Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1&amp;lt;Nobili, John, Jesuit. His missionary journeyin British Columbia, 11 131.Noble, Arthur. Surprised atCoulon de Villiers, 13 81.Grand Pr6 byGENERAL INDEXNoel, Jean Baptiste (1728-69), Jesuit brother.Teacher in the petite ecole, Quebec, 16 330. North Atlantic CoastNoel, Stephen. Sent to FisheryFrance Disputes.to Specialreport Jacques Article:CartierFisherys arrivalArbitrations, 8 681-748-in Canada, 1 40.a long-standingNOifziger, Christian. Leader dispute, 681of German; contest forTunker possession of fisheries, 682 ;immigration into right of <strong>com</strong>monCanada, 17 49.fishingNolan, Babington, captain. Purchases claimed by New Englanders, 682 ;mills concessions underbelonging to William treaty of 1783, 682-3Berczy, 17;51.question leftNolin, Angelique. Inopen by Treaty ofcharge ofGhent, 683first school for agirls at Red period of friction (1814-18), 683-4 River, 11 125, 20; seizures419.of American vessels, 684 ; terms ofNolin, Charles (18<strong>23</strong>-1907). Member of contreatyof 1818, 684-5vention;<strong>com</strong>mittee of Red <strong>com</strong>parison ofRiver, 19 83treaty ofn. ; 1783 with thataccepts office in Manitoba of 1818, 685-6; effect ofcabinet, 108. Nova ScotiaNolin, Joseph. On theHovering Act, 686; a contrial of Thomas Scott, flict of19 interpretation, 686-787-8.; seizures ofAmericanNonsuch. fishing vessels, 687 ;Captain Zachariah Gillam Bay of Fundys ship, concededreaches James Bay, 1 to Americans, 688-9 ;163.proposedNootka. Ship in which Meares further relaxations successfullyvoyaged to Nova opposed byScotia, 5north-west 241, 8 690 ;a coast, 21 33.period of tension, 690 ; blunder of BritishNootka law-officersConvention. See Nootka onSound.headlandNootka theory, 690-2Sound. Discovered by Captain Cook(1778), 8 mission ;damaging adby United 847, 21 26; Cook States, 692 ;sprovisionsreception by ofnatives Reciprocity at, 27-8 Treaty (1854), 693; a licence; early fur-trading expedi systemtionsestablished, 693 to, 8; terms 847, 21 30-8 ; first vessel built inof WashingtonBritish Columbia Treaty (1871), 6 45-51, 8 694launched;at <strong>com</strong>pen(1788), 37;Spanish claim to, 8 846-7, 848, 21 20 ; Spainassumes occupation and establishes post at,41-2 ; seizure of British ships leads to aninternational crisis, 42-4 ; terms of NootkaConvention (1790) between Great Britainand Spain, and of supplementary treaty of1794, 8 848, 21 46-7; dispute betweenSpanish and British <strong>com</strong>missioners overconditions of surrender, 50 ; Convention forMutual Abandonment of Nootka carriedinto effect, 51-2 ; effects of withdrawal ofSpain and Great Britain from, 52-3 ; Indianattacks on American traders at, 53-4.Norfolk Sound. Visited by Quadra andMaurelle (1775), 21 22; Russian tradingestablishment at, destroyed by Indians, 53.Norman Morrison. Ship which conveyedsettlers from England to Victoria (1850)21 94, 122.Normand, Charles L. Learns carpentering atLittle Seminary of Quebec, 16 378.Noronic. Northern Navigation Company ssteamship, 10 555-6, 588.Norquay, John (1841-89), premier of Manitoba(1878-87). Member of first Board of Education of Manitoba, 20 427 ; introduces bill forabolition of upper house, 19 108 ; premier,109 ; his alliance with federal conservativesand its consequences, 115-16; 117; securesbetter terms, 118-19 ; re-enacts disallowedrailway charters, 119; proposes appeal tocrown on monopoly clause, 10 440 ; supports <strong>com</strong>mercial union at interprovincialconference, 6 110; his resignation, 19 120;personality of, 120-1.Norris, J. G. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Norseman. Dominion Line steamship 10609.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>INorth American. Ship built by Allans for StLawrence route, 10 604.North American Colonial Association of IrelandInterested in Rolph s scheme of settlement,5 207.sation award under Treaty of Washington, 651, 69, 8 695 ; Fortune Bay controversy<strong>com</strong>pensationawarded to United States,695-6 ; Great Britain s right of regulationdisputed, 696-7 ; proposal for joint regulation, 697 ; modus vivendi of 1885, 697 ;Foreign Fishing Vessels Act passed byCanada, 697 ; <strong>com</strong>mercial privileges barredto United States fishermen, 698 ; seizures anddiplomatic tension, 698-700, 701 ; customsentry of American fishing vessels, 7CO ;question as to payment of light dues, 700-1 ;invested with retaliatory powers,president701 ; negotiations of 1888, 702 ; Chamberlain-Bayard draft treaty and its terms,702-3 ; modus vivendi of 1888 and tinuance its conby acquiescence, 703-4.Newfoundland Fishery Dispute : &quot;Bond-Blame Treaty (1891) refused ratification byBritish government, 704 :Hay-Bond TreatyL902) refused confirmation by UnitedStates Senate, 705 ;a policy of reprisal,705-6 ; Foreign Fishing Vessel Act passedby Newfoundland legislature and assent withheld, 705-7 ; modus vivendi of 1906 and1907, 707 to ;outstanding questions referredHague Tribunal, 681, 708 ; the arbiters,708 ;questions submitted, arguments advanced, and awards given, 696-7, 700-1,706-7, 709-21 ;summary of awards, 721supplementary treaty oftion 1912, 722-3 ; quessummarized, 6 172-5.North Atlantic Trading Company. Agreementwith as immigration agents for Dominiongovernment, 7 585-6; introduces Austro-Hunganan settlers, 559.North Briton. Allan liner wrecked nearMingan Islands, 5 403, 10 605.North Cape, Great Magdalen Island. Sightedby Jacques Cartier, 1 30.

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