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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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144CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESNewcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, fifth Duke of (1811-64), secretary forWar and the Colonies (1852-54), colonialsecretary (1859-64). His pledge on clergy368.Newcastle, New Brunswick. A shipbuildingcentre, 10 585.New<strong>com</strong>be, Percy. Conductor of choral societyof Calgary, 12 651.Newfoundland. Cabot on east coast of, 1 22 ;visited by Giovanni da Verrazano, 25 ;laidwaste by d Iberville, 184 ;ceded to GreatBritain under Treaty of Utrecht, 201, 2 364 ;ment of 1890 with United States vetoed,9 175. See also North Atlantic Coast FisheryDisputes.Newfoundland Regiment. See Royal Newfoundland Regiment.Newmarket Canal, 10 522.Newspapers. Early Canadian, 12 520-1.Newton, Gilbert Stuart (b. 1793). Artist, 12 602.Newton, John. Receives thanks of council atHalifax for preventing sale of tea from NewEngland not property of East India Company, 13 122.Newton, W. H. In charge of Hudson s BayCompany post at Fort Langley, 21 127 n.Ney, Fred J. Organizes teachers excursionsfrom Manitoba to Great Britain, 20 439-40.Neyon de Villiers, Pierre Joseph, <strong>com</strong>mandantat Fort Chartres. Warns Pontiac thatIndians can expect no help from the French,3 66.Neyron, Rerni. Priest at Bytown (1842), 11 55.Niagara, original form of name, 1 65 ;fort built (1679), 101 ; portage established,barked at Greenock, 17 96. (5) Cunardsteamship, 10 599. (6) American Mail Linesteamer, 10 540. (7) Steamship of CompagnieGenerale Transatlantique, 10 615.Niagara and Detroit Railway. Opposition toits charter, 10 372.reserves, 5 66 ; proposes to confer power onCanada to determine character of legislativecouncil, 140 ;declines to guarantee loan forland purchasein Prince Edward Island, 13367 ;his plan for setting up legislative council in British Columbia, 21 164-6.Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, first Dukeof (1693-1768), secretary for the Southern Niagara Harbour and Dock Company.Department (1724-46). Instructs HoraceWalpole to remonstrate with French courton evasion of conditions of Treaty of Utrecht,Niagara District Bank. Founded, 5 273 ;obtains new charter, 278 ; amalgamates withImperial Bank (1875), 10 638.Niagara Falls Park Commission. The parkareas, 17 <strong>23</strong>5.Formed(1840), 10 538.Niagara Navigation Company. Absorbed byRichelieu and Ontario Navigation Company,10 553.Niagara River. La Salle and Dollier its truediscoverers, 1 93 ;land ceded by Senecason, 17 18.Nichol, Robert, colonel. Introduces bill providing for Welland Canal survey, 10 5<strong>23</strong> ;his imprisonment by Upper Canada assembly,4478; 3 329.Nicholson, Sir Francis (1660-1728). CapturesPort Royal (1710), 13 64.fisheries of first importance to France, 1 202 ;French fishing rights, 2 365 ;old penal laws Nicholson, John Alexander. Superintendent ofagainst Catholics in, 11 28 ; reciprocal agree Education, Prince Edward Island, 14 538.Nicholson, Sir William Gustayus(b. 1845),quartermaster-general of British army. Hismemorandum on the provision of reserveon mutualstores, 7 453-4 ;his suggestionsaid by Dominions in time of war, 464.Nickinson, John (1808-64), actor. Lessee ofRoyal Lyceum Theatre, Toronto, 12 655, 657.Nicolet, Jean (1584-1642). Pioneer immigrantat Quebec, 15 19 ;sketch of, 1 60 ;discoversLake Michigan, 60 ;his tragic end, 61.Nicolet College. Its foundation (1804) andgrowth, 16 410-11.Nicoll, Charles S. Sheriff at Port Douglas,British Columbia, 21 148 n.Nicolls, Gustavus, lieutenant-colonel R.E. Instructed to report on canal <strong>com</strong>municationbetween Upper and Lower Canada, 10 518.Nicolls, Jasper Hume. First principal ofLennoxville College, 16 498.Nineteenth Light Dragoons. Squadron of, engaged at Lundy s Lane, 3 258.Ninth Voltigeurs. Employed during North-West Rebellion, 7 431.Ninety-eighth Regiment. Takes part in captureof Castine, 13 259 ; settle on the St John, 191.Ninety-two Resolutions. Passed (1834) by107 ;British protest against construction ofFrench fort at, 2 366 ;fort used to stiflefreedom of trade, 367 ; occupied by British(1761), 3 58; Indian treaty of peace and Lower Canada assembly, 3 317-19.cession at (1764), 68 ; post office opened at Niobe. Cruiser purchased from British govern(1789), 4 735 ; loyalist settlement at, 17 17- ment, 6 171.21 ;British evacuation on signing of Jay s Nipissing-Ottawa trade route. Controlled byTreaty, 17 ; attempted settlement by French Algonquins, 1 68 ; reopened, 77.emigres at, 11 26 ; strategical position ofpeninsula in War NipissingS. Champlain s visit to, 1 55 ;Jesuitof 1812, 3 226-7 fort mission; to, 80.captured by British, 251-2 British; problem Nippon Yusen Kaisha. Japanese shipping line,of defence of peninsula, 254 Durham s visit 10 618.;to, 4 395-6. See also Newark.Nitarikyk (Nipissing chief). Instructs DollierNiagara. (1) Schooner condemned as a prize in Algonquin, 1 87.by Americans, 10 493. (2) Perry s second Niverville. See Boucher de Niverville.flagship at battle of Lake Erie, 3 245. (3) Niza, Marcos de (c. 1495-c. 1542), FranciscanSteamboat on upper St Lawrence, 10 497.(4) Vessel on which MacNab missionary. Reports existence of citiesemigrants em between Florida and the Pacific, 21 14-15.

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