Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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146 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESNorth Carolina. Coast of, skirted by Giovannida Verrazano, 1 25.North Dumfries, Township of. Scottish andGerman settlement in, 17 49.North King. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10554.North Magnetic Pole. Discovered by JamesClark Rosa (1831), 4 686.North Shore Navigation Company. Merged inNorthern Navigation Company, 10 555.North Shore Railway. Land grant offered inpromotion of (1859), 15 180; <strong>com</strong>panyorganized, 180-1 ;provincial loan raised for<strong>com</strong>pletion, 181 ;its cost, 189 ;constructionopposed by Grand Trunk, 10 428-9.North-West. Indian reports as to strangewhite traders in, during French r6gime, 1141-2 ; opening up of, followed by depressionin Ontario, 18 575-6.North-West America. First vessel built inBritish Columbia (1788), 21 37, 39 ;seized byMartinez, 43 ;rechristened the Gertrudis, 43.North-West Company. Organized by Montrealmerchants (1783), 4 543, 21 244; retiredsoldiers of 42nd and 78th Regiments takeservice with, 15 124-5 ;discovers and endeavours to secure monopoly of a new route,4 543 ;diverts its cargoes from Ottawaroute, 10 360 ;constructs canal on St Maryagainst, in vindication of his charter, 26-8 ;determines to redress its own grievances, 27 ;resists embargo on provisions proclaimed byMiles Macdonell, 28-9 ;a <strong>com</strong>promise andits repudiation, 29-30 ;armed campaignagainst Selkirk colony and Hudson s BayCompany, 30-6 ;Seven Oaks affray, 36-8 ;partners arrested by Selkirk, 39 ; procurewarrant for Selkirk s arrest, 39 ; merged inHudson s Bay Company (1821), 8 861, 2162, 247 ; secures for Great Britain ownershipof British Columbia, 62.North-West Council. See under Saskatchewanand Alberta.North-West Mounted Police. See Royal North-West Mounted Police.North-West Passage. Quest of Merchant Adventurers, 1 151, 156 ;Danish attempt atdiscovery, 157 Hudson s; Bay Company sexpenditures in search of, up to 1759, 196 ;superseded by fur trade as object of explorers, 159, 166 ; Admiralty fits out expedition, 196-7 ; parliamentary vote, 197, 21 <strong>23</strong>.Expeditions in search of : John Cabot (1497),1 20-2 ; Gaspar Corte Real (1500, 1501), <strong>23</strong>-4 ;Gonzales and Fernandez, 24 ;Verrazano(15<strong>23</strong>, 1524), 25 ; Stephen Gomez (1524),25-6; John Rut (1527), 26; Henry Hudson,(1609) 150-1, (1610) 151-4; Button (1612),155-6; Gibbons (1614), 156; Bylot andBaffin (1615), 156-7 ; Jens Munk (1619),157-8 ;Luke Foxe (1631), 158-9 ; ThomasJames (1631), 158-9 ; Knight (1719), 194-5 ;Kellsey (1719), 196; Hancock (1719), 196;Kellsey and Napper (1721), 196 ; Scroggs(1722), 195-6; Napper (i737), 196; Crow(1737), 196; Middleton (1742), 197; Mooreand Smith (1747), 197 ;James Cook (1776),21 24-9; Charles Clerke (1779), 29; Vancouver (1791), 47-8, 51 ; John Ross, (1818)4 684, (1829) 685; Sir John Franklin, (1819)679-83, (1825) 683-4, (1845) 5 295-7 ;Lieut.Parry (1819, 1821, 1824), 4 684-5; CaptainLyon (1824), 685; passage <strong>com</strong>pleted byAmundsen, 5 302 n. See also Franklin SearchExpeditions.North-West Rebellion ( 1 885) Causes leading to,.6 99-100, 11 166-8, 19 207-8, 209 ; warninggiven by Indians, 209-10 ; localized, 7 430 ;raised in Eastern and Western Canada,troopsRiver, 529 ; rivalry with X Y 430, 432 ; hardships of march, 431 ;totalCompany, force employed, 433 ;sketch of operations,19 16 ;work in exploration, 4 640, 657-8, 433-4 ;distribution of troops, staff and8 849, 21 55 ;erects posts south of lat. 49, supply arrangements in, 434-5 excessive;8 859 n. ;uninfluenced by Mackenzie s cost of expedition, 435 ; part played byreports on fur-trading possibilities of British Indians in, 599-600 ; prepares for whiteColumbia, 21 54 ;secures jurisdiction for settlement, 19 163 ;settlement of half-breedcourts of Upper and Lower Canada in north claims, 212 ; summarized, 6 101-3, 11 169-71,and west, 22 387-8 ;decides to extend posts 19 210-11.to mouth of Columbia, 21 55 ; forestalled by North-West Territories. Special Article : 22Pacific Fur Company, 58-9 ;conflict with 639-60 ; position and extent, 639 ; topoand subsequent purchase of Pacific Fur graphy, 639-40 ; hydrography, 640 varia;Company, 00-1 ;its esprit de corps, 19 17 ;tions in tide-heights, 640-1 ; principal lakesrivalry with Hudson s Bay Company, 4 646, and areas, 641 ; river-systems, 641-2 ;tem21 61-2 ;contrasted in methods and per perature and precipitation, 643 ; temperasonnel with Hudson s Bay Company, 19 ture <strong>com</strong>pared with Europe, 643 ; geology,17-19 ; efficient management of, 19 ;hostile 644-7 ; transportation, 647-8 ; population andto Selkirk settlement, 19-26; Selkirk s policy racial <strong>com</strong>ponents (1911), 648-50 ; vegetation,650-1 ; animals, 651-2 ;value of fur production, 652 ; postal system uptill 1869,7 630-1 ; agitation for full provincial standing, 6 153 ; provinces of Alberta andSaskatchewan created, 153-4. See Saskatchewan and Alberta.North-West Transit Company. Incorporated inCanada (1858), 19 60.North-West Transportation Company. Formedby union of Sarnia-Lake Superior andWindsor-Lake Superior Lines, 10 546 ;absorbed by Northern Navigation Company,555.North-West Transportation, Navigation, andRailway Company. Incorporated (1858), 10420.Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry, afterwards firstEarl of Iddesleigh (1818-87).British <strong>com</strong>missioner in arranging Treaty of Washington,647.Northcote. Saskatchewan River steamer, 10567.

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