocalist. Her appearance iuMontreal (1871), 12 656.Obatagamau River. Fish wealth of the, 18565.Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Founded (1816)at Aix, France, 11 133 ;arrive in Montreal(1841), 88 ;their settlement in Bytown, 55 ;missions to Indians of the Saguenay, 97,109 ;called to the West, 133, 20 421 ;mission of Maniwaki, 11 68-9 ;their first stationin British Columbia, 145 ;withdraw fromVancouver Island, 147 ; bishop of NewWestminster created superior-general, 193.O Brien, Cornelius (1843-1906). Roman Catholic archbishop of Halifax (1883-1906), 1182-3.O Brien, John (1832-79). Roman Catholicbishop of Kingston (1875-79), 11 56.O Brien, Lucius R. (1832-1900). His work as anartist, 12 605 ;635.O Brien, William Edward (1831-1914). Movesdisallowance of Jesuit Estates Act, 6 107 ;supports tariff reform, 122.Observer. Captures the Jack privateer atHalifax, 13 2<strong>23</strong>-4.O Callaghan, Edmund Bailey (1797-1880). Examines Stayner on postal irregularities, 4 754 ;flees to United States, 3 362 ;his motivein Lower Canada Rebellion,for participation364 ;letter on the rising, facing 15 105.Ocean. Michigan Central Railway steamboat,10 545.Ocean Monarch. Quebec-built vessel, sold onstocks for $53 a ton, 10 579.Ochiltree, James Stewart, fifth Lord. Formsfirst settlement on Cape Breton (1629), 1338 ;taken captive to France and released,38-9 ;his losses, 39.O Connor, Dennis (1841-1911). Roman Catholic archbishop of Toronto (1899-1908), 11Glasgow. Its origin and progress, 14 395-6, O Connor, John (1824-87). President of Coun682, 688 ; 9 256.cil (1872-3, 1878-80), 6 83.Nova Scotia Steel and Forge Company. Estab O Connor, Richard Alphonsus (1838-1913).lished (1889), 14 688; merged in Nova Roman Catholic bishop of PeterboroughScotia Steel Company (1895), 688.(1889-1913), 11 57.Nova Scotian. (1) Steamboat on St John and Oddfellow. Brigantine built at Lunenburg, 10Annapolis route, 10 561. (2) Allan liner 581.built in 1858, 10 605.Odell, Jonathan (1737-1818). Provincial secreNoyelles, Joseph Fleurimont de (&. c. 1694).tary of New Brunswick, 13 153.exploring work, 1 135-6.Odell, Captain Joseph. Patentee of Odelltown,Noyon, Jacaues de. Ascends the Kaministikwia(1688), 1 106; his route to Rainy Odell, William Franklin (1776-1844). Provincial15 150.River, 112, 113 ;discovers Lake of the Woods,114; Assiniboines offer to ac<strong>com</strong>pany himsecretary of New Brunswick, 13 153.Odelltown. Hampton s success at, 3 247.to shores of Western Sea, 114.O Donoghue, William B. (d. 1878). One ofNoyrot, Philibert (1592-1629), Jesuit. Brings Riel s lieutenants in Red River rising, 6 38 ;carpenters to Quebec, 2 398 ;sent on seizes papers of delegates from Canada, 19mission to France (1626), 398-9 ;obstructed 81 ;member of provisional government, 11by Emery de Caen, 15 20 ; returning to 155, 19 85 n. ;takes refuge in United States,colony, his ship is attacked by Kirke, 2 11 158 ;endeavours to concentrate Fenians onboundary, 19 101 ;relies on the M6tis, 102 ;captured and handed over to American64.authorities, 102.Ogden, Charles Richard (1791-1866), attorneygeneralof Canada. Baldwin suggests hiswithdrawal from office, 5 19 ;on legal statusof the Indians, 352.

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