Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXNorthern. American Mail Line steamer, 10 functions of council, 70 ; justices and other540.officers, 71 ; surveys made, 79 ; British ruleNorthern Belle. Steamer on Georgian Bay and endangered by growthLake of Acadian populaSuperior route, 10 546.tion and establishmentNorthern Light. Steamer on Georgetown andof Louisbourg, 80 ;colonizing first suggested by legislature ofPictou route, 10 563.Massachusetts, 14 441 ;firsttemperanceNorthern Navigation Company. Lake division society, 13 87 ; summaryof Grand Trunk to 1754, 88-9 ;Railway, 10 550, 555 ; Cornwallis s <strong>com</strong>mission resummoningvessels of the offleet, 555, 556.assembly, 101 ; religion of Acadians anNorthern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Com obstacle to establishmentpany. Conflict with over of representativecrossing facilities, institutions, 101 ; demand for establishment19 1<strong>23</strong>-4 ;its entrance into Manitoba, 10453 of assembly and Lawrence s recall, 102 ;; acquired by Manitoba and leased to boom period after 1760, 111-12 ; disputedCanadian Northern, 454-5.boundaries under Treaty of Paris (1763),Northern Queen. Steamer on Georgian Bay 8 754-7, 763-4, 794 ; mania in land speculaand Lake Superior route, 10 546.tion, 13 1 1 3 ; population and its racial andNorthern Railway. Its bankrupt condition religious <strong>com</strong>ponents, property owned(1859), 10 414.bysettlers, and productivity in timber, fish,Northern Steamship Company. Trading be and cereals (1767), 117tween Vancouver and Prince ; passive acceptanceRupert, 10 573. of Stamp Act of 1765 by, 121 ; overturesNorthumberland (Ontario) Agricultural Society. from New England colonies disregarded, 121 ;Its first show (1828), 18 559-60.sympathy with colonial discontent over imNorton, Elder. Baptist leader in Maritime posts, 121-2 ; counterpart of Boston TeaProvinces, 11 356.Riot in, 122, 1<strong>23</strong> ; dislike ofNorton, John. In <strong>com</strong>mand revoltingof Indians at colonies for, 121, 214-15; defenceless at outQueenston Heights, 3 <strong>23</strong>4, <strong>23</strong>5.break of American Revolutionary War,2 1 3- 1 4Norwegian. Ship wrecked near Cape Breton,5403.divided ;sympathies of colonists, 214, 217-18 ;effect of Revolutionary War on industryNorwegians. Immigration of, into Canada, 7 and cost of living, 218-19 ; reinforcements565 ; homestead entries made by (1910), 20 landed in, 225 ; effect of316 ;and educational British sea-powerfacilities, 459.on security and early growth of, 227, 250-1,Norwich, Township of. Quaker settlement in, 252 ; the Long Parliament (1770-85), 228-9 ;1746.policy of Notre Dame, non-intercourse and its effects, 229 ;Sisters of the Congregation of. partition of, 229 ; organized on model ofFounded, 2 414, 16 355 ; establish House of New York, <strong>23</strong>2 ; treatment of AmericanProvidence at Quebec, 359 ; Saint-Vallier s prisoners of war, <strong>23</strong>6-7 ; effect of Revoluattempted amalgamation of Ursulines with, tionary War and loyalist immigration, 245-6 ;2 428-9 ; their schools and convents in New contributes to Patriotic Funds, 248, 249 ;France, 16 355-9 ; establish first school inNova Scotia at growing prosperity (1795-1828), 248-9; deLouisbourg (1737), 14 511 ; fensive measures (1792), 251-2 ;its defenceschool work after Cession, 16 404 ; Carleton s during War of 1812, 256-7 ; depression afterrestrictions on, 404 ; number of teachers Waterloo, 260 ; opposes Confederation, 6(1824), 413 ; schools in Montreal (1837), 415-416 at 27-9, 13 298-302, 14 379-81 ; causes of its; Kingston, 11 55 ;in Prince Edward hostility, 384-8 ; better terms agitationIsland, 77 ;in Hamilton, 64 ;in New Bruns and concession made, 6 29, 7 489-91, 14 392 ;wick, 78 ;in diocese of Antigonish, 81 ; at in South African War, 396-8Jacques-Carder Normal its ; history andSchool, 16 438; achievement summarized, 398-400 ;normalpopulaschool work of, at Joliette (1911), tion, (1767) 13 117, (1817) 5 374 ; at end of439 ; found agricultural school at St Paschal, each decade from 1851 (table), 14 528.Kamouraska County, 5<strong>23</strong> ; increase in Legislative Assemblynumbers :<strong>com</strong>position, mode of(1860-1912), 437.election, and legislation of, 13 102-6 ; basisNotre Dame des Anges. First Jesuit seigniory of representation, 103 ; questions of privilege,(1626), 2 3<strong>23</strong> n., 394, 403, 536, 565.104-5 ; supremacy of councilNottawassaga Bay. Jesuit mission at, 2 assisted by dual407. control of purse, 117-18; <strong>com</strong>plains thatNottaway River. Fish wealth of, 16 565.council hold best offices, 118 ;and council sNoue, Anne de (1587-1646), Jesuit. Brings alteration ofcarpenters to its constitution, 118; disQuebec, 2 398 ; his mission to allowance of act fixing number of represenHurons, 1 59, 63 ; among the Montagnais, tatives, .118 ; alarmed2403.at growth of debt,118-19; watchful over expenditure, 119;Nova Scotia. Special Articles : Acadian Settle dismissal of five members from official emments and Early History (1604-1713), 13 15- ployments, 119; memorial of June 177566; under English Rule (1713-75), 69-124; and governorGeneral s counterblast, 1<strong>23</strong>-4 ; LongHistory (1775-1867), 213-312 ; Politi Parliament, 228-9 ; individual ability discal History (1867-1912), 14 379-400. Its played in, 247 ;supports Dalhousiecoast explored by John College,Cabot, 1 22 ; by 263Joao Alvarez Fagundez, 25 ; and Catholic by Verrazano,25 ; erected into riotseparate province,;Emancipation carried, 271-2 ;intolerance of criticism shown in Barry8 793 ; governor s powers, 13 episode, 277-8 and 70, 76, 102 ; disposal of customs; revenue, 279 ;the Brandy Dispute, 279-81 ;

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